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This may be accomplished by inserting a copy of the following in the Flight Manual.If a lack of response to the power lever is observed, turn ON the ignition and engine anti-ice for both engines. Find out more! All model TPE331-25AA and TPE331-1-151A not incorporating Airesearch SB's 659, 632 or TPE331-62-0064 To prevent uncontained failure of the first stage turbine disk and possible damage to the aircraft, accomplish the inspections and corrective actions specified in FAA AD 2012-02-06. The technicians at Turbine Standard always stand ready to repair problems caused by oil contamination, foreign object damage, lightning strike, prop strike, overtemp and other events.Turbine Standard has complete TPE331 testing capabilities including an in house test cell and on-wing capabilities. For first stage turbine disks with 4100 CSN or less, inspect at next access, and for first stage turbine disks with more than 4100 CSN, inspect within 400 cycles and prior to accumulating 4500 CSN.First stage turbine disks, P/N 3107079-1, do not require an initial inspection, because they receive an FPI and ECI at the time of conversion. The series now includes 18 engine models and 106 configurations. To prevent loss of control of aircraft due to uncommanded engine thrust increase, accomplish the following:- 1. TPE331-A72-2111 for TPE331-1 through - 6 series engines and TSE331-3U engines, ASB TPE331-A72-2123 for TPE331-8 through -9 series engines, ASB TPE331-A72-2130 for TPE331-10 through -11 series engines, and ASB TPE331-A72-2131 for TPE331-12 series engines.ithin 100 major cycles or upon removal of the turbine rotor(s), whichever occurs sooner.turbine rotors by 27 April 2007 or per the turbine rotor removal schedule in table 1 of the applicable Honeywell ASB, whichever occurs defined as an engine that accrues major and minor cycles and is installed in an aircraft that makes multiple takeoffs and landings without engine shutdown.If it is not possible to determine the cycles for special-use operationsdue to the absence of actual data regarding the number of takeoffs and landings per major cycle, use an estimated ratio of six takeoffs and landings per major an engine start, takeoff, landing, and shutdown.which occurs within a major cycle, is an additional landing with an engine speed reduction to ground idle with no engine shutdown followed by a takeoff.for each turbine rotor by complying with the recording requirements of the applicable Honeywell/AlliedSignal Service Bulletin (SB) No. Within the next 25 hours TIS or 25 cycles, whichever occurs sooner.

First stage turbine disks that pass FPI must be eddy current inspected (ECI) before returning to service, per a Honeywell approved ECI.2. These engines are installed on, but not limited to, Dornier 228 series, Fairchild SA226, SA227 series, Mitsubishi MU-2B series, PAC FU24-950 and Twin Commander 680, 690 series aircraft.To prevent uncontained failure of first, second and third turbine rotors due to low-cycle-fatigue (LCF) and damage to the aircraft, accomplish the following:Determine the total equivalent cycles accrued for the turbine rotors per the instructions in paragraph 2.A. This AD supersedes FAA AD 88-12-10 to expand the applicability. First stage turbine disks that pass FPI must be eddy current inspected (ECI) before returning to service, per a Honeywell approved ECI. Information for reworking second stage turbine stator assemblies is available in Honeywell SB TPE331-72-2085RWK.Do not install any second stage turbine stator assembly P/N 894528-1, -2, -3, -5, -6, -10, and -11. after the effective date of this AD.

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honeywell tpe331 10t