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Words, carried into action, assume the nature of that action. Alexander chose his wives from the nation he had subdued; he insisted on his courtiers doing the same; and the rest of the Macedonians followed the example.

The decemvirs owed their expulsion to the tragedy of Virginia. 130.They used even to draw two tickets for each place; one which gave the place, and the other which named the person who was to succeed in case the first was rejected.The thirty tyrants at Athens ordered the suffrages of the This is what ruined the republic of Rome. de Montesquieu was received the 24th of January, 1728. These distinctions, which were considerable under the kings, became much more important after their expulsion. This they left almost intirely to the senate and to the consuls, reserving scarce any thing more to themselves than the right of choosing the magistrates, and of confirming the acts of the senate and of the generals.Rome, whose passion was to command, whose ambition was to conquer, whose commencement and progress were one continued usurpation, had constantly affairs of the greatest weight upon her hands; her enemies were ever conspiring against her, or she against her enemies.As she was obliged to behave on the one hand with heroic courage, and on the other with consummate prudence, it was requisite, of course, that the management of affairs should be committed to the senate.

Download The Spirit Of Islamic Law books, Focuses on a Muslim legal science known in Arabic as usul al-fiqh. Perhaps we are mistaken in conforming to this custom: there is no necessity for so much constraint in monarchies.This very subordination in a republic might make it necessary for the father to continue in the possession of his children’s fortune during life, as was the custom at Rome. This makes it, therefore, almost a matter of indifference, whether, in such states, the slaves be few or numerous.But, in moderate governments, it is a point of the highest importance that there should not be a great number of slaves.

Halicarn. It is pride that renders us polite: we are flattered with being taken notice of for a behaviour that shews we are not of a mean condition, and that we have not been bred up with those who in all ages are considered as the scum of the people.Politeness, in monarchies, is naturalised at court. But the eagerness with which his company was sought after was too keen not to be sometimes indiscreet; they would, without perceiving it, enjoy him at the expence of himself. The mischief is when excessive wealth destroys the spirit of commerce: then it is that the inconveniences of inequality begin to be felt.In order to support this spirit, commerce should be carried on by the principal citizens: this should be their sole aim and study; this the chief object of the laws: and these very laws, by dividing the estates of individuals in proportion to the increase of commerce, should set every poor citizen so far at his ease, as to be able to work like the rest; and every wealthy citizen in such a mediocrity, as to be obliged to take some pains either in preserving or acquiring a fortune.It is an excellent law, in a trading republic, to make an equal division of the paternal estate among the children. They are both restrained by the executive power, as the executive is by the legislative.These three powers should naturally form a state of repose or inaction: but, as there is a necessity for As the executive power has no other part in the legislative than the privilege of rejecting, it can have no share in the public debates. Most invasions have, therefore, been made in countries which nature seems to have formed for happiness; and, as nothing is more nearly allied than desolation and invasion, the best provinces are most frequently depopulated; while the frightful countries of the North continue always inhabited, from their being almost uninhabitable.We find, by what historians tell us of the passage of the people of Scandinavia along the banks of the Danube, that this was not a conquest, but only a migration into desart countries.These happy climates must, therefore, have been depopulated by other migrations, though we know not the tragical scenes that happened.“It appears, by many monuments of antiquity, says AristotleThe most temperate parts of Persia, Turkey, Muscovy, and Poland, have not been able to recover perfectly from the devastations of the Tartars.THE barrenness of the earth renders men industrious, sober, inured to hardship, courageous, and fit for war: they are obliged to procure by labour what the earth refuses to bestow spontaneously.

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the spirit of the laws pdf