fip treatment drug

(Anobis/ infectious peritonitis (FIP) has long carried a fatal designation, but according to top feline researchers and clinicians at the Winn Feline Foundation's recently held FIP symposium at the University of California-Davis (aptly titled “PURRsuing FIP and … Contamination problems were caused by active pharmaceutical ingredients manufactured in China and India. Involvement of a veterinarian in all aspects of health care for cats with suspected or diagnosed FIP is critical. The current hope for treatment of FIP rests with several of the same types of specific anti-viral drugs that have been used to treat viral infections of humans such as hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS. Drugs alleging to be GC376 and GS441524 are not generic versions of the drugs in the clinical trials, nor have their safety and efficacy been established. One cat relapsed with neurological disease after completing treatment at a dosage of 2 mg/kg, SC, q24h and was cured at a dosage of 4 mg/kg, SC, q24 h, while a second cat was treated twice at 2 mg/kg and relapsed each time. 400 29th StreetSuite 502Oakland, CA 94609(510) 250-9797, Copyright Animal Microbiome Analytics, Inc. dba AnimalBiome 2016-2020. GC376 Is the Cure for FIP for Some Cats Finally, it’s begun to pay off. Both forms are fatal, and the lack of a cure has left pet parents and veterinarians in a heartbreaking position, with no option other than euthanasia. Owners and veterinarians using should be also aware of possible legal and ethical consequences arising from the use of black-market drugs. Access to GC376 might at least have given pet parents a legal treatment route, but in March, Anivive announced that it was working with the FDA to repurpose the drug as a candidate for treating COVID-19 in humans. This is why the FDA recently announced a plan to revamp its rules that govern how medicine is manufactured in an effort to ensure the safety of the nation’s drug supply, as recalls of contaminated imports from developing countries widen. The results of this study were presented in 2012 at the ACVIM forum. There is additional evidence from the literature that different forms of the infecting virus can evolve in different tissues, so that virus in the brain may respond different to GS-441524 than virus in other parts of the body. As a recent article in the Atlantic explains, the success of remdesivir turns out to be the main reason you probably didn’t even know a FIP cure existed. According to Pedersen, “these black-market suppliers have been given a cease and desist order by the patent holder, Gilead Sciences, Inc.,” so there’s no guarantee that this “unapproved source of GS-441524” will continue to exist in the future. I have been opposed to the black-market use of GC or GS mainly because I have seen the "wild-west-like" situations that it creates. Cats with chest involvement and breathing difficulties can benefit greatly by removal of pleural fluid. Professor Emeritus By making a small change that improved the molecule’s ability to enter human cells, Gilead also created a second, nearly identical drug—remdesivir.Â, While Gilead pursued remdesivir as a possible treatment for Ebola in humans, Pedersen tested the simpler drug, GS-441524, in cats. Variability in clinical signs of non-effusive (dry) FIP from cats necropsied at UC Davis, Signs referable to: % affected Peritoneal cavity 30 CNS 22 Eyes 14 CNS & eyes 8 Peritoneal cavity, eyes 7 Peritoneal & pleural cavities 4 Peritoneal & pleural cavities, CNS 3 Peritoneal & pleural cavities, eyes 2 Peritoneal cavity, CNS, eyes 2 Pleural cavity 1. The phenomenon of neurological disease following a common systemic virus infection is well known in humans and animals. No cat owner should start a treatment without first confirming the diagnosis. This delay has created a vigorous and growing black-market for drugs like GC376 and GS-441524. Polyprenyl immunostimulant as a potential treatment for cats with FIP has an interesting history that extends from Russia to the United States. And cats with neurological FIP “often require an even higher dosage.”, Nevertheless, since Pedersen first published his results in 2019, more and more pet parents have opted for the black market, with the result that thousands of cats have been cured using GS-441524.