libra vs aquarius fight

Anyone with similar experiences, how have you handled this? Aqua definitely wins if they got more serious though. i do love her i feel it. Aquarius compatibility - the compatibility of aquarius with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life. Libra is a sign that represents marriage and finds it very meaningful as the institution Saturn would support. You should ask him what exactly it means by "coming between" because if you're not a couple -- then what is he saying? Omg good insight and great comments. I've noticed sometimes it's like a magnetic force between us. Libra woman - information and insights on the Libra woman. All 12 zodiacs have lessons on matters of love. You don't understand Aquarius if you say they have no emotions. I have noticed even when aloof he's observing me from a distance. Taurus can be practical, and Libra can be abstract. An Aquarius is just too independent and unapologetically authentic/real to deal with someone like Libras who seek to charm and fake their way through nearly everything. Just to be fucking each other and laying up like its nothing. Libra will have trouble deciding what they want to do and this could drive their partner crazy. I been talking to my Aquarius male for four months in the beginning I was like umm okay whatever we got to know each other and it's like hummm I'm in love with him I haven't told him yet because I don't want him to go left. Grow up, man. I have only been in relationships with Aquarius men by default. A Taurus and Aries combat: ... A Taurus and Libra combat: Uncommunicative and irritating. he claims astrology is "witchcraft" and won't discuss any of that, bottom line I love everything about him and willing to be part of his mystery...have a blessed day... Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on April 12, 2018: Keep it cool and friendly. Because of their righteous natures they could trust each other without exception, if they were only that sure of themselves. It's been quite an adventure opening up to him. Iam the luckiest Libra on the planet. i completely understand this, and am willing to wait. Aquarius will feel accepted by Libra, which is a big deal for a sign that's often judged and seen as too unpredictable. Their sexual relations should be a strong pillar of their entire relationship, although they will usually think of their verbal ways to get along as the most important for their bond. Both of these signs like to be attractive to different people and they should find a way to communicate this need in the right way. I get frustrated try to play it cool then take control but can’t decide wether to back off or be persistent!!!??? He did say he thought that was the woman's job, pertaining to a first date, but maybe he means in the beginning? Aquarius woman - information and insights on the Aquarius woman. Just when I think he is pulling away I just give him the space and freedom I know he wants and don't get in his face over my temporary feelings of doubt, mostly in myself. well i met the Libra guy ....I'm Aquarius by the way first i must say he intrigued me...but after two weeks of passion i broke it apart....only to realize a week after that i love him. I'm currently in a relationship with a Libra.....I'm a Female Aquarius. We talked yesterday, we have decided to stay friends. So I'm a libra female and I have an aquarius male best friend. I’ve been working on myself and my problems. Be there for each other in your weaknesses. I know each relationship is different, but is there a way to control these explosions? Don't be afraid to experiment. !.And you know what the reaction was because i told her about her. I am not pursuing anything with them but just find it fascinating. Virgos are over-analyzing, control-freakish little devils. He will never likey lose interest but we will move on if to someone a bit more forward. Because Libra … You don't need anyone else telling you what a valid relationship is or how things need to be done a certain way to be successful. This is a great post, far more profound than I expected and uncannily accurate. As much as Libra will value togetherness, Aquarius will value solitude. Straddling these two worlds makes for a hell of a person. How to Resolve Aries/Aquarius Arguments. An Aquarius is hard to fight with, says Hippolyte, because they are so cerebral. Still, they usually understand each other well on usual, daily things and have similar convictions that help them handle big changes in life well. November Bravo Juliet on November 30, 2019: Well, I am a Libra male and I met an Aquarius woman online while being in the same polytechnic together. I am now married to an Aquarius man for 15/years together 21 years total with 4 shared children. Libra, the cardinal sign in the mix, will take the lead in the relationship, with Aquarius following at a distance (Aquarius does everything at a distance!) I know you can’t be so hopeful but we