msnbc corporate office

Do you ever feel like you may have your head up your rearends? I have never written to a news organization. How is it that President Obama had to plead with your station to cover any of his dealings, but you feel that every little lie and BS Trump throws out there you must cover. MSNBC, you are doing a great job of promoting Drumpt. Avg. I will never watch, or listen to ABC,NBC,CNn,MSNBC, FoX, or any msm trash again. To favor a presidential candidate that does not want to raise the minimum wage for working Americans and favors more tax cuts for the richest of the rich, is a total affront to working Americans and show lack of empathy and moral judgement on your part. The 2 main emails are and Microsoft invested $221 million for a 50 … I see where once again you have pre-empted the Rachael Maddow show to show the bullcrap that went on at what was supposed to be a Trump rally. Its sad they apologize and then go right back to pure bs propaganda, and we are suddenly supposed to trust them. NOT ANY MORE. When I watch Morning Joe it is Donny Deutsch who gives a reasonable analysis of Trump’s actions and statements that is easily understood by the listeners. I don't think you know much about American history. I will stop watching your channel for good. Apparently not, or I believe you would do something different. You are getting about as bad as the "Fair and Balanced" B.S Mountain Faux News entertainment world. What is there about this biggest a-hole biggest lying Bas---- that attracts all of this free air time? Also, we have 6 republicans running and just two democrats, so therefore you decide that the republicans should have 3 times as much coverage and then add more of Trumps events so making this about 5 times as much coverage than the democrats. We need Ed to stand up to the nonsense reporting on Fox News. Is this the best you air heads who think you are the "deciders" and are about as dumb as the man who called himself the "decider". I died from a motorcycle accident 38 years ago and despite my diminished mental capacity, I’m committed to sending out 15,000 email notifying my gay brothers and sisters of this travesty and monumental genocide being committed by a “HealthCare Facility” a prestigious University, big pharma, the FDA with political support from the politicians. I would like to request that tomorrow's session with James Comey NOT be interrupted by any live tweets from Trump. Especially since you haven't said where Maddow et all will go!! This is the best way to lose viewers, Does Comcast own this news Agency? You are basically supporting a Communist or a least a communist sympathizer. Reviews 72. I'm so fed up -- as I know many, many other are -- with his continual interruptions to answers his guests are trying to provide to questions he's asked. I haven't seen that much coverage of a plane on a tarmac since the Pope came to America. Why not cover that,and other garbage congress is wasting time on. PLEASE let me know. As your polls are telling you, this MSNBC news team is getting its highest ratings ever. I turn your p.m. programs on and when I hear everything about DONALD TRUMP, I have to change the channels. I have watched MSNBC shows from 8:00 to 11:00 since 2016. We want Ed back and Joe Scarborough gone. He comes across as antagonistic and ridiculous, getting so excited we can actually see spittle in the corners of his mouth because he won't stop talking (thanks to HD). We quit watching MSNBC long time ago. Trump pissed all over CNN and of course, you do not want to be accused of reporting anything that may be questioned except all of the false BS on HRC;s emails and how she personally blew up Bengazi Chris Matthews is in love with Kellyanne Conway as though this is not good enough, you had to add Greta. Browse photos to learn about MSNBC offices and culture. This has to change and Trump is not the man to do this. He gets real tough with the Editor of Buzzveed for even bringing up the report that Trump may be compromised. As an Asian American, I am outraged at this. Keep pushing the hell out of these two jerks, it fits with you supposed profitability and ratings. You people are sick freaks. The fact that you would allow Trump to "Phone it in" speaks volumes about your lack of journalistic integrity. Today Kornacki cuts the Democrat Bill Press off repeatedly while letting Michael Steele ramble on and on. You had better look out, you may get your wish and all I will tell you, is look out. Now Castellanout is the new MTP moderator. I understand your disappointment. The American people spoke. It will be a tremendous mistake and a great lost to all of us who take seriously our right to speak our view. Moving on BBC it's much more world news informative daily then the OCD MSNBC that seems to get focused on an important story that doesn't need non stop coverage for days? You can see he cringes when he has a wonderful man like Gene Robinson on his show. He has about as much credibility and integrity as noodle. You are not a news outfit but an arm or attach dog for a corrupt socialist Govt. The company has been active for almost 23 years now. The subsidiary channels of MSNBC … niner is right about Mika being run over by Joe S. it is shameful to see her sit there and scowl in disagreement. MSNBC owns and operates as a television news network. Rachel Maddow needs to tone down her glee about how stupid the person or situation she is currently opining on. Write your comment in an email and send it through to one of these editors. Is this the way journalism is supposed to be. I am one who says who cares what the hell Drumph says, because it is a bunch of BS and bloviating and racist bigoted crap and how you people can support such a total asshole is quite amazing. He's headed in the direction of Pat Buchanan. You guessed it, Donald Trump! Not the sewer mess MSNBC has turned into. Here he comes, view of plane, here he is on stage with Cristie lying his ass off, and then the big cahona, the biggest liar of all, the one and only self made multibillionaire (haha) republican front runner and MSNBC's darling in the presidential race to protect the interests of the rich and powerful and their tax breaks and loopholes, Dooonnnnallldd Trrrrrruuuummmpp!

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