Â, One of those lucky cats is Salem. The only way to increase drug levels in the brain is to increase the blood level by using higher and higher dosage regimens. The blood-to-brain barrier in cats will exclude around 80% of most drugs, while the blood-to-eye barrier excludes about 70%. Eight of the 60 cats survived over 200 days, and 4 of 60 survived over 300 days No historical control cat that suffered solely from dry FIP and not treated with PI lived longer than 200 days. There is often no information on how this was done, what diluent was used, local and systemic toxicity, and its stability once in injectable. Thanks. The treatment has to be monitored with repeated blood tests to make sure the dosage is correct. The median survival of wet FIP is only 8 days, so early diagnosis is very important, the treatment of wet FIP is relatively easy. The only effective treatment for neurological and/or ocular FIP is an antiviral drug such as GS-441524. GS441 has effectively cured wet FIP, dry FIP, ocular and neurological FIP. If the purity and anti-viral activity is the same as the drugs described in research publications, the published information can be directly applied. As of February 2019, yes! FIP Therapeutics/Clinical Trials Team is responsible for conducting in-house trials of therapies for naturally occuring FIP. Ocular disease is most often manifested by inflammation of the anterior uveal tract (iris and ciliary body) with discoloration of one or both irises, precipitates on the back side of the cornea, and cloudiness of the aqueous humor. Both drugs are still experimental and neither approved or available to the general public. contemplated at this time and no drug is legally available for veterinarians or owners. The drug may be purchased in a powder form, which requires more than average knowledge to successfully convert to a stable and injectable form. Neither drug is available as an approved drug on any market in the world. The ability of drugs like GS-441524 to inhibit inflammation caused by FIPV infected macrophages may also be a two-edged sword. The only effective treatment for neurological and/or ocular FIP is an antiviral drug such as GS-441524. Both researchers are working on new treatments against Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Dr. Legendre is working on a drug therapy, while Dr. Pedersen is targeting a genetic solution to FIP. I feel strongly that GS treatment by injection has the highest probability of curing your cat’s FIP and is the only treatment method backed by published research. Niels C. Pedersen, now professor emeritus at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, has been studying FIP since the 1960s. Table 1. Ophthalmoscopic examination may also demonstrate inflammation in the retina and optic nerve. But over the past 18 months, thousands of cats have reportedly been cured of FIP by a drug that’s very similar to remdesivir—the antiviral currently under investigation as a promising treatment for COVID-19 in humans. Per outgoing FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, “We’ve seen a lot of instances of adulterated products—contamination, impurities—recently… The underlying causes have been traced back to manufacturing, inadequate quality controls and generally poor management oversight.” The proposed rule changes will focus on the active pharmaceutical ingredients; however, Gottlieb said the overhaul is only now in its early stages and may take several years to complete. Distinguished professor emeritus Dr, Niels Pedersen, legendary veterinary researcher is greatly responsible for describing FIP many decades ago, and he’s been chasing a potential treatment for decades.In his talk, which kicked off the day and a half-long symposium, he explained how two drugs may now actually cure FIP. Members may no longer tell another member via the group to contact them for purchasing/obtaining these chemical compounds or for information related to precluded topics for discussion, like homeopathy. GS-441524 is also being produced illegally in China but has not yet appeared on the market. In this study, three cats with subclinical dry form FIP were treated with Polyprenyl Immunostimulant. Both drugs show great promise in curing cats of non-neurologic wet and dry FIP. However, veterinarians that choose to assist owners with treating cats with such drugs may have no such protection against adverse situations that might arise from such unauthorized use. This will effectively shield them from any "improper or illegal use." Such barriers evolved over millions of years by positive selection for the fittest. Common drugs such as cyclosporine, cholesterol inhibitors such as itraconazole, various antibiotics, and several herbal extracts inhibit FIP virus in cell-culture, but the anti-viral effect is weak and potential toxicity great. We have found this treatment to cause a rapid reversal of clinical signs within days, a return to near normal within two weeks, and a return to full normalcy within 8 weeks or so. Second, the efficiency of this barrier will decrease in inflamed tissues and increase as inflammation subsides. Manufacturers unaffected by contamination issues have increased the price of valsartan at least twofold amid the recent recalls; Alembic Pharmaceuticals more than tripled the price of 17 of its valsartan formulations, with price hikes ranging from 