ffxi capacity points gear

Reduces the casting time of spells while under the effects of Subtle Sorcery. Increases blue magic spell damage while under the effects of Burst Affinity. Increases physical and ranged attack by 11. Increases "Zanshin" effect activation rate by 2%. Increases physical and ranged attack by 6. Increases the chance of throwing a shuriken while auto-attacking by 2%. 95 Superior 2 Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 2 (Su2). Increases the effect duration of phantom rolls. Bonus while under the effects of Odyllic Subterfuge. Increases potency of Cure while under the effects of Afflatus Solace. Adds darkness damage to your attacks. We can't get into CP parties because nobody will take you unless you have amazing gear and CP points aquired already, we can't make our own groups because the monsters are stupid hard to hit. Increases accuracy while under the effects of Focus. Attributes that affect the potency of blue magic spells. Recovers caster's MP when Benediction is activated. Cheer: Limascabra (alternative adult uragnite pet) from Monster Rearing gives 5% capacity + 3% experience bonus. Increases damage dealt when using Intervene. Reduces the casting time of songs while under the effects of Soul Voice. 55 Handbell Skill Bonus Increases handbell skill by 5. Capacity and Job Points acquired independently for each job, are specifically associated with the job on which they are gained, and cannot be used to upgrade other jobs. Increases "Conserve TP" activation rate by 3. Increases the effect duration of Lullaby. Increases physical attack and defense by 2. Gifts are automatically "Gifted" to a player after he or she spends the required amount of Job Points as shown below. Increases the duration of enhancing magic effects received by 10%. Increases acquired capacity points by 23%. increases critical damage dealt by ranged attacks by 2%. FFXI Auction House Online. Capacity Point Bonus Increases acquired capacity points by 9%. From the FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team. Increases acquired capacity points by 17%. Increases the chances that the effects of Treasure Hunter will increase by 5%. Reduces casting time by 2% and recast time by 1%. Increases TP gained when blocking an attack with a shield by 5. There is already lots of 117-119 gear available easy for Lv99, whether it is Reforged AF+1, or even Sparks of Eminence gear (even though they are a bit gimpy). Increases maximum HP by 10 and maximum MP by 5. Increases damage over time when using Modus Veritas. Increases damage, physical attack & physical accuracy by 1. Increases the amount of TP gained per tick while under the effects of Meditate. Increases the effect duration of Sepulcher. Increases acquired capacity points by 31%. You gain 1 Job Point per 30,000 Capacity Points earned. Increases physical evasion when directly in front of the target while under the effects of Yonin. The maximum Capacity Points you can get from a single kill is 65535 (maximum unsigned 16-bit variable). Increases the chance that the effects of Treasure Hunter will increase by 6%. Increases the initial HP value of luopans while under the effects of Blaze of Glory. Increases the minimum value of magic defense that weakens over time while under the effects of Sacrosanctity. Eschan nef for 50,000 silt. Increases the effect of enhancing magic gained via Embolden. Increases physical and ranged attack by 5. Increases attack power of counterattacks while under the effects of Counterstance. Increases elemental resistance granted by each rune. The reduction in earned points associated with a party is decreased in Ulbukan dungeons and in Escha: Token quantities of Capacity Points can be obtained from. Reduces the recast time of Sic and Ready by 5 seconds. For returnee players, undergeared or solo/duo players Capacity points are laughably annoying to get right now. Increases Avatar and Spirit physical accuracy. I found the following: Can we get a cumulative list of all of the sources of CP bonuses? Increases enmity while under the effects of Sentinel. Increases the effect duration of Dragon Breaker. Increases physical and ranged accuracy by 4. Expands the maximum capacity of escha silt to 1,000,000 (one million) and escha beads to 25,000. Increases the maximum number of finishing moves that may be stored by 2. Increases physical and ranged attack by 20. Upon reaching 2100 Job Points, you gain a Job Master status symbol above your name, represented by 3 stars, for that specific job. Some affect the performance of a job, while others provide increased capacity point gains and the ability to equip special equipment marked as "Superior.". Increases avatar and spirit physical accuracy, ranged accuracy, and physical evasion by 25. If you spend a little time upgrading some of your gear, you can get 600 capacity points per kill