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Chrissie says Target is her happy place. 1 CBS soap opera showcased a great deal of strength and conviction in these difficult scenes, and she was not afraid to be raw and vulnerable. This is going to be a very emotional plot for many of our wonderful friends on this board. This week on The Young and the Restless: Billy (Jason Thompson) and Amanda (Mishael Morgan) search for common ground on Monday (January 6; Canadian episodes listed).

Bell as a love interest for Nicholas Newman, the character debuted on June 27, 1994.Before Case took over in September 1994, the character was portrayed briefly by Monica Potter and then by Heidi Mark.

Don’t forget to come back later for more Get real time updates directly on you device, subscribe now.Chrissie Marie is a 40 something writer who is obsessed with soap operas--especially B&B and Y&R. A global grassroots force of 1.5 million volunteers, CBS Cares campaigns reach over 175 million viewers each year and have addressed numerous causes, including breast cancer, cervical cancer, alcohol abuse, Alzheimer’s disease, the arts, autism, bipolar disorder, child abduction, children’s health, colon cancer, depression, disaster relief, diversity/tolerance, drug abuse, education, empowerment of women and girls, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, Holocaust remembrance, identity theft, menopause, mentoring, obesity, parenting, post-traumatic stress disorder, prostate cancer, schizophrenia, suicide prevention, violence prevention (including spousal and child abuse), and the V-chip. The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Vickie Stays In Control – Newman Family Battle… The Young and The Restless News Update: Peter Bergman Reveals What He Has Been Doing… Rey and Sharon have had a rocky relationship, especially since Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) returned to Genoa City. The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Chloe And Kevin’s Story Takes Center Stage… In 2010, Sharon participated in a WCH research study testing 2,000 Ontario Jewish women for the BRCA genetic mutation, which has been linked to increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. I believe she is with the right person in her life to give her the support she needs. Sharon Newman is a fictional character from The Young and the Restless, an American soap opera on the CBS network, currently portrayed by Sharon Case.Created by William J.

The actress who plays Sharon Newman on the No.

Its a very tough one to do, especially if you have had a personal experience of your own or a loved one. In a breast cancer awareness storyline that officially kicks off today, Sharon will begin a compelling and emotional journey of trying to survive a breast cancer diagnosis. The entire time she is has been dealing with everything, Sharon has kept it quiet. They will urge viewers if they feel a lump, to go see their doctor for a checkup.CBS will show Sharon going through the cancer diagnosis, treatment, and eventually the emotions of being in remission. Case is not leaving the show, so the viewers can rest assured she will not die from cancer.The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Is Sharon Newman The Right Person For The Breast Cancer Storyline? To bring public awareness, there will be an extended episode arc beginning on Thursday January 9 starring Daytime Emmy Award-winning actress Sharon Case in which her Genoa City character, Sharon Newman, shares with her boyfriend, Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasuso), that she has breast cancer.

Get real time updates directly on you device, subscribe now.CBS will use this storyline for a public service announcement on the importance of women getting checked for lumps in their breasts. Sharon Newman’s Shocking Cancer Diagnosis “The Young and The Restless has always tackled important social issues within the show’s rich storytelling,” said co-executive producer and head writer Josh Griffith.“From AIDS and alcoholism to drunk driving and domestic abuse, we’ve consistently tried to focus on the human condition in an open and honest manner. Sharon underwent a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy to learn she does have breast cancer.

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does sharon newman have cancer in real life