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Columbo: An Exercise in Fatality [Gene Stafford]: Strangled with a metal rod by Robert Conrad, who then stages it to appear that Philip was killed when barbells slipped on his neck while working out. "Columbo" An Exercise in Fatality (TV Episode 1974) Philip Bruns as Gene Stafford

Philip Bruns, Actor: Flashdance. He died on February 8, 2012 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Philip Bruns was born on May 2, 1931 in Pipestone, Minnesota, USA as Phillip Bruns. Philip Bruns Saturday, 2nd May 1931 - Wednesday, 8th February 2012 Pipestone, MN USA

He was an actor, known for This is a list of episodes from the fourth season of Columbo.. Broadcast history.

Philip Bruns Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest Philip Bruns photo gallery, biography, … aka Phil Bruns TV Deaths Edit. Philip Bruns (with Robert Conrad) in Columbo: An Exercise in Fatality. The season … The Emmy noms are in!

Philip Bruns (1931 - 2012) aka Phil Bruns. Revisit the roles that put stars like Keep up with all the biggest announcements and updates with IMDb's breaking news roundup of Comic-Con@Home 2020.

Philip Bruns (May 2, 1931 – February 8, 2012) appeared on Sanford and Son as Calvin the tax man in the season 4 episodes titled My Kingdom For a Horse" "Going Out of Business" actor and writer, best remembered for portraying George Shumway, the father of Mary Hartman on the 1970s comedic series Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman with actor Graham Jarvis, who also made an appearance on Sanford and Son as Dr.Simmons in the Season 5 episode "The TV Addict". When Wells comes back, Danziger shoots her, plants evidence to implicate a band musician, Lloyd Harrington ( He portrayed George Shumway, the father of Mary Hartman on the 1970s comedic series Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.

Philip Bruns (1931 - 2012) . The following is an episode list for the crime fiction television series Columbo.After two pilot … Philip Bruns Biography: Supporting actor Bruns appeared onscreen from 1970. He was an actor, known for Flashdance (1983), Return of the Living Dead II (1988) and The Stunt Man (1980). Philip Bruns was an American television actor and writer. He was married to Laurie Franks and Jill Owens. Philip Bruns was born on May 2, 1931 in Pipestone, Minnesota, USA as Phillip Bruns. After years of marriage to his domineering wife, Frances (While aboard a Mexican cruise he takes frequently, auto executive Hayden Danziger (During a lapse in security, Danziger dons a crewman's uniform, sneaks out of his hospital bed, and waits in Wells's cabin for her performance break. This is a list of episodes from the fourth season of The season originally aired Sundays at 8:30–10:00 pm (EST) as part of The season was released on DVD by Universal Home Video.

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