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Jennifer Yvette Holliday (born October 19, 1960) is an American singer and actress.

By Devon Ivie. Amy Morton. LaChanze. In the Broadway musical production of "Your Arms Too Short To Box With God", her performance earned her a 1981 Drama Desk nomination. Ups and downs

In the 1990s, Holliday lost a substantial amount of weight and talked about her health battles with clinical depression. Jennifer Holliday Is A Member Of . Andre Woods and Billy Meadows.

Her current residence is in Atlanta, Georgia. Speaking of his occupational background, Jennifer Holliday husband Andre Woods is a Detroit preacher. Most Popular #35204.

Jennifer Hudson.

Jennifer Holliday Net Worth $10 Million. "I had been feeling bad for so long, I wanted to laugh."

In March 1991, just two months after she met keyboardist Billy Meadows in a nightclub where she was singing, they married. Libras. Holliday has been married twice. In 2001, she sang "America The Beautiful" on the first WWE pay-per-view to be held after the September 11th terrorist attacks. "Her second marriage, which began on March 21, 1993 and ended in 1994, was to Rev. "I never did have children, and it is something. She studied at the High School of Engineering Professionals, and later earned a Doctor of Music honoris causa from Berklee College of Music, Boston Massachusetts, in 2000. Holliday landed her first big role on Broadway in 1979 at age 19, the same day she auditioned for the Among the acclaim was Holliday's sweep of awards in 1982, including the Holliday's version of the song "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" made her a star on Broadway and catapulted her to national stardom. Jennifer Haller is the Seattle woman who volunteered to be the first person to test an experimental vaccine that was developed to potentially help …

Made an appearance at the 6th annual United States Conference on AIDS at the Anaheim Hilton & Towers in Anaheim, California.

The song became successful, peaking at number-one on the On October 30, 1986, Paul Simon hosted a Ken Ehrlich-Produced "Gospel Session" originally televised as part of a series of "Cinemax Sessions"A reviewer, whose identity was not known by late February 2011, wrote: She started her career on Broadway in musicals such as Dreamgirls (1981–83), Your Arms Too Short to Box with God (1980–81) and later became a successful recording artist. "He had a great sense of humor and he made me laugh all the time," Holliday says of her first husband. She started her career on Broadway in musicals such as Dreamgirls (1981–83), Your Arms Too Short to Box with God (1980–81) and later became a successful recording artist. She explained of Meadows: "We just didn't know each other well enough. Original Dreamgirl Jennifer Holliday does a special surprise tribute to honor those impacted by HIV/AIDS at a World AIDS Day commemoration Nov. 30, 2018, at the historic Apollo Theater in New York. Donna Murphy.

Ms. Holliday's performance and Simon's long-term repertoire of gospel-influenced songbook ("Bridge", "In the 1990s, Holliday lost a substantial amount of weight and talked about her health struggles with depression during promotional interviews.In April 2011, Holliday released a Christian CD titled On June 26, 2007, Holliday made a surprise appearance at the On May 23, 2012 Holliday performed "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" alongside On October 2, 2018 Holliday surprised the 7 year old viral singing sensation, Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja on GMA Day, and they performed a duet of "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going".On July 30, 2020, Jennifer Holliday sang “Only What You Do for Christ Will Last” as well as "Take My Hand, Precious Lord" at the funeral of civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Stage Actress.

She studied at the High School of Engineering Professionals, and later earned a Doctor of Music honoris causa from Berklee College of Music, Boston Massachusetts, in 2000.Jennifer’s career began in the late 1970s, when she auditioned for a part in the Broadway show “Your Arms Too Short To Box With God” in 1979.

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