twilight fanfiction dominant carlisle

Edward's POV. Not now Edward, we'll hunt tonight. Venom was flowing from the tip of it, lubricating it and him as I slide between his buttocks, searching for his opening, groaning in anticipation. He was ready to go into a defensive mode. Oh but I do, being the leader of this coven has its advantages. I took him down in one motion. Being a single mother leaves her vulnerable and lonely struggling to earn enough money to make ends meet and provide her daughter with the life she once had. My voice broke. "Dr. Cullen is a brilliant doctor who could probably work in any hospital in the world, make ten times the salary he gets here. She glanced at me, her face guarded but otherwise emotionless. "Hours later, I caught Edward's scent, heard him come through the front door, and bound up the stairs. Bella MacLeod's Twilight Fanfiction. Esme is for all intents and purposes top, dominant. I buried my teeth just under the base of his skull in his neck, clamping down hard enough to secure a hold, but not so hard as to inflict the debilitating injury. I think you should stay here and figure out a way to get back into Carlisle's good graces. Knowing exactly what I was going to do before I did it, not having to think about it, process it, analyze it, gave me all the advantage I needed. Combined with a manipulative fairy and a growing relationship with the Savior, Regina, Emma, Rosalie, and Bella all have to fight for their happy ending. His competitive nature would drive him on; he would not slow down as long as he felt I was challenging him. He'd dropped to his knees to feed, but his eyes never left me as I lay where he tossed me some twenty feet away. My face was grim; this night could still turn into a disaster. Stories about Edward and Carlisle as a romantic couple. Then each of the kids teaches him some like how to dress and how to be dominant during sex even how to fix cars. There, in an old box with stuff from a childhood she's only starting to remember, she finds a postcast from Volterra. A Bella who has never had a run in with vampires, misses registration while studying abroad and signs up for an art course in the nearby city of Volterra. "It's alright Edward, it's not your fault, it's who we are.". Mine! " All couples are canon and this behind the scenes look is meant to be in canon. My shame was replaced with rage, and I screamed at Carlisle, blaming him for my unrestrained outburst. I found his behavior reasonable in face of the bewildering feelings he had to be dealing with. "How do you know that, Carlisle? AU: What if Charlie and Bella were not originally from this realm? This has nothing to do with her change.". He was still after all, a seventeen year old boy. The tension and dread that had commenced this night, placated with this simple, very human sexual act. All of this had been analyzed prior to our hunt, now I just reacted, giving no thought to my next action. The distress in Esme's voice was discernible. Vampires were never humans. I used this to my advantage and thrust myself forward following his motion but not stopping when he was on his feet, driving him face first into the ground. Warnings: Sexual content with a sexually!frustrated Bella, and a dominant!Carlisle. Not always the gentleman. "Why was Emmett nude?" But I felt out of sorts, unable to focus on the hunt and I did not take my usual spot out front. They expect obedience above all else. You are responding exactly as I would expect you too given your intelligence, your strength, your love for your mate, and your concern for your family. As I drained the animal, pulling at its neck, forcing every last drop from its twitching body, it occurred to me that I had not backed away from Carlisle, in an attempted to protect my kill as I fed. You know that." I suspect his sudden change of character has to do with the length of his celibacy. I'd already asked Esme to leave me be. This new information about vampirism after decades of thinking he understood everything was reviving his spirits. After escaping from HYRDA and being on the run for two years, it was pretty easy to believe that there was no end in sight. She hesitated near Edward, he tensed visibly as she lingered, I could hear the low warning growl of Jasper who moved forward. AU/AH, {Butterflies Series - Part Two} It was one thing to have an affair with infamous Tonight Show host Edward Cullen. In Carlisle's mind, I saw Emmett. I suspected that was my fault. Now I smelled his arousal. We are going hunting later, I'll tell him then." Settings Language. I had other business to attend. Last Updated: 2021-02-23. I stopped walking and Carlisle stopped too. It had to be now. He nodded his head slightly. "Carlisle?" Grappling with his arms, I pulled myself firmly against his back, and clamped my teeth on the flesh between his neck and shoulder. Ever since the Cullen left, Bella had been cursed with both intense nightmare and strange flashbacks. She would only strengthen us as a family unit. We walked for a time through the woods. You, much more so than the others, are my progeny, my heir. Now was not the time to rely on my more civilized human instincts. When Regina saves Charlie and Bella's life, the two Swans become an important part of her world. It's natural for Edward to test me. Edward asked enthralled. Thanks VERY MUCH to enchantedmind for the PHENOMENAL banner!! ... and dominant Edward. Again, I interfered with this process, using my own thoughts, as I had no wish to see this situation escalate. Edward, on the other hand, with his powerful mind reading abilities, his immaculate control of his bloodlust, his intelligence, brought his own set of strengths. ", "I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Death might not be the only method they use to ensure it, but it's the most effective.". Everything that I perceived to be strong about myself, was buried under a rush of new, unfamiliar emotions, that contradicted everything I'd felt in the past. I usually didn't feel the need to defend my kill, around Carlisle as I might with my brothers. A soft growl rumbled from my chest, a growl of submission and I surrendered my position over the animal at my feet, backing off quickly watching my master feed. This wasn't completely unexpected. I veered to the right abruptly and shot through the woods, propelling myself through the trees in a tremendous burst of speed. "These vampires, the Volturi, they are all bloodsucking, vile, creatures! Alice and Jasper were immediately between Bella and I and Emmett was