on higher level mobs. Increases the effect duration of songs while under the effects of Clarion Call. Reduces attack delay by 5% when a weapon is equipped in each hand. Increases elemental magic damage while under the effects of Manawell. Reduces the recast time of applicable special abilities. Increases the amount of HP that Dread Spikes steals by 20%. Consecutively defeating foes of level 100+ will grant a chain bonus to the Capacity Points gained. Increases skillchain damage while under the effects of Konzen-ittai. ... and buy as many as your sparks will allow. Increases the enmity bonus earned upon successfully parrying while under the effects of Issekigan. (Base Duration + (6s × RDM Group 2 Merit Point Level) + (3s × RDM Relic Hands Group 2 Merit Point Level Augment) + RDM Job Points + Gear that list Seconds) × (Augments Composure Bonus) × (Duration listed on Gear + Naturalist's Roll) × (Duration Augments on Gear) × (Rune Fencer Gifts) It is paramount that you understand this formula. Increases avatar and spirit magic attack and magic defense by 13. Increases the effect duration of Helix spells while under the effects of Dark Arts. Increases the amount of TP given to avatars and spirits when using Mana Cede. Increase magic burst damage by 1 percent. Increases the effect duration of Hamanoha. Increases physical and ranged attack by 38. Increases avatar and spirit magic accuracy and evasion by 20. The time window to continue the chain decreases on each consecutive kill, reaching a minimum of 30 seconds for chains of 30+ kills. Increases the chance of shooting twice while under the effects of Double Shot. Increases automaton physical accuracy, ranged accuracy, and physical evasion by 25. Reduces the amount of damage taken from undead while under the effects of Holy Circle. Increases physical and ranged attack by 8. Increases physical attack while under the effects of Last Resort. 30 Physical Accuracy Bonus Increases physical and ranged accuracy by 3. The amount of Capacity Points earned per kill depends on your item level; the higher you are, the more you'll get. There's also a +1. I decided to head to Foret de Hennietal and whip out my fly pet to get some awesome exp and job points. While you may never find yourself in an Apex party without 5 other members, the Kupofried Trust does provide a 10% Capacity Point bonus. Increases the damage of "En"-type spells by 7. Increases the amount of HP recovered when Chakra is activated. Increases the potency of Banish and Auspice while under the effects of Afflatus Misery. Reduces the recast time for Enmity Douse. Reduces automaton's burden when using Cooldown. Increase physical attack while under the effects of Mikage. Increase physical attack by 2 and accuracy by 1. Reduces enmity while under the effects of Overkill. Increases physical and ranged attack by 30. This effect only appears when on a mastered job, and may be disabled with the command: /jobmasterdisp. Spirit and Avatar Physical Attack and Defense Bonus. Increases the amount of experience points earned by party members within area of effect. Increases the deployed pet's physical accuracy. Speaking of which, I've been doing SMN burn Incursion with some success, and you get some capacity points in there as well. Increases acquired capacity points by 9%. Increases the amount of TP absorbed while under the effects of Soul Enslavement. The Key Item job breaker will be obtained after speaking with the Nomad Moogle if the player has previously obtained the limit breaker key item and reached level 99 on their current job. Read on for details. Reduces Magic Atk. Reduces attack delay for hand-to-hand attacks. Increases physical and ranged accuracy by 25. It's still double CP so I don't know what to tell you if it seems lower. Increases accuracy when attacking from behind the target while under the effects of Innin. Increases the amount of HP recovered by the luopan when Life Cycle is activated. There is no ramp to build up, it's a trump wall to climb. Just wanted to make sure the gifts are they additive such as 25+27=52 or 25% to 27% for just a 2% increase? Increases physical attack while under the effects of Berserk. Increases the starting value of the summoned avatar's duration for the purposes of determining the effects of Avatar's Favor. There becomes an immediate personal choice available. Mercenary services vary on asura but it's usually 3m per item, and maybe 7-13m for body. Announcing the February 2021 FINAL FANTASY XI Digest (02/10/2021) For this month's FINAL FANTASY XI Digest, we present to you a message from Producer Matsui. Easy to do Incursion with Pld and a healer, 3x BST and Thf :p, They are additive. Increases familiar physical accuracy, ranged accuracy, and evasion by 25. Increases spirit and avatar physical attack, Spirit and Avatar's Physical Accuracy and Physical Evasion Bonus. Increase