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1951 Jacques Fath. I live in the US, in North Carolina. Divine! What a way to just bask in a fragrance if vetiver is one of your favorite notes. I have never tried any Fath scents.

Jacques Fath may have been the Parisienne couturier par excellence, known for his urban chic and elegant, flower-shaped skirts, but he liked to use unconventional fabrics.

Passionné de mode depuis toujours, il ouvre sa première maison de Couture en 1937 à Paris. Jacques Fath Evening Opossum Coat, René Gruau Fashion Illustration. Overtly smoky Java vetiver spreads across the turned soil smell of patchouli like ground fog. That’s what strikes me. Regards from Boston USA.I love the Outlander reference and am anxiously awaiting the new season! USA witchy scent with so much vetiver that gets darker as it dries down. It is an old school soapy masterpiece. Aug 15, 2012 - Jacques Fath (1912-1954) opened his couture design house in Paris in 1937. He managed to stay open throughout most of WWII, and after the war his business continued to grow. June 2020. My opinions are my own.Follow us on Instagram at @cafleurebon, @elledebee, @jacquesfathparfums @ranyabanya @lucamaffeiWe announce the winners only on our website and Facebook page, so like ÇaFleureBon and use our This fragrance seems compelling for many reasons. from Fath is Green Water.

Also the ginger and mandarin to maybe brighten it up a bit and also the tobacco which from the review seems like it smells different at different times. Designs by Jaques Fath and Paquin.

I have a bottle and cherish it as the prices have skyrocketed on it. People also love …

I love the loden fabric inspiration as well as the fact it is “for a woman who has a foot in her past and another in a past time“. Mich USAIf Le Loden is “witchy”, count me in! Jacques est le fils d'André Fath, un agent d'assurances d'ascendance Il fait un apprentissage chez le couturier Paillard-Lacroix, puis, après son service militaire, travaille à la Bourse. USAI would love to smell the three vetivers in this composition, in what promises to be an earthy, mossy, wild creation. The result is a fragrance that evokes a certain wildness while remaining restrained enough to feel refined and timeless. HISTORY; THE PERFUM; PERFUMES.

Connu pour habiller « la jeune Parisienne Chic », ses clientes sont riches et souvent célèbres. Le Loden aims to be just as promising as Green Water.

This is a scent not of coiffured chignons and arched brows but of damp peat underfoot, of lowering grey skies pierced by light shafts, of fine highland scotch drunk by the fireside in good company in a woody lodge. Cheers.Le Loden sounds like a nice fragrance for the spring and autumn, and eventually summer nights, if it’s a bit colder. HISTORY; THE PERFUM; 0. Thank you for the chance. This fragrance sounds amazing and I love the comparison to Dewars in one of the stages. I’m not familiar with Jacques Fath perfumes but this sounds delightful. I would love to win this to Germany, thanks for the draw!OMG!

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jacques fath coat