still love each other care so much, that I believe we can make it work. Im a libra woman and never find out they are Aquarius until after the attraction. My only worry is he will loose interest and not tell me. I'm on my way of looking for a libra girl. Aquarius can be warm to Libra here as the Libra experiments with the world, giving it a nourishing direction as it tries to find balance. While my feelings may run deep, I have no idea how he feels. He's uncomfortable with me buying him things and just recently 3 going on 4 days now we enjoyed each other again after a break of a few days. Libra is an air sign, which means that they can live in their heads, and Sagittarius is a fire sign, which means they have passion, energy, and drive. Andrea is a freelance writer. But Aquarius may get annoyed with Libra if Libra fake-charms their way through something; Aquarius will beg you to be yourself, preferring that you be detached and honest than fake niceness. Want to marry her when I find her. I’m an Aquarius woman that has attracted more Libras then any other sign. Be comfortable with each other and do your own thing. Things are getting sweeter. AQUARIS vs. CAPRICORN ---- CAPRICORN!! You need to first find self-love before you move onto a relationship; otherwise, you will be offering something too toxic and unstable to sustain. Still, it can be quite difficult for their troubled Suns to get along and they will often have difficulty adjusting to each other’s character and finding deep respect for one another. I can be respectful to someone I hate but I will not engage in the same way Libra's engage with those who they supposedly dislike. Considering the Internet is full of information about Aquarius and Scorpio being attracted to each other, I think Aquarius would benefit and be happy (if not happier) with a Libra. I just catch him stare at me all the time. Aquarius can be surprised by how they feel because it'll sneak up on them. Yet his actions tell something different. Have a witness if necessary. The biggest obstacle that could present in their way is marriage, at some point in their relationship. LEO (July 23 - August 22) Leos are the sign that will come after you in a fight. But other than that the relationship was everything, I think you're wrong. Since they both rely on communication, they will have a lot to talk about and will usually find a language to solve all of their issues. iam in love with a libra actress melissa benoist to bad she is engaged to her bf actor chris wood after reading this aricle i now know why i fell for melissa benoist hard. I started having doubts about him, but this article ligit explains our relationship. Libra (September 23–October 22): Be fair. Occasionally his aloofness brings out my insecurities. Should I stay or should I go.? She is an engineering student while I am a maritime business student. as an Aquarius female, I am happy flirty, easy to talk to and yes i over think and analyze where is this going why it has to happen and why it happened. I can jive with that. In time, as they get to know each other, their personalities will get along better and they could realize that they respect each other to a point that is unreachable with anybody else. Aquarius won't put up with a fake Libra; keep that in mind. Aquarius is like the moon, not like the sun. Here are the worst zodiac signs to fight with, ranked, It's time to learn who is a fair fighter and who you never, ever want to cross. Our connection got me was so intense the sexual chemistry mind blowing. Be open to what your partner has to say and know they are always supportive of you. Libra wants to look nice and act nice for others, while Aquarius wants to go in the opposite direction of everyone, sometimes even if there is no reason to do so. This sounds exactly like us. Aquarius will want to do anything, really, for as long as their life doesn’t fall into a boring routine. Internet is full of aquarius and scorpio article? Me and my boyfriend split.. he cheated on me so I left him thats all I wanted to say about "loyalty" in a libra.. This Aquarius doesn't want to be bothered too much, and likes their independence. Whether as friends or something more, the combination is an absolute powerhouse. Yes, but it takes some work. I am devastated because I don't want to lose his so confused. Here a Libra man who dated an Aquarius woman 8 months. He knows and he is proud of me. He says no relationship pulls back goes silent for a few days a week once. Libra sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information. This article gave me some hope. A Scorpio, on the other hand is all fire and has "a go for broke" style of fighting. And Aquarius may have to … Aquarius is the house of friendship that just cannot put up with relationships that aren't real. I ask is everything okay he says yes. I love him to death, even tho he is a narcissistic person, I now have learned his ways and our relation has been on