329 to 469 percent. For the treatment of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Although the first effort was centered around GC, the emphasis of this black-market has rapidly shifted to GS. Either form can also lead to neurologic symptoms, such as seizures or loss of coordination. The coronavirus that causes FIP infects only cats. A number of entities, largely in China, are manufacturing GS-441524 (GS) and GC374 (GC) for sale mainly to desperate owners of cats with FIP. Adopted as a 10-month-old stray, Salem was diagnosed with FIP about a month later. Kittens younger than age 16 to 18 weeks with acute-onset wet FIP or dry FIP limited to a mesenteric lymph node showed the best long-term treatment response in the trial. Abyssinian cats are more prone to develop FIP than other breeds. The research and chemical structure of PI is based on a biologic "plant extract" called Phosprenyl, which is used in Russia to treat a wide range of viral infections in many animal species ( They are basically dilute tinctures of various plant extracts. There are still manufacturing problems in those countries, and the FDA has stepped up its presence and manufacturing inspections in both countries. Increased vascular permeability in lesions may allow more drug to pass into tissues in the initial stages of treatment, while resolution of the inflammation may re-instate the barrier and prevent sufficient drug levels later in treatment. However, it has gained a vocal following on the web that generates a considerable market for treating FIP. In cases where FIP is a possibility, confirmation of the diagnosis of FIP must be sought to ensure cats not suffering from FIP are not put at an unacceptable risk by the inappropriate use of an unlicensed drug, or of having more suitable treatment withheld if the disease isn’t in fact FIP. The main clinical signs of neurological FIP are fever, inappetence, weight loss, and incoordination (most intense in posterior). As the Journal of Infection so aptly stated: “Nothing is more expensive than treatment failure.”. These substances made by chemists are usually only legally available to restricted entities, such as research facilities. There are occasional anecdotal reports of cats with “FIP” being cured or their lives prolonged by such treatments. That includes any use of these experimental chemical substances. People mount a vigorous systemic immune response to the polio virus, which is highly effective in eliminating the virus in parts of the body except for the nervous system, where the blood-to- brain barrier limits is an impediment to immunity. The bottom line is that we do not know whether all cats with neurological FIP can be cured and in this regard, people treating cats with neurological FIP are definitely in a research mode. A third and fourth cat was treated at a dosage of 5 mg/kg and cured, while a fifth cat relapsed after two identical treatments at the same dosage. Polyprenyl immunostimulant (PI) ( is classed as a biologic by the USDA and is manufactured by Vetimmune ( (formally Sass and Sass, Inc.). FIP Fighters supports treatment and procedures supported by research studies published in peer reviewed scientific journals. Many of these viruses have become specialized, adapting to infect only one species. Through that client and the FIP Warriors group, Dana acquired the drug and started treating Salem.Â, “I was lucky to have a supportive vet,” she says. The bottom line is that generic manufacturers are going to be scrutinized more robustly and more regularly. This drug is recommended for taking on an empty stomach. Polyprenyl Immunostimulant, or “PI” as it is commonly referred to in the FIP groups, is an oral supplement that is administered daily for 1-2 weeks, then every other day once the jump-start dose is completed. We have no idea of the purity or biological activity of these black-market compounds and veterinarians have no experience with preparing them for treatment or using them to treat cats with FIP. Veterinarians don’t have much to offer cats with FIP other than symptomatic treatment that, at best, only keeps them comfortable for a relatively short period of time before death inevitably follows. Oral use. It is also important to note that the USDA has not added FIP to its list of approved diseases for PI treatment and that the makers of PI do not promote its use for FIP. Distinguished Professor Emeritus UC Davis. We published our initial research studies on a second compound (nucleoside analog GS-441524- Gilead Sciences, Inc.) in 2018 and these results can be found at the Veterinary Microbiology journal open access article website - ( An abstract of this article can be accessed at the PubMed website ( We also know that the price of GC and GS can also vary greatly and that owners may pay many thousands of dollars for enough drug to complete