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(Johnson would later joke that this explained his somewhat erratic jump shot. Dennis Johnson was born on September 18, 1954 and died on February 22, 2007. I hate to lose.

Two years later and seven inches taller, Johnson averaged 18.3 points and 12.0 rebounds and keyed Harbor to a state junior college title.Johnson received only two scholarship offers, from Pepperdine and Azusa Pacific. In stepped Lenny Wilkens to take over the 5-17 team. Johnson traded in his warehouse job for the classroom. Dennis Johnson Birthday and Date of Death. After tailing off a bit in 1982-83 to 14.2 points per game, Johnson was traded to Boston for Rick Robey. Johnson barely made the team. He could post up, crash the boards for rebounds and tip-ins, hit from the outside and lead the fast break. "D.J." He made his second All-Star Game appearance, and he was named to both the All-NBA Second Team and the NBA All-Defensive First Team.
He was an alumnus of Dominguez High School, Los Angeles Harbor College and Pepperdine University.Your contribution is much appreciated! Dennis was 52 years old at the time of death.Dennis Wayne Johnson (September 18, 1954 – February 22, 2007), nicknamed "DJ", was an American professional basketball player for the National Basketball Association's (NBA) Seattle SuperSonics, Phoenix Suns and Boston Celtics and coach of the Los Angeles Clippers. Dennis Johnson - Career stats, game logs, biographical info, awards, and achievements for the NBA and NCAA. After graduation the coach at Harbor Junior College saw him playing street ball, noticed his tough defense, and asked him to enroll. NBAE/Getty Images Dennis Johnson - Biography Denis Johnson, Who Wrote of the Failed and the Desperate, Dies at 67 Denis Johnson in 1976.

In Johnson stayed on as a scout for the Celtics and became an assistant coach in 1993 and became an assistant with the Los Angeles Clippers in February 2000. He packed his bags for Malibu. The Suns were upset by the Kansas City Kings in the conference semifinals.In 1981-82 Johnson tallied a career-high 19.5 ppg. Johnson's postseason heroics -- his shutting down of Magic Johnson in the 1984 Finals; his buzzer-beating jumper to win Game 4 in the 1985 Finals against the Lakers; and his game-winning basket off Larry Bird's steal in Game 5 of the 1987 conference finals against Detroit -- placed him among the best-loved Celtics.Johnson retired at age 35 after the 1989-90 season as the 11th player in NBA history to amass more than 15,000 points and 5,000 assists. Johnson, meanwhile, went on to achieve more stardom and win two championships during his seven seasons with the Celtics.Johnson's steadiness helped bind together a team of stars that included Bird, Robert Parish and Kevin McHale. Dennis Johnson was born on September 18, 1954 and died on February 22, 2007.

The 6-11 Robey played only three more years, peaking at a mere 5.6 points per game in 1983-84. I accept it when it comes, but I still hate it.

He believed sobriety would compromise his work, but stopped using in the early 1980s. He made his fourth straight All-Star Game appearance and continued to terrorize the league with his voracious defense. Dennis Wayne Johnson (September 18, 1954 - February 22, 2007), nicknamed "DJ", was an American professional basketball player for the National Basketball Association's (NBA) Seattle SuperSonics, Phoenix Suns and Boston Celtics and coach of the Los Angeles Clippers.

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