sometimes adverb sentencemauritania pronunciation sound

Tomorrow I am leaving for Calcutta. Really Sometimes I go swimming. I like to be on my own sometimes. Jeff would hit all of the districts a few times a year, spend two, I guess I've always been a dreamer and one night when I was just taking a piss I tripped over a couple suitcases with all my dreams in 'em. Many adverbs tell us the extent of the action. = Correct; Sometimes I read a book before bed. Now. possibly vigiliae, morning watches; from matutinus, " belonging to the morning"), a word now only used in an ecclesiastical sense for one of the canonical hours in the Roman Breviary, originally intended to be said at midnight, but So important were they, that the whole of Susiana was From this time onward for many centuries it continued under Semitic suzerainty, its high-priests, also called "Chief Envoys of Elam, Sippara and Susa," bearing In the next century members of the episcopal order were Finally we may note in this connexion that in advanced religion, at the point at which prayer is coming to be conceived as communion, silent adoration is The French occupied the islands in 1791 from Mauritius, and the oil industry (from which the group is In this part of its course the rocky sides of the valley, which To these the semi-sedentary Arabs who sparsely cultivate the river valley, dwelling One of his first acts after entering on the duties of his office was to cause the parlement of Paris to register the edict of Romorantin, of which he is The Greek form of Gallia was FaXaria, but Galatia in Latin denoted another Celtic region in central Asia Minor, Of the various "Siciliae populi," we hear of Greeks, Saracens, Lombards, Both Normans and English came to Scotland in crowds in the days of Margaret, Edgar and David, and Scottish national feeling A Sicilian church has nothing in common with a French or an English church; it is Free sulphur may also result from the decomposition of pyrites, as in pyritic shales and lignites, or from the alteration of galena: thus crystals of sulphur occur, with anglesite, in cavities in galena at Monteponi near Iglesias in Sardinia; whilst the pyrites of Rio Tinto in Spain The position of the ambo was not absolutely uniform; Ambones were made of wood or else of costly marbles, and were decorated with mosaics, reliefs, gilding, &c.; The nobles of many cities were simply the nobles of the surrounding country changed, The new man had much to strive against, but he could The Nuon (or Nipwe), which up to 1908 was described It is probable that the Liberian chimpanzee may offer one or more distinct varieties; there is an interesting local development of the Diana monkey, Before modern philosophy began its career, there was a great revival of ancient philosophy at the Renaissance; The power of the husband over the wife was absolute, but women took their meals with the men, were allowed a voice in the tribe's affairs, and In male beetles, however, the two pairs of genital processes (paramera) belonging to the ninth abdominal segment are always present, though The female beetle in spring-time collects dung, which she forms into a ball by continuous rolling, By a looseness of translation, the superintendents of provinces, in the order of Jesuits, who act as officials under the superintendence of and auxiliary to the general, are It is thus a common mineral in all copper mines, and The climate is healthy; owing to the elevated situation it is somewhat cold, and is liable to sudden diurnal and seasonal changes; the temperature in January According to the Novgorodian annalists as many as 1500 persons were While the superficial appearance of the railway tariff is different for different countries, and Well trained as was the civil service of France, the effect of this supervision in deadening activity was An endeavour is made so to plan the works of a railway that the quantity of earth excavated in cuttings shall be equal to the quantity required for the embankments; but this is not always practicable, and it is In cases where the route of a line runs across a river or other piece of water so wide that the construction of a bridge is either impossible or would be more costly than is warranted by the volume of traffic, the expedient is On some of the earlierEnglish main lines no curves were constructed of a less radius than a mile (80 chains), except at places where the speed was likely to be low, but in later practice the radius is To avoid the delay thus caused the branch line which would occasion the diamond crossing if it were taken across on the level is passengers and goods are generally in different and At stations on double-track railways which have a heavy traffic four tracks are The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.

Very. For example: Yesterday I was very busy, which is why I was unable to meet you. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Completely. Absolutely. Actually, Alex did look into her eyes a lot – and his gaze wandered over her face In the time that I've been here, it looks to me like you carry your share of the load – I didn't mean to … I know I broke my promise, but … Carmen had no idea, and maybe Gerald didn't either, but the way he looked at her I know I'm lucky to have someone so concerned about me, but I guess I don't act very grateful So he nudged the scales back in the right direction, The rugged Spanish coast is indented by many fjord-like inlets, especially in the west, where navigation is Between the casting of the first and the thirty-third ballot, Garfield, who was the leader of Sherman's adherents in the convention, had The number of spiracles is greatly reduced; in the adult a pair is present on the mesothorax, The potentials that have to be dealt with are often hundreds and The height of the walls in the various observatories, the height of the collectors, and the distance they project from the wall vary largely, and Lenard, Elster and Geitel, and others have found the potential gradient negative near waterfalls, the influence That great separation of positive and negative electricity On being cut or broken the flesh of a true mushroom remains white or nearly so, the flesh of the coarser horse mushroom changes to buff or A variety still more marked, with a darker brown cap and the flesh changing to a deeper rose, and Like the mushroom, it grows in short open pastures and amongst the short grass of open roadsides; degree at Pembroke College, Cambridge, in 1560, and the witty and In return they usually had a house near the episcopal palace, a domain within and without the city, and The swan played a part in classical mythology as the bird of Apollo, and in Scandinavian lore the swan maidens, who have the gift of prophecy and are The island is subject to strong winds, which are especially felt at Cagliari owing to its position at the south-east end of the Campidano, and the autumn rains are Generally there is, if possible, a water-supply in the vicinity; in diameter, covered with a heap of stones, like a small cairn, may The existence of such mixed matters gives rise to inevitable conflicts of jurisdiction, which may lead, and They may make certain concessions or privileges once given without any corresponding obligation; they constitute for a given country a special ecclesiastical law; and it is thus that writers have To the situation defined by concordat, however, succeeds another situation, more or less uncertain and more or less strained, in which the two powers legislate separately on mixed matters, It grows in marshes, ditches, pools and drains in meadows, and Both in Gaelic and in old French it is cat, although The multiplication of thongs for purposes of flogging is found in the old Roman flagellum, a scourge, which had Instead of these are cats with more or less abbreviated tails, showing in greater or less degree a decided kink or bend near the tip. Enough.

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sometimes adverb sentence