how can cryptobiotic soil grow in such a dry region with little to no water?mauritania pronunciation sound

Because of such slow recolonization of soil surfaces by the different crustal components, underlying soils are left vulnerable to both wind and water erosion for at least 20 years after disturbance (Belnap and Gillette, 1997). Professor David Faiman of Ben-Gurion University has stated that the technology now exists to supply all of the world’s electricity needs from 10% of the Sahara Desert.The Negev Desert, Israel, and the surrounding area, including the Arava Valley, receive plenty of sunshine and are generally not arable. They developed skills in the manufacture and use of weapons, animal tracking, finding water, foraging for edible plants and using the things they found in their natural environment to supply their everyday needs. In “eolian deflation”, the wind continually removes fine-grained material, which becomes wind-blown sand. The juveniles stay on the surface for a while, feeding and growing, but soon dig themselves burrows. Sand dunes in the Rub’ al Khali (“Empty quarter”) of Saudi ArabiaDeserts are formed by weathering processes as large variations in temperature between day and night put strains on the rocks which consequently break in pieces. Belnap, J., and D.A. Cryptobiotic Soil benefits soil and plants in many ways. The deeper crusts can be up to thousands of years old.There is even research that has been done that says that crypto was one of the first living organisms on this planet dating back to Figure 2 Soil crust at base of Wyoming big sagebrush Seedskadee. Deserts of this type are often long and narrow and bounded to the east by mountain ranges.

Moving sediments further destabilize adjoining areas by burying adjacent crusts, leading to their death, or by providing material for "sandblasting" nearby surfaces, thus increasing wind erosion rates (Belnap, 1995; McKenna-Neumann et al., 1996). The Tuareg were traders and the goods transported traditionally included slaves, ivory and gold going northwards and salt going southwards. Temporary lakes may form and salt pans may be left when waters evaporate. Tardigrades in the tun state fared a bit better, tolerating higher temperatures. Acclimation boosted the temperature needed to kill half of active tardigrades to 99.7 °F (37.6 °C). When rain falls, the water is rapidly absorbed by the shallow roots and retained to allow them to survive until the next downpour, which may be months or years away.Cacti are restricted to the New World but other xerophytic plants have developed similar strategies by a process known as convergent evolution.The Camel Thorn Tree (Acacia erioloba) in the Namib Desert is nearly leafless in dry periods.Some desert plants produce seed which lies dormant in the soil until sparked into growth by rainfall. As a result loose soil particles are brought together and the crust becomes very resistant to wind and water erosion. These places owe their profound aridity (the average annual precipitation is often less than 40 mm or 1.5 in) to being very far from the nearest available sources of moisture and are often in the lee of mountain ranges.
It can only takes place during the day as energy from the sun is required, but during the day, many deserts become very hot. Beasley et al. In the cold deserts of the Colorado Plateau region (parts of Utah, Arizona Colorado, and New Mexico), these crusts are extraordinarily well-developed, often representing over 70 percent of the living ground cover. Rain falling on hot rocks can cause them to shatter and the resulting fragments and rubble strewn over the desert floor is further eroded by the wind. They increase soil fertility. It has been portrayed by writers, film-makers, philosophers, artists and critics as a place of extremes, a metaphor for anything from death, war or religion to the primitive past or the desolate future.There is an extensive literature on the subject of deserts.The American poet Robert Frost expressed his bleak thoughts in his poem, Mars is the only planet in the Solar System on which deserts have been identified. Star dunes are formed by variable winds, and have several ridges and slip faces radiating from a central point. When they descend on the leeward side, they warm and their capacity to hold moisture increases so an area with relatively little precipitation occurs.Montane deserts are arid places with a very high altitude; the most prominent example is found north of the Himalayas, in the Kunlun Mountains and the Tibetan Plateau. It gives plants a safe sturdy place to grow, it protects the earth below it from washing away during rain, and it keeps the life that can survive the deserts harsh conditions from blowing away and turning a once green area into rolling barren sand dunes.Rain may not fall often in the desert but when it does it can be intense.

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how can cryptobiotic soil grow in such a dry region with little to no water?

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how can cryptobiotic soil grow in such a dry region with little to no water?