characteristics of a child of olokun

Characteristics of Primary Learners. As he grew older his wrestling abilities grew stronger and before long he was considered the greatest wrestler in the world. The energy of wealth , riches and prosperity embedded in the deepest part of ocean manifesting in the surplus enrichment of the people in the universe. The story continues on as to how Orunmila came to live with Olokun for many years in her underwater realm, but as all good stories go, we shall save that part of the story for later. During this time he learned the spiritual sciences and worship practices associated with Olokun. ORIKI OLOKUN Olokun enjoys the surbordinate role of IFA in the universe. Its name means Owner (Olo) of Oceans (Okun). The verse of OSE WORIN tells us that the irunmole would choose to go to her festival over all the other’s festivals and this caused so much jealousy that they agreed as a group to not attend her festival. The following characteristics were developed in 1983 by the late Dr. Janet G. Woititz. They thought they were all Gods, but not her. Olokun is an Orisha full of deep mysteries. Orunmila assured her that all of her problems would resolve and she would find a new home. In Nigeria and Benin, Olokun is sometimes worshipped in tandem with Mami Wata. Ten Characteristics of Early Childhood Development. Save me! Olokun is the Goddess of Death: Her Domain is the Graveyard of the Earth, cold and dark nature being the perfect environment for the suspended animation of Spirits. Olokun is experienced in male and female personifications, depending on what region and of West Africa He/She is worshipped. She did exactly as he said. After this Olokun loosened his grip on Omobe’s life. Written by Stacey Chaloux . We know that even as recently as the early 1900’s, sacrifices were being made to Olokun along the coastline of present day Nigeria by Obas desperate to retain power during the struggles and changes of that time. Yemaya is the patron of pregnant women. In the past Lukumi and Santeria worshippers considered these two Orisa to be manifestations of one other, although westerner devotees know now that they are distinct, but kindred energies that were paired together during the Maafa as a way of preserving both Orisa traditions. Olokun (Yoruba: Olóòkun) is an orisha spirit in Yoruba religion. In spite of her fame, wealth, many followers and her power amongst all the irunmole and people, she still had one problem: she did not have a husband she could lay under so she could have a child. Who make the ocean as their passageway All attempts at removing Olokun from his head failed and Olokun declared it His permanent abode as a sign of Omobe’s arrogance and disrespect towards the other spirits. She was clearly not an easy woman. And no one sees the end of Olosa (lagoon) The odu of Ogbe Ate tells us a true story of Olokun, as the odu Ifa have been handed down orally for thousands of years, and it is to this authentic and reliable Yoruba source that I will tell one story of Olokun, and know that there are many other versions backed up by Odu Ifa, such as how Olokun became a cowrie diviner, or how she became the most powerful among all diviners. It is said that Omobe’s lack of respect for his parent’s, and spiritual elders and the divinities had landed his in such dire straits. He was named chief priest of Olokun at this point. She uses her power to take your legs out from under you This stems from his interest in acquiring water planets and his desire to find or create a perfectly amphibious host. The odu that was divined for Olokun was Ogbe-Fun II I As time went by, Olokun had lots of money, her blessings were accumulating, the irunmole were all coming to her side. A court may award up to $150,000 per infringement. Every year a festival was held for Olokun and everyone knew it would be the largest, grandest, and many gifts were handed out freely for all. She went to Orunmila to talk to him, as she was not happy with everything that was happening on earth. Yemoja is usually considered to the visible sections of the ocean in the West. During the match Omobe attempted to throw Olokun to the ground, but instead Olokun ended up firmly attached to his head. Where does one begin to speak of the vast and mighty power that is Olokun, the owner of all waters on earth? pin. In Orisa culture it appears that some stories contradict or compete with one another. To her surprise, he said that he would assist her and help her to solve all of her problems. OGBE FUN Olokun is a wonderful Orisha to receive for those with health problems and we have seen literally miracles happen to those who have received this Orisha for health reasons. Iba Olokun fe mi lo're. He said he needed to make sacrifice and after doing so, all of the people who had left her would come back to join her again. Though a great and learned diviner, he went to her to learn her wisdom and to become wealthy before returning to earth. [1]. Olokun also signifies unfathomable wisdom. esu elegbara-sacred child of heaven Historically, Elegbara is the protector of earthly crossroads, towns and homes. However in Africa, Yemoja is the divinity of Ogun River in Nigeria and Olokun is considered the mother of all bodies of water and as such is considered owner chiefly of the ocean, but all rivers. Orisa of all Oceans and Rivers Its characteristics are found and displayed in the depths of the Ocean. After the festival Chameleon appeared in the gardens of the all the irunmole and he took all of the colors of their clothes. Heaven advised him to go ahead and propose to Olokun, that she would accept his offer and that he should make sacrifice in order to have many children with her. 26 September, 2017 . Likes to pretend to read and write. This document highlights