what happened to the composition holden wrote for stradlater

3. He admits Stradlater is handsome, but "mostly a Year Book kind of handsome." He is an actor. I happened to have it with me, in my suitcase, so I got it out and copied down the poems that were written on it. holden and stradlater fight; Uncategorized holden and stradlater fight. He reads the English composition Holden wrote for him and complains that it's not about a room or a house or something like he said. 3. A moment that is important to understand Holden is when Holden wrights about his brother Allie, he right this for Stradlater’s English composition essay. 1. What did holden write stadlater's composition about in The Catcher in the Rye? After dinner, Holden goes out with his friend Mal Brossard and Ackley. Jane: A girl that used to live next door to Holden. Anyway, that's what I wrote Stradlater's composition about. 25.04.2012 - Holden: This is that glove I was describing in that composition that I wrote for Stradlater. Stradlater refuses to tell Holden what happened on his date with Jane. 4. Holden tells Stradlater where the composition is It's over on your goddam bed Mid-Long Shot: Shows distance of the two characters (both physically and in their relationship) Pan: Camera pans across to other side of room where Holden is. Why does Stradlater not like the composition which Holden wrote for him? Stradlater is mad at Holden Because he wrote the composition about a baseball glove instead of a room or a house. C. Holden wrote about his house. I wasn't too crazy about doing it, but I couldn't think of anything else descriptive. She goes on a date with Stradlater and Holden gets very jealous. Holden performs an odd little tap-dance for Stradlater. Why is Holden so interested in what happened on Stradlater’s date? Answered by Aslan on 3/8/2015 9:10 AM All I had to do was change Allie's name so that nobody would know it was my brother and not Stradlater's. Holden wrote Stradlater’s essay on the glove, and was highly offended when Stradlater did not properly appreciate his work because Stradlater did not understand the significance of the object. Of course, he gets even angrier when Holden rips up the composition. Stradlater says “Anything. Why does Holden smoke in bed? Why does Holden punch Stradlater? b. Holden seems to crave Stradlater's approval, and he gets it. Why does Stradlater not like the composition which Holden wrote for him? 2. His brother Allie had died on July 18, 1946 from Leukemia. Anyways, I wrote his goddam composition. Define unscrupulous. A room. A. Holden wrote about his red hat. Chapter 5-9 1. Our experts proofread What Did Holden Do To The Essay He Wrote For Stradlater and edit your project with a detailed eye and with complete knowledge of … a. What does D.B., Holden's brother, do for a living? Old Allie's baseball mitt. He writes about his brother Allie's baseball mitt. But knowing Stradlater, he never even asked. He gets mad at Holden for writing about Allie's baseball mitt instead of a room or something. Or a house. "Anyway, that's what I wrote Stradlater's composition about. It's not fair that Allie never got to write more poems on his glove. a. Holden wrote Stradlater's composition about his brother Allie left handed baseball mitt. A. Why is Holden so worried about Stradlater's date with Jane? But Holden cannot think of anything to say about a house or a room, so he writes about a baseball glove that his brother Allie used to copy poems onto in green ink. 1 Holden. it states with them having a simple conversation about the composition. Stradlater is a “Yearbook” kind of handsome guy. Old Allie’s baseball mitt. Holden realizes the irony that he is flunking out of Pencey, yet is still asked to do work for others. . 8. Stradlater didn't use it, because Jane wrote one that he liked better. This is largely because he knows Stradlater is so sexually advanced, having gone on multiple double dates with him and witnessed his determination to have sex. Chapter 7. Holden likes reading those words simply because Allie is the one who wrote them, so the words are an extension of Allie. 1. 4. p. 44 Summarize Holden's reasons for being angry with Stradlater. Then he asked me to write him a goddam composition so he wouldn’t miss his date with Jane Gallagher. What did Holden write about for the composition Ackley asked him to write? He asks Holden to write a composition for him for English. Does Holden express dislike or sympathy for Ackley at the end of this chapter? Stradlater punches Holden in the nose. 1. Old Allie's baseball mitt. Stradlater had said the composition was supposed to be a simple description of a room, a house, or something similarly straightforward. I told him to ask her if she still keeps her kings in the back row. remains occupied with the thought of her even after his roommate leaves, because he is worried about Stradlater being a “sexy bastard” (34). Stradlater finally comes back, returns the hound's-tooth jacket, and notably says nothing about his date. 10. Stradlater comes back from his date with Jane. His presence in the novel serves to highlight some of Holden’s psychological issues, and particularly his unspoken issues with sexuality. Chapter 6. Before he leaves, Stradlater asks Holden to write an English composition for him while he’s away. Stradlater is conceited and arrogant, a “secret slob” who asks Holden to write an English composition for him. Stradlater presses Holden to write his English composition for him Using your own inference skills, what is probably making him so restless? Holden misses his brother and depends on the glove as a tangible symbol of the memories he has of him. He wrote about Allie'e baseball mitt. When they get back, Holden starts writing the composition for Stradlater. Thus, Allie’s mitt serves as a catharsis for Holden. List two of them and tell how and why it bothers Holden. Allie's glove, with the green writing on it, is symbolic of isolation. Anything descriptive. Cause Stradlater yelled out him and told him he did it wrong. All academic and business writing simply has to have absolutely perfect grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, and composition.

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