why was the spice trade so important

A capital is established at Batavia, in Java, in 1619. Initially, the spice trade was conducted mostly by camel caravans over land routes. So stop here for a moment and think about your own why. My why lead me to ��� Then came the Dutch and the British in the 1600s. And...that Strait was so important for the spice-route. The flow of pepper along trade routes provided opportunities for trade taxes to be imposed at major trading cities by Arabians, Egyptians, Turks and Venetians. When and why did the price eventually drop? In 1511 Melaka was conquered by the Portuguese. You might feel a tingle of excitement once you zero in on it. Your why, your rules! They wanted to expand their empire. But the most important spice by volume in the history of Europe was not saffron, but pepper. It is a distance of over 15,000 kilometres and, even today, is not an easy journey. Trade with Asia was important to Europeans .wanted Asian spices .wanted to convert more people into their culture .they also became interested in Asian cultures :D Imagine your food without any spices. They monopolised the profitable spice trade. Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, India, Egypt, Persia, Arabia, and Rome. Pepper was costly to ship���the Silk Road, the most well-known They stretch from the west coast of Japan, through the islands of Indonesia, around India to the lands of the Middle East - and from there, across the Mediterranean to Europe. Why was finding a new route to India important ... and the spice trade would have made the discoverer and his supporters very wealthy. Why were colonies considered so important to the nations of Europe? The spice trade flourished during the colonization period, which brought black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg, and cloves (to name only a handful) from Asia via the ocean Spice Trade route (map below). Yet the high price did not keep 60 people from consuming large quantities. It is authorized to build forts, establish colonies, mint coins, and maintain a navy and army as required. The spice trade refers to the trade in spices between historical civilizations in Asia, Northeast Africa and Europe.Spices such as cinnamon, cassia, cardamom, ginger, pepper, and turmeric were known and used in antiquity for commerce in the Eastern World. The Portuguese started to establish trading posts in Asia around 1500. It is to have a tax-free monopoly of the eastern trade for twenty-one years. told through eight everyday products. The Spice Routes, also known as Maritime Silk Roads, is the name given to the network of sea routes that link the East with the West. Europeans who could afford to buy spices were willing to shell out to get them. But the main focus of Dutch attention is the Moluccas - the Indonesian islands of which the alternative name, the Spice Islands, declares their central importance in the eastern trade. Or you could even feel completely relieved. Nearly 2,500 years ago, Arab traders told stories of the ferocious cinnamon bird, or cinnamologus. But the Dutch rebellion against the Spanish was gathering strength. what kinds of spices were traded? You don���t need to share your why with anyone or you can shout it from the rooftops. From 1598 the Dutch, and occasionally the English, attacked the Spanish/Portuguese far eastern empire as part of their campaign against Spain, with a view to capturing the spice trade. Pepper is believed to have reached Europe as Breads and pies with no cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. You may feel a bit scared. When Rome officially took over Egypt in 30 BC, suddenly a whole new world opened up for the trade in spices and herbs. The Portuguese came to the East to capture the spice trade. It was so valuable that grains of pepper were often sold individually, or paid by their weight in silver. spice trade. Melaka became important for all who wanted to rule the Strait of Melaka. With these powers the company takes only a few decades to deprive Portugal of the spice trade. The discovery of the New World (United States) in the 18th century brought America into the global spice industry. No pepper, either. The Silk Road was an important route connecting Asia with the Mediterranean world, including North Africa and Europe. Europeans wanted colonies to gather riches through spices, natural resources, gold, and land. In the 1400s, the Venetians and Genoese controlled much of the spice trade in Europe but they in turn had to rely on other intermediaries, which increased the cost. why was the spice trade so big during the age of exploration? Soon spices were flooding into the Mediterranean from India via the Red Sea, down the Nile to Alexandria and then on to Crusades introduced different Spices during the Middle Ages Middle Ages food changed considerably during the Medieval period and much of this was due to the different spices that were brought back from the Crusades. That's why Melaka had since 1400 so much occupiers and could grow to a world wide trade center. Kings, Knights, Lords and other crusaders, including many women, had travelled 3000 miles to reach the Holy Lands. The increasing custom duties in the 15th century resulted in a 30-fold rise in the price of Indian pepper, at a time when the social desire for pepper and other exotic spices was maximal.

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