neville longbottom father

Neville's family is relieved, therefore, when he receives his letter inviting him to Hogwarts. Neville Longbottom had a lot of strikes against him right out of the gate. Mr Longbottom Neville Longbottom x TopMaleReader. So I think, yeah, he'd have pulled through in the end. Bolstered by Neville's leadership of the D.A. Gender The wand appears to have added further improvement to Neville's school performance. When a group of Death Eaters guided by Draco Malfoy attack the castle, Neville answers the call for help, and he fights against the Death Eaters once again, though he suffers minor injuries. Neville Longbottom was born on 30 July, 1980, to Frank and Alice Longbottom, a pair of Aurors. Matthew Lewis Neville Longbottom Must Be A Weasley Harry Potter James Potter Clive Owen Stars Then And Now Photos Of The Week You Are The Father. When asked if he feels related to Neville, Lewis replied that he is "clumsy and terribly forgetful" just like his character is, but that he does not have "the same nervous disposition as Neville", and that it is interesting to play somebody that, despite being picked on at school, still does the right thing. He was the father of Frank Longbottom and the paternal grandfather of Neville Longbottom. He married a witch, Augusta, with whom he had one son, Frank. Edinburgh "cub reporter" press conference, "Why Are 'Harry Potter' Fans So Obsessed With Neville Longbottom? [12], For most of the first part of the series, Neville is described as lacking self-confidence and being shy. "[16] Neville was always considered to be a fan favourite character in the first four books where he provided a mainly secondary role, before The Order of the Phoenix where he became one of the main characters and eventual leader of Dumbledore's Army. No One POV. She was selected for Gryffindor to the delight of her father, Neville Longbottom, a professor of Herbology. Neville is a staunch friend of Harry Potter’s, and a true Gryffindor. In a 2000 interview, Rowling recalled a conversation with a reader, to whom she described Neville as "short and plump and blond". The torture of the Longbottoms is remembered by the Order as one of the most horrific crimes committed by Voldemort's followers. Matthew David Lewis (born 27 June 1989) is an English actor. She also has an older brother, Leo. Fans of the series admire Neville's bravery and desire to avenge his parents and assist Harry, Ron and Hermione. It is stated by Dumbledore that both of them had "thrice defied" Voldemort by 1981. When Harry tells her that Neville is fighting Death Eaters, she replies, "Naturally." Species But he had his hopes, and he had his dreams, and he had a good heart. 1. She is the younger twin to her sister Ophelia. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin were running from opposite sides of a corridor to get to their classes before they were late when out of nowhere they collided turning a corner. Although it is based on canonical information, the actual name is a conjecture and may be supplanted at any time by additional information released from canonical sources. [7] Rowling revealed more information about Neville when she stated that he married Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff classmate, who became the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. Please help the Harry Potter Wiki by uploading and adding an image to this article and then removing this template. When Voldemort returns with Harry's apparently lifeless body, Neville defies him, and decapitates Nagini with the Sword of Godric Gryffindor (which he draws from the Sorting Hat), thus destroying the final Horcrux and making Voldemort mortal once again. In the end, both were essential to Voldemort's downfall, fulfilling the possibility that both Harry and Neville were, in fact, the Chosen One. [2][3] His grandson, Neville, witnessed his death, thus enabling the boy to see Thestrals at a young age. Neville in his youth ''I'll join you when hell freezes over! However, since the first book Neville has displayed great courage, a feature that is recognised by Dumbledore for standing up to his own friends, and valued by Rowling above all other virtues. [6] According to Rowling, this "does not give Neville either hidden powers or a mysterious destiny ... Neville remains the tantalising 'might-have-been.' Neville is a pure-blood wizard born to Frank and Alice Longbottom, who were prominent Aurors and also members of the Order of the Phoenix during the first war against Lord Voldemort. Neville is portrayed in the film adaptations by Matthew Lewis. He had one known sibling, a brother, Algie,and may have had others. The Ministry official Dawlish is sent to arrest her but does not succeed and winds up in hospital when she apparently fights back before going on the run. He invites Hermione to the Yule Ball but is declined, so Neville is accompanied by Ginny at the Ball instead. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The contrast between the two people is that Harry was the reluctant hero who never wanted that on his shoulders and whatnot, but he just felt like he had to do it. The encouragement he receives gives him confidence in his magical abilities, turning him into a more competent wizard. Lewis, who is good friends with Felton in real life, commented on the photo "Speak for yourself lad!" This "Chosen One" would be born "as the seventh month dies", and thus could refer to either Neville, born July 30, 1980, or Harry, born July 31. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, despite being a Pure-blood wizard, Neville fears that Slytherin's monster would attack him because he is "almost a Squib", as he is a poorly skilled student. Dumbledore's Army!" He isa pure-blood wizard who began school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991, and was sorted into Gryffindor house. He befriends Harry, Ron and Hermione, and takes part in some of the trio's first adventures. Early on, it is established that Neville is terrified of his grandmother, who is a very strict disciplinarian, a perfectionist, and a no-nonsense witch, especially towards Neville, and sometimes complains of his lack of talent. Neville's wand originally belonged to his father, Frank Longbottom, and we don't know what wood it was made from or its core. During the first books of the series, Neville is portrayed as an incompetent wizard and as poorly skilled at school (with the only exception of Herbology). Even Voldemort didn't get to his level of power on his own. Born Professor Neville Longbottom (born 30 July 1980) is one of the protagonists of the Harry Potter series. He has been married to Angela Jones since May 28, 2018. After that, Neville was quite good at casting spells with his wand. As stated by Rowling, the fifth Harry Potter book "was a real turning point for Neville", due to the bigger role he played in that book. Human Vingt-neuf élèves, de différentes maisons de Poudlard, se sont au total inscrits à l'AD. In the films, it might be easy to assume that Neville's parents died at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange's torture. He prefers not to talk about this, hating the sympathy and pity he receives when people find out. Neville makes one significant contribution in his first year at Hogwarts: by attempting to stand up to the trio when he sees them about to break the rules and possibly do more harm to Gryffindor house, he earns the respect of Albus Dumbledore. However, in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Remus Lupin is one of the first to help Neville develop his true power by asking him to confront and destroy a Boggart, which Neville successfully did. Upon Harry's return to Hogwarts, Neville sends messages to the D.A., which in turn gathers the Order of the Phoenix. Neville was born \"several hours\" before his classmate, Harry. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Neville's magical abilities improve dramatically under the tutelage of Harry during meetings of Dumbledore's Army, and then devotes himself to Harry's training regimen. He is one of Harry's strongest supporters over the course of the series, and becomes close friends with Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna as well. Died Apr 3, 2012 - Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom) wasn't the only actor in the Harry Potter movies to get hot! Neville reveals that the Carrows beat him and that the Death Eaters targeted his grandmother when Neville was acting up at school. Algie Longbottom (brother)[3]Harfang Longbottom (possible relative)Harfang's son (possible relative)Harfang's daughter (possible relative)Augusta Longbottom (wife)[3]Frank Longbottom (son)[3]Alice Longbottom (daughter-in-law)Enid Longbottom (sister-in-law)Neville Longbottom (grandson) Physical information Throughout the series, Neville is often portrayed as a bumbling and disorganised character, and a rather mediocre student, though he is highly gifted at Herbology. Between 1980 and 1995[2] While the demise of Harry’s parents was undoubtedly tragic, it was at least swift. Neville Longbottom is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series. Could Neville have been the Chosen One? Neville receives a new wand in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as the old one, which was actually his father's, was broken during the struggle with Death Eaters in the previous book. Both the characters are incredibly and fiercely loyal and that breeds loyalty in other people. Special thanks to Oregonian for allowing me to spin-off her wonderful story Forgive Us Our Trespasses . In fact, those close to Neville quietly wondered if he might nearly be a Squib, someone born into a wizarding family without magic powers. Community content is available under. Due in large part to the character's impressive character arc throughout the series, Neville is often regarded as one of the greatest characters in the Harry Potter mythos. Thus making Neville a true Half-Blood. While Harry delivered the final blow to destroy Voldemort, Neville destroyed the final Horcrux which allowed Harry to end Voldemort. In the final book, the situation pushes Neville's personality to unseen limits as he becomes the resistance leader within Hogwarts and is greatly admired by his fellows. [Source] [20] When asked about whether or not Neville was the chosen one, Neville's portrayer Matthew Lewis stated, "I get asked about the prophecy an awful lot, and Neville's potential as 'The Chosen One'. After the battle is won, Neville is shown surrounded by a group of admirers. She appears to want Neville to follow his father's example, regardless of his desires or suitability. My, they grow up so quickly! She is a Half-Blood witch since her father is a Pure-blood and her mother is a Half-blood. Neville's magical abilities greatly improve in the fifth instalment,[15] due to the character joining Dumbledore's Army, a group dedicated to practice Defence Against the Dark Arts. This page "shows not" an image, but just a written article. [17][18] Neville's role in the prophecy in Order of the Phoenix is frequently referred to in a hypothetical scenario where Neville was the Chosen One rather than Harry. Loyalty It is revealed that Neville achieved an "Outstanding" in Herbology, and he did well in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Charms, earning an "Exceeds Expectations." Not so for Neville Longbottom, who went on to become Hogwarts' Professor of Herbology; but for Lewis, it's not hard to imagine what he would have been like as a father. For this act Dumbledore mentions him especially at the end of year dinner, pointing out the bravery required to stand up to one's friends and awarding him the final 10 points necessary for Gryffindor house to beat Slytherin. [1] Neville played