va disability rating for neck arthritis

What can I do to help support my claim? Must have a current diagnosis of secondary condition claimed.#3. Thank You! Even in cases like this, it is undeniably If you had treatment records of bronchitis while in service or something similar, there would be a higher chance, but without those and no other solid evidence linking the bronchiectasis, it is very unlikely to be service-connected. However I did not work exclusively on the main base due to my job in munitions. It also has four disability ratings starting at 100% and going down to 0%. There is a study that shows a connection between sleep apnea and PTSD. Often arthritis can be caused by having to compensate for another condition, so it is highly likely that the VA will grant you connection for the hip. I'm SC for OCD. There are some loose studies out there suggesting that OSA could be caused by TMJ, but none prove this. Your advice was correct: the best way to get compensation for the sleep apnea would be as secondary to atrial fibrillation. Because my left shoulder was frozen I had to overuse my right shoulder. I also have sleep apnea diagnosed by sleep study in 2004. Can I get service connection for that (cervical stenosis) due to over-usage also or would it be a secondary condition for my shoulders? Hopefully, she can see the connection as I didn't have these problems prior to joining the service. While most back disabilities can be traced to a specific event or injury that should be in your military records, you may also have back problems due to the physical stress of training and other work while in service. I am service connected for ED at a 0% rating. You can submit an appeal and include these records. I currently have a 10% rating for my left knee. You will need to have at least 1-2 years of medical evidence to substantiate a claim for Depression,as secondary to Tinnitus. Basically he seemed more interested in the fact that I had a stroke than in the sleep apnea. I recently submitted a claim for depression secondary to ED. Since OCD falls under anxiety disorder, use the claim " Obstuctive Sleep Apnea as secondary to anxiety disorder". Next week, we will meet with our VSO and he can show us in VBMS what the examiner said in her report. All heart conditions are rated on the Basic Rating System: you have proof in your medical records that your current heart condition qualifies for a rating higher than 10% under this rating system, then you can definitely appeal to have your rated corrected. Make sure to include evidence of the surgery and treatment that led to the damage. Ready to MAXIMIZE your military disability? How would one address the issue of a Denied claim where the VA says that service treatment records are silent for complaints, treatment or a diagnosis? If your evidence is strong enough, the VA could grant secondary connection for the injury. Only a single rating can be given under code 5257. After separation I moved overseas for work and will be submitting Notice of Disagreement (NOD).Question: With the NOD, should I included the additional information (some or all) - tests, diagnosis, and Nexus LTRs supporting or wait until contact from Decision Review Officer? No told me to claim them as secondary to PTSD. If they didn't increase your rating, they are stating that your depression and insomnia symptoms together were not severe enough to justify a higher rating. What r my chances. Hi Rodnek - You're correct that there is no evidence to support that Meniere's can be caused by hearing loss. I was thinking about filling for compensation for unemployability. Gary. The total combined is just capped at 100%. This is why the majority of these claims are denied. This condition has caused my right shoulder to drop causing my back to be out of alignment resulting in lower back pain and pain down my leg. If you meet this criteria:#1. you have the Meniere's rated additionally, then you may qualify as that could boost your ratings to meet the minimum requirements. I appreciate the information.Steelrig. Apply regardless, but it is always good practice to ensure the strength of your claims to the best of your ability. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! If that is what lead to the hip replacement, then it is plausible. How long does it take for them to show the actual individual claims on eBenefits? it is on the list, then just submit proof of your MOS and all medical records tied to your hearing loss and tinnitus. My question is can I somehow get retro pay back to my original claim? Probably the best piece I have is a Korean study that shows, that with higherexposure to Agent Orange, the number of cases increased.I noticed that ITP has a diagnosis code of 7705. I suffer from many other issues such as Migraines, Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, Diabetes and IBS. However, there are some that you may be able to find if you google. My spouse has service connected atrial fibrillation. On top of that, I have been clinically diagnosed with depression and anxiety for the last 6 years as well. I finally went on a CPAP in 2015 and inadvertently discovered that sleep apnea could cause so many different conditions after doing a DBQ with a VA contract doctor. There are studies suggesting the opposite as well. Cheers. I am currently receiving a disability for TMJ. In the medical records sent to the VA for evaluation showed scoliosis. Dr. Johnson,I was rated 70% for PTSD. The cause of the depression in the medical records needs to clearly be ED. Unfortunately my pain has not gotten better and I am required to have surgery every 2-3 years to remove painful peritoneal adhesion's. If you can find a doc who feels that they are connected and will write a Nexus, that would be the best way to strengthen your case. When I feel like I am failing, I feel like someone is going to die. When I told him i had one on top of my head where they drilled a hole to drain fluid