and off for 3yrs we always go back to each other, no one understands us or gives us what we need and want. i wish i had a chance with melissa benoist it just pisses me off that actors find love so easy. But why? This combination can move through the world without having to dive into other parts that they might not understand as well—a Cancer can overwhelm an Aquarius with its emotions; a Virgo's crushing perfectionist mandate can scare Aquarius off; and a fire sign could force Aquarius to neglect their intuition and try too hard to assert their own inner fire, causing the Aquarius to collapse in on itself. Aquarius blends well with this because it can't help but question the nature of reality. We pass up sex and meeetings with potential significant others to have sex and kick it wit each other. And 30 years later she says that being with me has been beyond imagination and I keep her on the edge of her seat and enthralled for what's to be next! He is an aquarius and Im a libra. However, as two Air signs, they will both tend to be free to express their sexual desires to each other. I’m an Aquarius female and my ex partner was a Libra male and everything said was spot on. The best cure for any problem in their relationship is usually in time, but with Aquarius’ need for spontaneity they often won’t last long enough for time to mend what gets broken. They might not want anything romantic. Sometimes, the things Libra does really baffles Taurus. So I'll still trust libras' but not my ex.. i am aquarius and i have dating a libra man since 2 years and knowing him since 4 years... We were bestfriends then and all descirbed here matches our personality so well! Every bit of a line from anger to love is so satisfying and true. We flirt with ppl in front of one another, make outs, relationships, but we still have sex. I couldn't imagine ever not having her in my life! What I know of an Aquarius-and-Libra combination is that many of their conversations will be memorable. We're not in a relationship, we're friends. I would get mad for no reason. Their insecurities coincide very well, and they will usually help one another move through them, but the trust between them needs to be built, it is not implied. I am dating a Libra, and I am an Aquarius. I don't think he'll make a move at any point to pursue me and I'm okay with that. Vibe the best with him ONLY him ever with music so much so he mentioned business partners. They seek it from the people who hate them and the ones who enjoy their company they blow off. Very unlucky in that. When it comes to sexuality, Aquarius has an entirely different approach – they simply don’t care about anyone’s opinion. And I have a feeling we're coming to an end........if it were up to me, I would be with him forever. Judgmental to the core, will give you advice but wont use their own advice on them selves. We have both been in and out of relationships throughout the years but we kept coming back to one another. Libra may eventually … I am an Aquarius woman at the beginning stage of dating a Libra man. Thank you for your time. Yea Aquarius is weird and I'm proud of us yeaaaaaaa babee! Although their sex life can be quite liberating for Libra, it can also be a bit challenging for Aquarius because they will be the one who has to fight against Libra’s need to fit in. Taurus Fights vs all Zodiac Signs! I can see now that why all feels so crazy but same time so real! my herart is truly broken chris wood had evrey advantage he is in the busines same show as melissa i never had any glimer of hope that is why i sometimes want to end my life but then if i did that it would hurt my family. The type that text almost daily, see one another regularly and share social circles. An Aquarius needs to accept their nature and go about critically thinking and turning over every rock for analysis. You guys just need to go with your own intuition. i don't know what to do with all these feelings and emotions it's overwhelming me. Don't know whether still single libras exist. A Taurus and Sagittarius combat: Sagittarius will poke at Taurus’s fault and Taurus can be unforgiving in direction of Sagittarius. Aquarius will have a tendency to walk away as soon as they feel pressured into anything, even if it is that same meal. Most I come across admit they've cheated.. Thanks. Together they will reach new horizons in … Thanks for posting! Peace, love, and joy to you. Like we move around one another effortlessly. I think you're the kind of Aquarius giving yourself a bad rep. You're the kind who'll use all the arguments to protect yourself and miss the lesson. I want her back but I have a feeling that she won't accept me. I’m a Libra and I’ve dated an Aquarius and I can honestly say that that was my best relationship. she does give me her full trust and a little affection sometimes when we're together or through texting. I've known her for 9years, on and off, I'm a libra man. They work thousands of