a significant part in the two final books and the fight against Lord Voldemort, destroying the final Horcrux, Nagini, with the Sword of Gryffindor. The character himself reveals in the second book that it was even feared by his family, especially his grandmother, that he was a Squib during his childhood. "Oww, bloody hell that hurt, are you alright." Neville has a very sad and tragic relationship with his parents. Neville wants the D.A. He is later seen helping Oliver Wood carry the body of Colin Creevey. Family members [5], He married a witch, Augusta, with whom he had one son, Frank. During one of Crouch Jr.'s Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons while impersonating Alastor Moody, Neville is terrified upon seeing Crouch Jr. demonstrate the effects of the curse on a spider. One of the worst acts ever committed in the service of Voldemort was that of the harming of Neville Longbottom’s parents, Frank and Alice. He wished that he knew that they had been avenged. He also receives far greater characterisation than he has in the past, with Harry, and thus the reader, coming to understand him on a deeper level, beginning when Harry's friends see the state of Neville's parents at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. However, the character's personality appears to undergo a transition after he joins Dumbledore's Army in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Neville Longbottom is the only son of Frank Longbottom and Alice Bones-Longbottom. [3], Mr Longbottom was born sometime before 1947[1] into the Longbottom family,[3] an old British pure-blood family, considered to be one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Their success, however, was cut short, as Frank and Alice were tortured to the point of insanity with the Cruciatus Curse by a group of Death Eaters consisting of Barty Crouch, Jr., Bellatrix Lestrange, her husband Rodolphus, and his brother Rabastan. Relationship information Harry saved the day because he had friends and people who loved him. In the third book, his boggart is revealed to be Professor Snape, whom Neville is terrified of because of the treatment the potions teacher gives to the boy. During Dumbledore's funeral Neville is accompanied and assisted by Luna, and Harry felt a "great rush of affection" for them because they were the only two D.A. Together, they may be able to help each other. [4] For that reason, she wanted Neville to do something brave in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, in which Neville "finds true moral courage in standing up to his closest friends - the people who are on his side" towards the climax of the novel. Neville Longbottom first appears in Philosopher's Stone before the initial journey in the Hogwarts Express, in which he is seen being accompanied by his grandmother looking for his toad pet Trevor. [5] Dumbledore, to whom the prophecy was originally made, explains that it concerns "the Chosen One", a wizard that would have the power to vanquish Voldemort. "Why Neville Longbottom was always a true Gryffindor", J.K. Rowling interview transcript, The Connection (WBUR Radio), "Here's What Happened To Neville Longbottom After Harry Potter Ended", J. K. Rowling at Carnegie Hall Reveals Dumbledore is Gay; Neville Marries Hannah Abbott, and Much More, Matthew Lewis MuggleNet Chat (August 25th, 2005). Whereas Neville was kind of the hero that no one expected to be a hero, but still came out the other side being exactly that. Quiet and fairly clumsy, Neville was raised by his grandmother, Augusta, after his parents were tortured to insanity by Death Eaters when he was just over a year old. He's lovable, sure, but his early misadventures don't explicitly foreshadow the valiant defender of Hogwarts that he would ultimately become. [11], The narrative describes Neville as round-faced. members that helped Ron, Hermione, and Ginny in the struggle with the Death Eaters. Neville revealed as much to Hagrid and Dolores Umbridge during her time eval… Template:RbMavis Longbottom was born on November 8, in 2005. — Lana Longbottom being sorted into Gryffindor. Deathly Hallows is a definite turning point for the relation between Augusta and her grandson. In the climax of the book, Neville participates in the battle in the Department of Mysteries, in which he accidentally breaks the prophecy made about Harry and Voldemort. During the train ride to Hogwarts, Neville is invited by Horace Slughorn to join the Slug Club, but apparently does not pass Slughorn's first test as he is not invited again. He looked at him mother; he wished that they knew that the war was over, and that good had once again prevailed. The Longbottoms are one of the few pureblood families in the Wizarding world. But the thing is: nobody in this series did anything on their own. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, it is revealed that Neville was raised by his grandmother because his parents were tortured to the point of insanity by Barty Crouch, Jr. and Rodolphus, Rabastan and Bellatrix Lestrange with the Cruciatus Curse. "[21][22][23], Fictional character in the Harry Potter universe, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. 