a treatment. You can flea comb your cat daily to remove fleas. Many cat owners around the world are not allowed to use this FIP treatment. The conclusion was that PI treatment prolonged the life of cats with the dry form of FIP. Cats who complete the full 12 week treatment and remain symptom less for 90 days after competition of the treatment are officially cured of FIP… Consult your veterinarian for help in the diagnosis, treatment and control of FIP. These drugs include protease inhibitors, nucleoside analogs, RNA polymerase inhibitors, as well as other classes of anti-viral drugs that might target specific aspects of RNA virus replication. The FDA believes that genotoxic impurities may be generated by changes made in the API manufacturing process, but also may result from the reuse of materials, such as solvents. Deep fungal infections (coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis) can cause similar clinical signs to dry FIP but are still uncommon even in their endemic regions. Itt can be found at - GC376 has cured some cats with FIP. The coronaviruses are a large, widespread family of viruses that have evolved over a long time to infect nearly all animal species. In response to this problem, some suppliers are offering GC or GS that has already been made into an injectable form. More impressively, cats with noneffusive (dry) FIP and older cats responded just as well to the drug treatments as younger cats and cats with effusive (wet) FIP. In 2018 and 2019, he tested a newly developed antiviral drug known as GS-441524 as a potential treatment. Understanding FIP and how to diagnose the illness took decades. Even today, FIP is sometimes misdiagnosed. FIP can be easily differentiated origin (cattery, foster/rescue, shelter), signalment (age, gender, breed), and basic blood test results. We feel that increasing the blood levels may be part of the solution based on very few cases. Gilead, a publicly traded biomedical company that makes drugs for HIV and hepatitis C, owns the patent for GS-441524, which was more effective than GC in treating FIP in clinical trials. For most individuals, thats the end, and the virus is never heard from again. First, their efficiency at excluding unwanted substances and agents varies between individuals. This may reflect the greater permeability of the blood-to-eye barrier compared to the blood-to-brain barrier in cats. This drug is recommended for taking on an empty stomach. “Certainly making everything in the U.S.—up to and including fill-and-finish—could be one solution, but that will have to be balanced against the cost of our drugs.”, “Inexpensive drugs are going to mean inexpensive manufacturing processes, and you would hope there wouldn’t be corners cut or quality controls that aren’t going to be kept, but the reality is it’s going to happen,” Kovacs said. Therefore, if a given dose of drug such as GS-441524 achieves an effective blood (plasma) level of 10 uM, the levels in the brain (cerebrospinal fluid) will be only 2 uM and the level in the eye (aqueous humor) only 3 uM. My FIP treatment protocol at time of writing (2021) is as follows: Virbagen Omega (s/c for effusive FIP, oral in non-effusive FIP); meloxicam, weekly Vitamin B12 injections and other treatments tailored to each individual cat: these will keep the cat going until you are able to obtain an anti-viral. For several weeks, the FIP community has been waiting for an announcement from Mutian that the company had made good on its promise to have FDA approval for its line of GS pills (called Mutian X), as an OTC drug under the FDA’s GRASE program. Many owners of cats with FIP have turned to the Chinese black market to obtain GS-441524. PI has been given a conditional license by the USDA as therapeutic for “symptoms” of feline herpes virus infection. But even that option might not last. After a lot of discussion among administrators and consideration of relevant facts and information, we are issuing this FIP Fighters’ policy on GC376 and GS441524. The brief piece in JAVMA described a study in which a group of cats was experimentally infected with FIP. The reality is that the immediate need for drugs like GS-441524 has outpaced the official approval and commercialization process, which takes years. Additional FIP clinical trials using GC376 are underway, and GS441524/GS5734 is a human drug currently in a phase 2 clinical study. It’s most common in cats under two years of age, typically causes only mild diarrhea or no symptoms at all, and usually goes away as young cats mature and develop immunity. Common drugs such as cyclosporine, cholesterol inhibitors such as itraconazole, various antibiotics, and several herbal extracts inhibit FIP virus in cell-culture, but the anti-viral effect is weak and potential toxicity great.

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