stratigies while Aquaris doesn't … Im really nervous about my first kiss. Read on to find out. However, as two Air signs, they will both tend to be free to express their sexual desires to each other. I wish you well. Libra has a mind keen for art, beauty and aesthetics; Libra makes a stimulating companion for Sagittarius on their travels and adds much to Sagittarius’s experience. I was not able to commit and then she dumped me and immediately dated a Cancer man for the holidays, then living together, dancing, etc. Usually they charm these people for personal gain or sometime they need the validation. wow this guy again. That's just my opinion, one word of advice, dont argue over petty things breath, relax, agree to disagree. Still, they both value communication and intellectual strengths enough to talk about their needs and desires, and this should help them overcome their differences. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm on June 23, 2019: i am a libra and i have been friends with an aquarius since forever. Each combination takes great care and study to understand, but they are all necessary to help the world move into a better understanding of love. Flow. I do love freedom BUT I crave love, hugs and kisses. Libra is a sign ruled by Venus and this makes them emotional in a way, but we should remember that it is also a sign of Saturn’s exaltation and detachment is something that makes them feel very good. They are the kinds of people who "charm" (if you can even call it that) someone they absolutely loath. these strange feelings consume me ...geee you are right we Aquarians do absorb emotions. Both of them like nice things; they can be hard workers (Libra can also be prone to sloth-like behavior), and both want to experience pleasure—material and otherwise. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on April 13, 2018: I wouldn't call astrology witchcraft, maybe some are using it in that way. IAM an Aquarius female dating a libra male. But first, you have to stop what you're doing now and take a break to heal. Libra history - the history of Libra and the stories behind it. I feel like he’s fraud! just means he wants to make sure you really want to go on another from the sounds of it im an aquarius and this sounds like something I would feel. Virgo. Then I just go with the flow once those questions have been answered. I have learned not to argue nor give drama just be calm, relax do not over explain things as that is one pet peeve the Libras have- they hate lies they are very clever. Libra is indecisive but once they make a decision, they will rather stick to it than salvage their relationship, even if it is a simple meal in question. Neither sign can get its way all the time, so find ways to compromise and use your differences to strengthen your bond. Aquarius can really get weirded out by leading, especially female Aquarius. I am a stickler for words, I enjoyed meeting him but didn't go as expected. Andrea Lawrence (author) from Chicago on October 30, 2019: Okay, what you need to do right here is something you probably won't like, but you must stop communicating him with the next 30 days. My kids father is a libra but for some reason we didn’t work out as lovers but make great friends. I wasn't sure, I then communicated through text that I did enjoy meeting him. I don't know what to do, or how to control all the arguments and short temperament that goes on. Aquarius constantly questions the nature of relationships and their own identity. Most Libras that I know are not as good at hiding their "weird" behavior, but that's okay; Aquarius is often attracted to Libra precisely because of their fresh, oddball personalities. The water is UNREAL! I knew i wasn’t the only one felt this way.I JUST blurted our and said this to a Libra female today!! SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21) We recently broke up. Is this a love match? We have a lovely friendship before we got together. Try your best to fight that feeling of defensiveness; if you open up to each other, you will find a new and immensely fulfilling depth in your relationship. I have read that Aquariuis is not jealous but how do I take it when Aqua tells me I am letting random guys online "come between us" when all I am doing is reponding in chat room setting, I think Aqua thinks I am privately chatting with them which I am it the known Libra nature he is accusing? reading this, i see a lot of things that are very accurate to our relationship. She writes on topics from interior design, relationships, ghosts, to anything creative. Libra has all the parts that attract Aquarius to Virgo and Scorpio, but without many of the downsides. But me being as hopeful as I am, I was to believe our paths will meet again. Be honest and open. A libra woman who is bi I am currently with the girl I love yes girl on girl she’s is Aquarius and this sounds like it!

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