va disability tinnitus secondary insomnia and depression

(See 21-8940, Veteran's Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability, received by VA in November 2014. He maintains that he is unable to obtain employment because of his depression; bilateral hearing loss; tinnitus; and, vertigo and sleep impairment, claimed as secondary to tinnitus. Service connection for PTSD and an acquired psychiatric disorder, diagnosed as depression and anxiety, as secondary to the service-connected tinnitus is granted. VA last examined the Veteran to determine the current severity of his service-connected hearing loss disability in February 2008. See 38 C.F.R. During these episodes, the Veteran indicated that he felt faint.

You say you have all kinds of documentation that depression may be secondary to tinnitus and I can't find anything like that. For example, if one of your conditions is rated at 70% debilitating and another at 40%, your combined rating would not be 110% but 100% or less. In other words, all signs and symptoms will be attributed to the service-connected disability. VA appealed this decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Federal Circuit), and stayed the adjudication of tinnitus rating cases affected by the Court's decision in Smith. In providing his or her opinion, the examiner is requested to comment on the Veteran's post-service history of IVDU and prostitution. Post-service VA treatment records include a February 23, 2012 report containing the Veteran's reports of having intermittent episodes of dizziness that typically occurred when he stood up or lied down, lasted 30 seconds and were sometimes associated with nausea.

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Sleep apnea is treated and diagnosed in a different way, so depending on what your doctor says, you could have a strong case for one over the other. )
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  • So I went to the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) for help in filing a disability claim with the VA. Ortiz, 274 F.3d at 1365. The purpose of this study was to assess the reported prevalence and severity of sleep disturbance in chronic tinnitus patients. 509, 512 (1998). Those seeing combat who had symptoms were 41% while non-combat personnel was 25%. 4. Willful misconduct will not be determinative unless it is the proximate cause of injury, disease or death. 3. A search of the Board's Veterans Appeals Co-Locator System (VACOLS) reflects that the RO has undertaken action of the issue, but has mischaracterized it as an increased rating claim, as opposed to service connection for a heart disorder. You might get both! Use our VA Disability Calculator to estimate your combined VA rating and monthly entitlement here. In view of the Veteran's assertions that he has had dizziness and sleeping problems secondary to his service-connected tinnitus; October 1970 service treatment record reflecting that the Veteran complained of insomnia and dizziness and impression of anxiety and the Board's award of service connection for an acquired psychiatric disorder, currently diagnosed as depression and anxiety, the Board finds that the low threshold standard of McLendon has been met. Share with: ... YOU CAN CLAIM SECONDARY SLEEPING CONDITION WITH ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION CODE. Some veterans have received a VA Total Disability rating for primary insomnia alone, but most have achieved their rating using insomnia as a secondary condition combined with a different primary condition. By that rating action, the RO, in part, denied service connection for hepatitis C. The Veteran appealed the RO's adverse determination to the Board.