due to my stroke he became excited and started putting info into the computer he was using. I went to the VA and I had a MRI done. Direct-Service connection can not be granted.A secondary-service connection argument can be made. Even if you limp or walk oddly, knee conditions usually still allow normal motion of the foot. Yes, the VA will look at all of your conditions and combine them as needed to rate them correctly. two conditions are covered by a single DBQ, then only one will be submitted for both. I deployed to Saudi Arabia in 1996-1997 though not considered a burn pit area. Explains why the VA can deny 80% of these claims.So that being said....Can I consider my Cirrhosis and my low platelet count as being non-diagnosed illness's? more than a year after separation from the military, proving service-connection I have a nexus letter from the doctor saying the right knee problem is more than likely caused by the service connected left knee. I have three claims that are recently open with the VA and I'm wondering if I should complete this form for each claim to tell my story? A single rating is given under this code if there is instability in the knee, regardless of how many ligaments are affected. His records clearly show treatment for sarcoidosis throughout his military career yet his claim was denied for sarcoidosis. If it is low, then it is usually denied. A nexus letter will support that. That really helps a lot. Due to the Spherocytosis my RBC's are on the low end of the range. It is unfortunate that the examiner didn't connect them. However when I requested a copy of the DBQ the question about scars was checked no and there was no supporting notes. Gary. Today, because of the Federal Circuits decision, veterans may receive disability benefits that began during their military service even without an actual diagnosis. All MOS are on the listing, so I definitely wasn't clear in my previous post. What was it listed as? If you’re stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! I am reasonably confident that I should be awarded these disabilities.In my research I've begun to wonder if my other "issues" may be service connected as well due to my two 6 month tours in the Persian Gulf. A second opinion is always a good idea, though, especially since you'll need the seizures directly tied to the sleep apnea in your case. Their rating is determined most commonly by assessing your range of motion. Thanks. If I didn't believe that Agent Orange was the root of my problem, I wouldn't be pursuing this case with such determination.Thanks for all your help!Gene R. Blomberg. The sleep study report or Dr. note must state "medically necessary cpap"3. Dr. Johnson,I'm looking for a VASRD code for pseudotumor cerebri also written in my records as idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Definitely go ahead and submit any and all additional evidence you have with your NOD. This means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each month. service-connected condition. I had another x-ray done in 2018 which also showed arthritis of the cervical spine and I continue to have neck pain and stiffness. No. to the spinal injury. But prostate cancer is. Now I have to say that the only thing that I know I was exposed to in the service was Agent Orange. Wow, thanks for the quick reply...I'm new to the VA claims filing process and appreciate the information. Make sure to include that they are secondary to PTSD, all the evidence to support this claim, and a NEXUS letter from your physicians (ideally from both the psychiatrist and those treating your other conditions). Then, continuity of symptoms after service;in the form of lay statements from friends and family. Meaning I didn't have a Disability Benefits Questionnaire(DBQ) or a Nexus of opinion linking the Sleep Apnea to PTSD. Ultimately, in order to win a secondary claim, it is always best to get a NEXUS letter. Do you think I have a pretty good chance for success?Thank You. Although he did not have a diagnosis of left knee injury in the military he was diagnosed with the left knee arthritis in fact its listed as more on the left side on some of the paperwork and some says bilateral but he was only rated for the right. A NEXUS letter from your physician detailing this connection would greatly strengthen your claim. ?Is this something that the VA could add to my claim even though I did not claim it separately? No. Just list them all and then provide evidence of their diagnosis while in service, and you'll be good to go. Estimate your 2021 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! It must be written by a doctor with the right specialties to have a viable opinion on your case. condition and its relationship to the original condition. You must show a definite diagnosis with continued and current treatments of the condition. without the spinal injury. The low platelet count (45K) could kill me as well due to possible internal bleeding. We are a national site, and so can't give local recommendations, unfortunately. There are a few different ways to do this. Bone and Joints Disability Ratings Table § 4.71a Schedule of ratings—musculoskeletal system. Because of the Pyramiding Principle, only a single lung rating can be given at a time, even if multiple lung conditions are present. Appeal to traditional appellate review if it was denied again by DRO review.Hope this info helps. Rheumatologist could test for that or Sjogren’s. For a complete overview of the veteran's disability systems, ratings, and benefits, check out our website, The first time I was hospitalized for this problem, my platelet count was undetectable. ... 