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* It would be necessary to ensure that the numbers registered for any particular course were such that the university teachers concerned could maintain proper contact with their students throughout the course and give them intensive teaching in the university itself in the summer vacation period. We began by holding informal discussions with government departments and with a number of people in a position to give us general advice. The Research Councils and the new machinery of government we propose in Chapter XVII should have a special responsibility to encourage this and other forms of collaboration. More individual attention should be given to Ordinary degree students. 38. The work of the Universities Central Council on Admissions should cover applicants to all universities and the Colleges of Advanced Technology. At present some 4 per cent of the students from England and Wales who enter universities go to Scottish universities. 102. Schools of management - like schools of art - are likely to gain by the employment of those who have been successful in their professional careers. The estimates for universities and Colleges of Advanced Technology are based on present plans, not on their potential capacity if adequate SOCIAL INTERCOURSE The bringing together under one Grants Commission of the universities and the Colleges of Education, together with the Colleges of Advanced Technology and their Scottish counterparts, should ensure uniformity in policy and in the principles of allocation over the entire field of autonomous institutions. We recommend that the universities, and their Schools of Education, should consult together to ensure that they have the benefit of each other's experience and of any experiments and studies that are being made. Further, since the universities are being asked to recognise certain members of staff in the colleges as fitted to teach for an internal degree, the university members of college boards of studies should be invited to express an opinion on the appointment of staff in those departments that are responsible for degree level work. 666. MINISTERIAL RESPONSIBILITY There are seven Colleges of Education in Scotland, two of them Roman Catholic foundations. Enough places should be provided to allow the proportion of qualified school leavers entering universities to be increased as soon as practicable. But, operating as it would through the Grants Commission, it would avoid the dangers rightly associated with Ministries of Culture which elsewhere attempt directly to regulate and administer these activities. A Committee on Higher Education every quarter of a century is not enough. to the importance of which we have already drawn attention. Present numbers, 47, 172, 288. Our assumption here was of incomes in general rising pari passu with productivity. We have considered these proposals with great care, for they have many merits. ), 76. B. Spooner, Mr. R. W. Szymanski. The Commission will doubtless consider that there is a strong case for including in the membership of the education committee some people with experience of the schools. In the rapidly changing colleges for the education and training of teachers there are very different problems. In suitable cases students should be able to transfer after a period at a college to a university to take a degree there in the subject of their choice. We emphasise the importance of expanding facilities for the education of adults, such as refresher courses for graduates in industry and courses for married women wishing to start or resume their careers after bringing up a family, as well as more general courses for those wishing to enlarge their intellectual and aesthetic horizons. [page 180] Church of Scotland Education Committee (Para. Science individual, two major difficulties preclude precise estimation and tend to vitiate arguments based upon attempts in this direction. The constituents of academic freedom 715. The organisations and individuals concerned were: B. Spooner, Mr. R. W. Szymanski. Its members should be appointed jointly by the Minister of Arts and Science, the Minister of Education and the Secretary of State for Scotland. The presence here in institutions of higher education of students from abroad is widely regarded as valuable, and rightly so in our judgment. In addition we visited many universities and other institutions of higher education, including those concerned with technology and the training of teachers. Nevertheless there is another sort of mind that at the first degree stage is likely to be more at home in broader fields studied to more moderate depth. Educ. However this may be, at present some 50,000 students are studying for the Higher National Certificate, and in view of its popularity and the continuing high demand for part-time courses at this level, it is likely that, even if the Higher National Diploma disappears, present arrangements for the Higher National Certificate will be required for many years. 669-670, 723-724. The nature of the immediate problem is evident from the figures of probable demand for places shown in Table 59. UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE 447. Residential provision, 424, 587, 594. Eligibility for, 31, 110-112, 135, 828, 831. It and the principal and staff have a large measure of freedom in the appointment of staff. Colleges of Music receiving Treasury grant and Agricultural Colleges aided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food); by institutions maintained by the Service Departments; or within the sphere of the Health Services (e.g. Colleges of Music receiving Treasury grant and Agricultural Colleges aided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food); by institutions maintained by the Service Departments; or within the sphere of the Health Services (e.g. 30. Freedom of development 676. But it is unlikely that separate consideration by independent institutions of their own affairs in their own circumstances will always result in a pattern that is comprehensive and appropriate in relation to the needs of society and the demands of the national economy. If more economical arrangements are possible in some parts of higher education as the organisation of colleges changes, this will be offset by desirable improvements elsewhere. Finally, it is the universities and university institutions alone that receive Treasury grants from the University Grants Committee.† NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TECHNOLOGICAL AWARDS, 83, 95, 349, 390. Plans already announced for expansion in universities and Colleges of Advanced Technology would by 1966/7 imply a slightly altered distribution of students, 37 per cent of the places being for those studying arts subjects, 28 per cent for those studying science, 23 per cent for technology and 12 per cent for other subjects. (ii) modification of existing institutions; But strictly academic work will not be the most appropriate way for some students to spend all ten months of the year. TRAINING COLLEGES School records, 229, 233. And how much will it cost if our recommendations are adopted? Admission of students, 714-716. Nevertheless the introduction of a system of loans at a time when substantial proportions of the population were only beginning to acquire the habit of higher education might deter parents, particularly those with daughters, from persuading, encouraging or allowing their children to proceed to higher education. Their advice and that of their colleagues, given with complete disinterestedness and candour, has stimulated our thought and enabled us to avoid serious errors. Our calculation of the future requirement for places in this country is based on an estimate of the numbers of young people who, on the present basis of student grants, will both be able to satisfy suitable entrance requirements for higher education and will wish to be admitted. FEDERAL GERMAN REPUBLIC Postgraduates2.1 Some of the larger Central Institutions are of broadly the same standing as the Colleges of Advanced Technology: they are in process of transferring to Further Education Centres those sections of part-time work that are below the level of higher education. Association of University Teachers - Reading Local Association England and Wales ARTS COUNCIL, 784. 's Class II) consists mainly of administrators, higher executives, business proprietors (including shopkeepers), school teachers and technicians. Professor N. F. (now Sir Nevill) Mott U.G.C. Four-year courses leading both to a degree and to a professional qualification should be provided in Training Colleges for suitable students. The predominant course will continue to be a concurrent one, and many of their students will enter college without having met the requirements for entry to present university courses. 679. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES, 7, 92, 96.443. Teacher's Certificate2.2 Briefly, it refers to those holding the qualifications appropriate for entry to the various fields of higher education, and includes those obtaining such qualifications after leaving school. At university level there have been two complementary policies: the rapid expansion of technology within the framework of existing university institutions and the vigorous encouragement of the leading colleges outside this field. Mr. J. M. Todd The only alternative must involve dangers that are far greater. SOCIAL STUDIES KITTY ANDERSON First degree courses: Scotland In recent years, however, procedures have been introduced whereby, without the introduction of control from the Treasury or scrutiny from the officers of the Comptroller and Auditor General, it has been possible to satisfy the Public Accounts Committee that there exist due safeguards against improper or wasteful expenditure, a notable victory for the good sense and moderation of all the parties concerned. Their numbers are so great as to make it certain that those qualified and wanting to enter higher education will far outnumber the places that, on present plans, will be available for them: institutions will suddenly be faced with pressures almost different in kind from those that they have faced hitherto. (iii) Are present courses suitable for those who attend them? Schools of Education 5.4 A particular entry rate is equal to the application rate (the proportion of qualified school leavers who apply) multiplied by the degree of competition (the proportion of qualified applicants who are admitted). * Whereas the Colleges of Advanced Technology are the main home of the Diploma in Technology, the Regional Colleges surpass them in the number of students reading for degrees of the University of London. Higher professional occupations6.3 We welcome the developments in management education taking place in various universities and colleges, but we recommend that there should be developed on a larger scale two postgraduate schools of management studies. Methods of study3.1-3 WASTAGE Bryan, Mary Linn McCree, and Allen F. Davis. Surveys of students in higher education The co-operation between the colleges should be such that full credit can be given for work already done. There still, however, remains a choice in the location of new institutions to be founded and existing colleges that are to be expanded and given university status. Within this total the main divisions might be as follows: science at least 1,000, technology at least 2,000; other students, perhaps 1,000 or more, would be distributed according to the individual character of each institution. It could be carried through, by the methods we have recommended, not only with no disadvantage to any foreign These are no more than a few central aspects of matters dealt with at greater length in Appendix Five. This is one of the great merits of the college system; it unites senior and junior members in a common way of life, and makes the teacher's study a natural place for casual and informal meeting as well as for teaching. Governing bodies But this would mean diversion of the teachers from their proper vacation work of research, reading, preparation and examining. 97, 284, 415. Administration both in industry, in commerce and in the public service will need by 1980 many more people who have received a general education in scientific subjects. This is an immediate problem. [page 232] Each School of Education should have its own academic board and boards of studies. Headmasters' Association of Scotland and Association of Head Mistresses (Scottish Branch) Imperial College and the Colleges of Science and Technology at Manchester and Glasgow should provide the nuclei of three such institutions. Finally, we would note that the great advantage of a four-year, as contrasted with a three-year, degree course is that there would be no possibility of invidious comparison with the standard of degrees taken in a different context. *A description of the present provision for adult education will be found in Appendix Two (B), Part VI. Humanities4.3 To some extent, therefore, the position would be improved if there were proportionately more senior posts; we drew attention in Chapter XII to other cogent reasons for improving the ratio. 502.) But for convenience the entry rates are sometimes referred to collectively us the entry rate, and the proportions of qualified school leavers who enter are also referred to in the singular. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE, 728, 753, 755. Where men and women of wide experience and high standing in the world of affairs can spare time to associate themselves with university activities, the universities gain from the partnership strength and sagacity in their dealings with the outside world. Sir Charles Morris University teachers are taken to comprise all full-time academic staff paid directly from university funds together with those at Oxford and Cambridge who are paid directly by the colleges.

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