8 His Parents Are Alive Neville gets to give a brief summary of his parents history in the Order of the Phoenix, but as readers well know, their story is severely cut short. She also said in that interview that this was "...a very important moment for me too in the first book". ", "Matthew Lewis on if Neville Longbottom was the Chosen One", "Harry Potter: 10 Times Neville Proved He Could Have Been The Chosen One", "7 reasons Neville Longbottom should have been the Chosen One", Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide, Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists, Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts, Warner Bros. [19] It is often suggested that Voldemort chose Harry over Neville because of Harry's half-blood status. coin to many admiring students and tells them about his adventures. Eventually, Neville becomes the leader of Dumbledore's Army during Harry, Ron and Hermione's absence searching for Horcruxes. He was raised to believe that his father was Frank Longbottom in order to protect him from both his fathers condition and Frank being a closet gay. Blood status Neville is the son of Frank and Alice Longbottom, famous and well-liked Aurors who were tortured into madness by the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange. Towards the climax of the book, it is revealed that the Death Eaters targeted Augusta when Neville was acting as leader of the reformed Dumbledore's Army. Neville visits Frank and Alice over the holidays, but neither of them recognise him as their son. Matthew Lewis Neville Longbottom Must Be A Weasley Clive Owen Stars Then And Now Photos Of The Week You Are The Father Beautiful Men Beautiful People Neville Longbottom Must Be A Weasley Clive Owen Stars Then And Now Photos Of The Week You Are The Father … Aucun élève de Serpentard n'y est inscrit. He is described as a round-faced Gryffindor student in the central character Harry Potter's year. Together, they may be able to help each other. ", "Neville Longbottom is the Most Important Person in Harry Potter—And Here's Why", "Should Neville Longbottom Be the Chosen One? Jun 13, 2014 - Do you guys still remember one of the character in Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone name Neville Longbottom. In an interview, Rowling also mentioned that he shows off his D.A. -- Neville bravely rejects Voldemort's offer to join him. Lewis' portrayal of Neville has been "clowned up", as he wears yellow and crooked false teeth, two-sizes-too-big shoes and has plastic bits placed behind his ears in order to make them stick out more. Since then, Frank and Alice reside in a closed ward of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Male If this occurs, please move this page to the appropriate title. Neville goes into hiding in the Room of Requirement, which he shows an incredible ability to control. What is the significance of Neville being the other boy to whom the prophecy might have referred? Augusta Longbottom, Neville's paternal grandmother, raised him from a young age. Together with Ginny and Luna, Neville reactivates Dumbledore's Army, stepping into the leadership position in Harry's absence and helping students who were tormented under the new regime. Neville Longbottom. Rowling said that the "worst, shabbiest thing you can do" as a teacher is to bully students. It very good to see him finally being a help as opposed to making things worse, I'm looking forward to the 5th film, it will be interesting to almost play a different character." Could he have achieved what Harry did? Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Hermione Granger and the Quarter Life Crisis,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 February 2021, at 03:54. Matthew Lewis was born on June 27, 1989 in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England as Matthew David Lewis. Neville Longbottom was born unlucky. [8][9], Neville has been played by Matthew Lewis in all of the Harry Potter films to date. Pure-blood during his seventh year at Hogwarts, Augusta ultimately becomes extremely proud of him. Although a secondary character in the first four books, Neville appears often in the role of comic relief. He died sometime between 1980 and 1995. meetings to continue, as he feels they have helped him and the others to improve their skills, however they stop as Harry now says there is no need as they now have a "proper teacher". In Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry draws some physical comparison between Neville and Peter Pettigrew. He was born to parents who would soon only be strangers to him, and he would never achieve anything close to their greatness or the success of the friends around him. He is best known for his role as Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter film series.. Born in Leeds, Lewis made his acting debut in Some Kind of Life (1995), guest-starring on dramas for ITV and BBC One before appearing in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001). Mr Longbottom was born sometime before 1947 into the Longbottom family, an old British pure-blood family, considered to be one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. As a … Lana Longbottom was born in the year 2006 and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2017, the same year as Albus Potter, the second son of the famous Harry Potter. Felton posted a photo on Instagram recently where he posed next to a younger portrait of himself, and wrote "aging's a bitch" as the caption. Matthew Lewis, who played Neville Longbottom in the "Harry Potter" movies, teased Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy, about aging. Neville Longbottom is the only child of Half-Blood Wizard /Werewolf Remus Lupin and Pureblood Witch Alice Fortescue. In Half-Blood Prince, Neville receives a new wand made of cherry wood and unicorn hair, as his previous wand (which was actually his father's) was destroyed while fighting Death Eaters in Order of the Phoenix. I think, had it been Neville he would have had a similar experience. [10] Prior to the release of the fifth film, Lewis commented on Neville's character development that he thinks "it's amazing that the character of Neville has really shaken off his klutz image (to an extent.) [2][3] Neville revealed as much to Hagrid and Dolores Umbridge during her time evaluating a Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Moments after his birth, Neville was able to adjust his blankets so that he was swaddled more snugly, but no one witnessed this unusually precocious display of underage magic.

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