5002. They will rate only one or the other, whichever gives the higher rating. Or did it occur during service?FYI, the nexus of opinion, must state the minimium threshold of "at least as likely as not" your condition is due to military service.I hope this provides some insight for you. diagnosed until after service. I keep reading conflicting advice about whether to file a secondary condition at the same time as my initial claim, or wait. I separate the nexus letter in two parts. Would it be worth applying for OSA secondary condition to the Afib I have? When present, scoliosis qualifies you for a minimum 20% rating if the other spine conditions do not allow for an equal or higher rating. But not for my left side, I am planning on submitting a new claim for left side but not sure if I should go with a secondary or service connected. I am submitting a secondary claim for my right knee. In this case, if the spinal injury Thanks for reply Dr Johnson. Should I file for a secondary for each one and file them all together at the same time? What you are seeing is the Pyramiding Principle at play. Dips below once in awhile. I am 30% for the Meniere's but I suffer of dizziness and vertigo almost every day. Without your bronchitis being service-connected, they aren't going to service-connect your bronchiectasis. V/R,Steve. I am taking prednisone for my skin rush and my pain in joints because I have polyathalgias since1998.I had a kidney transplant in2009.They gave me my pills and they include prednisone and i told them that I been talking prednisone long time ago.They told me very good.Now I would like to know if I can qualify for SYSTEMIC THERAPY. Can I place another claim with a Nexus letter from my doctor and ex rays that show the damage to those joints. Could these fall under the Gulf War Syndrome umbrella? I have a couple more questions. My husband and I were both denied service connected tinnitus. First, you need a letter from your mental health practitioner claiming a connection between your action, the panic attack, and your PTSD. In April 2018, it was determined by the Federal Circuit that the VA must award disability benefits for pain due to military service. You can do this by requesting your files from the military and always keeping another copy of your medical records. Since "bronchitis with sarcoidosis" is already rated 30%, both conditions are being covered by that rating. Within two years I finally washed out of three classes (tore right Achilles-service connected;lis-franc fracture right foot a year later which ultimately led to medical discharge as I was told I wouldn’t be able to perform anymore). The VA legally must have proof that conditions are service-connected before they can grant disability benefits. The range of motion method of determining your VA benefits rating generally will end up as one of the following: Of course, a limited range of motion is not the only way to get VA disability for back problems. What you should do is check the ratings for Sarcoidosis and see if his test results would qualify him for a higher rating than 30%. Thus, the VA has to combine all mental health conditions and give only a single rating, regardless of the cause. Unfortunately, in 11 years, that is plenty of time to knee issues to develop, so it'll be easy for the VA to say that they would have developed regardless. Getting these disabilities documented from your doctor is crucial for your claim! It states "No definite evidence for widespread polyneuropathy affecting the lower extremities. I had applied for the residuals before they made me total and permanent, I wear and average of 7 depends a day, make 5 to 6 trips to urinate at night, have to have a bed pad incase I urinate before I can get up. You can attempt to apply for them as Gulf War Syndrome, but you'll want a physician backing you up, which may be hard. Reply Delete For example, if I have 10% patella femoral syndrome in one knee, and a secondary 10% sublaxation in the other knee--I am not sure if my low back pain and arthritis would be interpreted as connected to this?Lastly and somewhat unrelated, if I am filing for 8 separate conditions, it will be up to the VA to determine whether one is related to the other and essentially combine them correct?Thank you. I was referred out and diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and put on a CPAP unit. Thanks for the helpful information Mr Alaniz. I found out later that I also have cervical stenosis. I am rated for PTSD/Insomnia/Depression at the 70%. As long as you are able to submit strong evidence, you have a strong chance. Only a single rating is given for the overall health of the spine (one for the cervical one for the lumbar). Insomnia, although technically a sleep condition, is rated as a mental health condition. Second, you must be able to connect your current disability … Therefore, anything above middle or lower back pain will be referred to as the “cervical spine” and falls under a different rating system. I have been rated 30% for Asthma and I put in a claim for sleep apnea but was denied. Determining a military disability rating for arthritis can be frustrating, to say the least. I was diagnosed with anxiety and MDD due to my IBS. I'm not sure exactly what your rating breakdown is, so I'm not sure what the 40% and 20% and your P&T 100% are for, but hopefully what I've said applies to your case. If you fell directly on your shoulder or had to put your arm out to try to lessen the fall and your hands, elbow, or shoulder resulted in injury. But if I wait to be rated for the PTSD, and claim sleep apnea later, it would be a secondary? Over the last 2 years I have developed and been diagnosed Meniere by doctor and would like to file for the Meniere but have seen that it’s not possible to have Meniere secondary to hearing loss. I had it officially diagnosed on 05-09-2018, which is when I had the electrophysiological study with a Neurologist. Because of this, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to claim sleep apnea as secondary to anxiety and depression. A secondary condition is a condition However, it does qualify for special monthly compensation K for loss of use of a creative organ.

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