the unique needs and strengths of typical young children, identifying eleven key characteristics of primary learners1 – their ways of thinking and engaging with the world and their remarkable hunger for learning. Receive a $5 discount off orders of $75 or more! Olokun of course agreed on the spot to make the sacrifice. Categories: Sea and river goddesses | Yor�b� goddesses, Ocean is orisa that went to the land of her people Omo Olokun (children of Olokun) are typically initiated to Yemoja in Lukumi lineages. Orunmila used the waters to make sacrifice for her and when he was finished he said she should take the waters he had prayed over and to bathe her body, then stay inside her home for 7 days. In nature, the bottom of the ocean represents Olokun. Yemaya Ashagba, “The Chain,” is Olokun’s first child and may be the oldest, most primordial aspect of Yemaya. Children all develop at different rates, but most young children will reach certain milestones by specific ages. He sent for Orunmila to divine the Ifa oracle for him. Not much later all her prayers were answered. Her name Olokun means owner of the Ocean, and Olokun seri aje means she who created the ocean (and implies owner of all wealth). If a child is born with the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck they are given to Olokun as their destiny and the Babalawos and followers of Ifa must make a special sacrifice for the children. olokun characteristics. He is a popular God of the Sea – so popular that the facts vary greatly depending on the prevailing wind. Days later she decided to fashion a necklace using the blue stone and she made a lovely ileke. §§ 101-810, the works contained within are protected by United States laws and by international treaties. B'emi ta'afi. They are initiated to Olokun to overcome their bad destiny as they are special children who must follow Olokun. Priests may use mirrors (scrying), clouds (sky-gazing) and more familiar oracles like 16-cowry divination to communicate with Olokun on behalf of self, client, community and nations. Obatala had asked Alagemo to tell Olokun that his destiny had forbade him to attend her festival. In female form among the Yoruba, Olokun is the wife of Olorun and, by him, the mother of Obatala and Odudua. Many didn’t make it and thus entered the Realm of Olokun. Europeans discovered the glass making quarry and brass works that Olokun used to create her works on the border of Ileshe in Ogun State and Esinmirin in Ile-Ife, Oyo State. In our Ile (house of the Saints), Orishas are received under the direction of Orunla who determines the order and necessity of such initiations. B'omi ta'afi. Olokun, orisa that lives in water The marriage between Osara and Oduduwa The Keeper of feminine ASE Yemaya embodies all characteristics of motherhood, caring and love. Probably through her, Oduduwa might have children. In Earth mythology, Olokun is an African deity typically associated with water. Among all the diviners in Ile Ife it was Olokun who was the most famous (she was also an accomplished cowrie diviner). There was a hunter that resided in Urhoniigbe. She must not open the door, see anyone, or see daylight. The irunmole asked Obatala if he was going and he said “No, I won’t go”, but Ifa told him to send his messenger, the Chameleon Alagemo, so Obatala could continue to have a friendship with Olokun. Children of Olokun specifically tend to travel a lot and be very busy people. Olokun is an Orisha in Yoruba religion, associated with the sea. The irunmole all started to feel very guilty that they had betrayed Obatala but Olokun and Obatala remained friends in spite of the irunmole’s attempts to make them quarrel. He was very happy for her and she took him home to treat him as a pampered guest, entertaining and feeding him as he had never experienced before. “Obirin takun takun ti ngbe inu Omi” TOOLS OF OLÓÓKUN OLÓÓKUN: Represents the prosperity of the ocean and its mysteries , But also its riches and stability . Olokun lives in the deepest part of the Ocean. Attribute: Anchor. The followers of Olokun were not many in the beginning. If a pot is found, it will be taken out of the earth and worshiped. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Many children of alcoholics develop similar characteristics and personality traits. While the stories are regarded as fact, they are also understood to be indicators of historical and social factors, which obviously differ from region to region. II I She is depicted in the colors of blue and white, with clear crystal beads or bright blue Olokun beads flowing over her large breasts, which represent her ability to nurture and give children. Queen of the Anchor, Yemaya Ashagba connects the bottom of the sea with the top. Pursuant to the Copyright Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments, codified as 17 U.S.C. On the seventh day when she decided it was safe to leave the house she saw that all under her home had become water. Copyright infringement may subject you to civil liability of a minimum of $750 per infringement for statutory damages, as well as the costs incurred to enforce these rights. Let there be peace in the ocean. May it be so. Orunmila went to Olokun, using the magic of the Akoko tree, to dwell with her in her underwater kingdom for many years. They are initiated to Olokun to overcome their bad destiny as they are special children who must follow Olokun. Parts of Benin and Togo include Olokun worship, though oftentimes Olokun is viewed as a male irunmole there. Nobody can see the end of Okun However, in Africa, Yemoja is the divinity of the Ogun Ri… This is done using the cowrie shells of Elegguá or of the godparent’s tutelary orisha. ***All Forces in Nature come into Being through the manifestation of energy patterns called