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The Outside of Europe, political and military conditions kept war innovations, particularly new gunpowder technology, from being advanced at the same relentless pace. And Europe's trade happened because their food was quite terrible and they were hungry for spices to make their food tastier.

The howling winds and storms made it clear that death could strike anytime, anywhere.But, perhaps, the most shocking was the rotten, wretched food, full of maggots, inedible, which sailors had to eat in those voyages. It was such ill will—and not Europe’s physical geography—that kept any single leader from ever uniting Western Europe in the sort of durable empire that prevailed for centuries in China.

China could not raise equivalent tax revenues, even in the nineteenth century.

Tax revenues rose as Europe industrialized, and the innovations from the Industrial Revolution—applied science and engineering—made it possible for Europeans to improve their technology not just by waging war, but also by conducting research, which magnified what the Europeans learned on the battlefield.By 1914, Europe had not only achieved global military dominance, it also had powerful states that could raise huge sums of tax revenue to fund wars.

This enabled their conquests, and allowed them to keep native populations under control without stationing large numbers of European troops abroad. There was no fresh meat, dairy or drinkable water. China could not raise equivalent tax revenues, even in the nineteenth century. Robert Fulford: Why Europe conquered the world. Get in-depth analysis delivered right to your inbox The level of engagement is determined by aspects like organic clicks, active sign ups or even potential leads to your classmates who can pay for the specific paper. Once you have used a person’s first and last name, you only refer to them by their last name throughout the rest of the paper. How did a group of a few, small countries of Western Europe come to dominate the world for nearly 300 years? Mostly, it derived from For this and a variety of other reasons, leaders outside of Europe could not match Europe’s innovations in warfare innovation. What it endured instead were centuries of warfare by bands of warriors whose leaders resembled modern-day warlords. Please include the rise of agriculture, animal domestication, and formation of germs in your essay. In the late eighteenth century, per-capita taxes were 15 times higher in France than in China, and 40 times higher in England, and much of the tax money China did collect went not toward new forms of fighting but to aid archers on horseback, who were far more effective than musketeers in fighting the nomads who had long been China’s major enemy.

What’s more, China was often the dominant power in East Asia, so fewer rivals dared to challenge it, which meant it had little incentive to spend heavily on its military. The ships of China's Muslim Admiral Zheng He, which sailed nearly a century before Columbus's, were about five times larger than the ships that Columbus sailed. The incessant fighting groomed leaders who were victorious in war. It was trade and commerce that allowed an independent trading class to emerge and challenge feudal lords, put limits on their power, and protect the wealth and private property they accumulated through trade. Conversely, he seeks to explain why populations in the Americas and Africa did not do the same to Eurasians. Several German-occupied countries initially entered World War II as Allies of the United Kingdom or the Soviet Union. For example, twenty-eight, sixty-three, twentieth century are spelled out.

This meant that China had little incentive to seek out new enemies or opportunities.Western Europe, by contrast, experienced no such lasting unification after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Christopher Columbus's journey was driven by the ambition to find a shorter route to India, its riches, and its spices. But in essence, during the course of four and a quarter centuries, Europe conquered the world. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. As a result, there was simply less use for gunpowder weapons in East Asia.Europe, by contrast, had no such dominant power. How did a group of a few, small countries of Western Europe come to dominate the world for nearly 300 years?

A painting—Suppression of the Indian Revolt by the English, by Vasily Vereshchagin c. 1884—depicting the Indian Rebellion of 1857.Please enable JavaScript for this site to function properly.Rea A. and Lela G. Axline Professor of Business Economics and Professor of History at Caltech. They could do so because the sailors and the traders could dream of the spices they could enjoy and the wealth they could make from it. Christopher Columbus was driven by the ambition to find a shorter route to India, its riches, and its spices. Although they usually needed official permission to launch a voyage, entrepreneurs were often encouraged by authorities eager to find riches abroad.

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how europe conquered the world