the probability of resetting by 1 percent. Increase damage based on combat skills by 1 percent. If you beat the behemoth event while it is active too you get a clock that if placed you get a EXP/CP bonus and the ability to summon King Kupofried for even more EXP/CP bonus. Increases the VIT bonus of Perfect Counter. Increases the maximum number of blue magic points. In Adoulin with 46% CP cape and max gift bonuses I can do 200k/hour solo on VT's or 120k/hour solo on DC's. Expands the maximum capacity of escha silt to 1,000,000,000 (one billion) and escha beads to 50,000. Increases physical accuracy and ranged accuracy by 14. Increase the maximum amount of enmity transferrable while under the effectos of Decoy Shot. Increases damage of physical blue magic while under the effects of Azure Lore. Increases the effect duration of songs by 5%. Increases the amount of static enmity accrued from activating Invincible. Increases avatar and spirit magic accuracy and evasion by 15. Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 5 (Su5). The goal is to offer Dark Matter augmentable gear to anyone who needs it. Increases the damage of "En"-type spells by 6. Increase the damage dealt by Mijin Gakure. Increases the damage of "En"-type spell damage by 5. Increases acquired capacity points by 33%. Amount of MP recovered depends on the item used. But realize you're gonna spend that much just augmenting those items anyway. Increases the effect duration of blue magic usable under the effects of Unbridled Learning that affects party members. By my measure at this rate, it takes (depending on how many into the CP chain I am) about 3 or 4 crabs killed per 1 job point. Forum » FFXI » Jobs » Blue Mage » Where are you getting your Capacity Points Solo? Here, the player may see Job Point totals on each of their unlocked jobs. Increases the deployed pet's attributes while under the effects of Familiar. Increases damage while under the effects of Grand Pas. Increases "Subtle Blow" effect bonus by 3. Increases job traits gained from equipped blue magic by 1. Increases the effect duration of Shadowbind. Increases the amount of HP absorbed by 2 percent. (Does not stack with. Increases automaton magic attack and magic defense by 10. Increases the duration of enhancing magic effects received by 10%. Increases the number of projectiles from Barrage by 1. Increases ranged attack power while under the effects of Barrage. i give up on capacity points because the ring's boost to those points gives out at some point. Reduces the cast time of healing magic by 2%. Increases magic accuracy of spells tied to either Light Arts when Penury activates, or Dark Arts when Parsimony activates. You are able to upgrade each category for each job to a maximum of 20 levels. Capacity Bonus Rings & Mantles, Records of Eminence Quests, Trusts, Corsair Rolls, Key Items and Job Gifts. Increases ninjutsu magic damage while under the effects of Futae. Increase the effect duration by 2 seconds. Increases physical and ranged attack by 13. We've gone up to Lv128 without any issues so far. Losing free DM augs is rough, so come on out! Increases physical and ranged attack by 23. Increases acquired capacity points by 13%. Grants a chance to avoid consuming ammunition. Increases the automaton's elemental capacity for attachments by 2. 660 Physical Defense Bonus Eschan cellar for 10,000 silt. Like I have ready Kupofried gives anywhere from 5%-15%. Increases the critical hit rate of ranged attacks while under the effects of Camouflage. Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Composure. Increases the damage of "En"-type spells by 5. Increases the master's physical attack and defense when the wyvern's attributes are boosted. 100 New Spells Gear min-maxing gives XI a long lived depth and variety to its gameplay. Reduces enmity generated by magic bursts. Increases damage dealt by pet special attacks while under the effects of Unleash. I would ask that a developer or at least a community GM staff goto Asura and check Dho gates to see how rampant this is, 3 players perma killing with parties of afk players just behind them. Increases the effect duration of all steps. Grants the designation "Master Centurion.". Increases the effect duration of enfeebling magic spells while under the effects of Stymie. Decrease burden when Activate or Deus Ex Automata is used. Capacity Point Bonus Increases acquired capacity points by 7%. Increases the damage of kick attacks while under the effects of Footwork. Increases physical and ranged accuracy by 14. Increases acquired capacity points by 27%. I'd like one that just locks capacity points cape into back slot and nothing else (everything else running off of windower scripts) Increases physical and ranged accuracy by 7. Increases physical and ranged accuracy by 2.

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