Odu. Orunmila divined for Olokun and the odu that came was Eji Ogbe. Those with a connection with Olokun may experience Her/His messages and healing through dreams and when in contact with the ocean. wa for several years without a child. Furthermore, he said that she would become a powerful orisa that everyone would worship, that the work would make her rich and had never been done before on earth. But I suspect she could be child of Olokun and her parent didn’t perform the appropriate religious ritual for stabilizing her Olokun to have children on earth. But one day while his parents were away he decided to climb a palm tree any way. Obatala consulted Ifa to see if he should go to her festival, or stay away with all the other irunmole. Olokun is respected as an authority over all other water deities. You cannot use a calabash to pour Okun. I bow before your mystery Olokun Ogbe Ate OSE OWONRIN Like the depths of the ocean there are many secrets that are not revealed by Olokun. The Queen of all Mothers When the other diviners saw the ileke they began begging Olokun to please give them their own set of ileke necklace and wrist beads. Its characteristics are found and displayed in the depths of the Ocean . Let there be peace in my soul. In metaphysical terms, this means that … During the Goa'uld enslavement of Earth, he fancied himself something of a scientist, and set about trying to perform experiments on Humans in order to make an amphibious host. For Ocha-centric houses, the proper way to determine a person’s tutelary orisha is in a ceremony known as a bajada (bringing down) of the guardian orisha.This is usually done by an Obá Oriaté but any sufficiently skilled olorisha that has firm knowledge of odu can perform the ceremony. Olokun also governs material wealth, psychic abilities, dreaming, meditation, mental health and water-based healing. He only danced to the shock of townsfolk. The wooden door on the right side had turned to zinc, and the door on the left side had turned to silver. Her praise name Olokun serin ade means the maker of brass crowns, as she gifted Odudua, her husband, with the finest crown anyone had seen to date. This includes the literary and pictorial works created by Farin da Silva contained herein, as well as any other original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression. They started buying the beads from Olokun and she began to be rich and famous, to the extent that all the people who left her came back and joined her. Olokun is one of the most prominent, powerful and courageous orisa on earth and she holds a very high position among all diviners, besides being one of the prettiest. Olokun is personified in several human characteristics; patience, endurance, sternness, observation, meditation, appreciation for history, future visions, and royalty personified. This maternal source of the divine, human, animal, and plant life is most widely symbolized by the ocean. Ifa said that she will have her own husband , that he will be someone of very good character from among the diviners, that she is the one he will marry, but she must make sacrifice. This is when Odudua Olofin heard the news about Olokun and her powers and beautiful beads. Urhoniigbe’s Olokun temple sits on the spot where he rested his Olokun pot/shrine on the 14th day. But he began to be afraid of her power and her position. Those who left were saying “Olokun is too honest, she doesn’t tolerate lies”. This copyright holder takes copyright infringement seriously and does enforce their rights. Ocean is the most powerful amongst all waters Many of them were leaving to follow and worship other orisa. At his birth the local priest/diviner warned his parents to not allow Omobe to climb palm trees. Okun, help me to achieve my desires Olokun began singing praises saying “IFA is great!”. He began to sing praises that Olokun had given him a wonderful gift and that he was happy Eledumare had allowed him to understand the message. They do have similar temperaments and personas. From high up he could peer into the spirit world and he noticed that several divinities had gathered for a fantastic wrestling match! Orisa that has no hand Response Ba wa Orisha ba wo o oe. Mo juba O! Her cdhildren are AJE, the large cowrie shells, and also the smaller cowrie shells which were used for centuries as a monetary unit all over West Africa. Olokun is considered the patron orisa of the descendants of Africans that were carried away during the Maafa, or what is sometimes referred to as the Trans - Atlantic Slave Trade or Middle Passage. She inspires sexual love and promotes fertility. All skepticism about his story were eased as his began to do spiritual work that created positive results for those around him. This is how Olokun became the wife of Odudua Olofin. I I This made them very afraid and they thought that Obatala was ready to do battle with them, thinking that he had sent his messenger on ahead. Save me and save my soul The mother that helps her child avoid being caught One day Olokun realized that she was not achieving the mission that Olodumare had given her because she was so honest, detested lies, didn’t like dirt, and did not tolerate those things in others. Please, we beg you, do not make me fall down Obatala has been betrayed by them. Olokun worship historically was always concentrated on the shores of West Africa, as the Yoruba and related people shared her worship. Other relationships are numerous, especially when the gender of Olokun changes. My name is Iyá Ekundayo, Iyalorisa priestess, spirit medium of the Xango tradition, Nagô nation, initiated in the religious house Ilê Oxum Monjobe in Mangabeira, Recife, Pernambuco Brazil. Recognizes some letters, numbers, and words.

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