backing me out of the room. The scent would continue to provoke Jasper and Emmett until he cleansed himself. Wedding night goes very well, however Bella is sore (more so as Edward is big Her soft generous nature would distract me; pull me back to my humanity where reason ruled. I needed her understanding and love, not her apathy. The act of my penetration was not painful, only dismemberment, decapitation or a bite inflicted any real pain on us, so as my thrusts quickened, seeking my release, I kept my mouth steady, not pulling on the flesh between my teeth. His muffled purrs, moans and cries reinforced my own gratification and I marveled at the difference between giving pleasure and simply taking it. I never doubted Bella's resilience, bravery or unselfish nature, evidence of her outstanding character had been proven time and again. By Oncer121598 Completed. Later that day, as we laid next to each other on the bed, my lust thoroughly spent, I gripped my wife's hand in mine and rolled on my side so I could stare into her face. Unless one is extremely gifted, they don't waste their time with insubordinate vampires. I sighed. What are you doing? How does Carlisle control a coven full of strong willed males? Carlisle smiled. The evidence was all around me. Don't you remember? She sniffed the air, then moved past him and joined me at my side. The herd of deer did not break until we were almost upon them. And if a stalker and her boyfriend leaving her for someone else wasn't enough? A one shot about Edward's first human kill in New York in 1927. I found the memory unsettling, though there seemed to be little violence in Carlisle's actions. "To be perfectly honest, I didn't think I would have to deal with this in the foreseeable future. "How can you be jealous of your own family? "I can't control it, I don't know what is wrong with me, I just have all of this resentment, this rage and I can't control it, not as far as Carlisle is concerned. I thought it was over." They became friends, Carlisle enchanted her with his old stories, when le lived in italy, told her about his favorite books, and about art. He doesn’t seem to think twice about it. Feral! Jasper had been paying no attention to me too caught up in his yearning to change the dynamics of his status within the family. Intended for readers 18+. "I was worried about Emmett, he was so big and strong, he wasn't a newborn any more but he was still stronger than me. "Worried about you." I could not catch him, could not come close to him; I could not attack from the rear. - Edward's POV of crucial moments from Hopeless Kingdom and reputation - AU / AH / RATED M, {Hopeless Series - Part Three} Hollywood and the mafia never mixed well together. "It will be better now Edward, you'll see.". Inspired by True Blood. She said in a relaxed contented voice. CARLISLE/EDWARD/JASPER/EMMETT SLASH & some Bella. I walked past my mate without looking at her and waited near the foot of the stairs. In an alternate universe, in which Bella's birthday party incident never happened and Edward never left, the two get married soon after the events of "Twilight". LOCKED Twilight Fanfiction - page 59 - FanFiction Alley - Perusing The Shelves • February 05, 2021, 01:37 PM • Welcome, Guest ... Bella is a vampire, being changed by Carlisle ages ago, living with him like siblings ever since. Will the tide turn or will death come upon them? Twilight Fanfiction: Chapter four Bella, Esme, and Rosalie stood as still as statues in Carlisle's office, waiting to hear his verdict. A strange girl appeared with long pure red hair, Rosy beige skin, and ocean blue eyes. Kaysey Esme Cullen (born Kaysey Elizabeth Masen), is the biological daughter of Edward Masen Sr. and Elizabeth Masen, the youngest and only little sister of Edward Anthony Masen Jr. (later known as Edward Cullen), the first adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, the adopte sister of Emmett and Alice Cullen and Rosalie and Jasper Hale, and the mate of Randy. I am looking for a specific Carlisle fic. She may have some insight. "He didn't fight you." It turns out that in the small town of Forks, there's a coven of vampires who might just change the lives of everyone around them. Edward had not moved, made no sound; he was standing for inspection as he had with all the others. Edward was able to control himself. "So it was only I that wanted to destroy you, ruin our family and everything you've built. His competiveness along with his current cantankerous temperament would be his undoing. He didn't want to beat me, didn't want to disturb the family. You must not act aggressively no matter what happens." Sue had thought it would never happen. This will be a series of 4 one-shots all featuring Carlisle. His presence in her life means that she and her cousin have to play detective to try and get to the bottom of all the mysterious murders that have only started since he arrived in town. The predator in front of me snarled, his posture shifting, advancing. Instead, I grappled with the deer, lifting it in my arms, its struggling warm body, arousing my thirst even more; and carried it to where I knew he was waiting; it seemed for me to do this very thing. He moved uncomfortably close to Edward, waiting for that flinch, that growl anything that might indicate a challenge or in the unlikely case, submission, from Edward. His arousal was still quite evident, and I had all I could do to break away from his overpowering scent, and run after the herd that had scattered in all directions. Summary: Bella's moved in with the Cullens, but is frustrated at Edward's apparent lack of sexual interest in her. Because he couldn't smell his prey, he was relying on me to guide him to it. She had been through it twice before. Carlisle is speechless. Eleazar and Carmen came later. "So what of Jasper, did you fight him? I wanted Carlisle here to help, and it was the last place I wanted Carlisle to be. How does Carlisle control a coven full of strong willed male vampires. Catherine moved to Forks with her mother. If she succeeds, she will gain the ultimate prize: To dominate her Dominant. "When?" And they broke Edward’s piano. Aro's centuries old plan to get Marcus a hobby and a life finally comes to fruition in the strangest of ways. Remember, Alice had actively sought us out; she wanted to be part of this family. His lips are right next to her ear, when he whispers. I don't know what is wrong with me." They'd served him well, kept him alive, and they were driving him to challenge me. But I had, perhaps in a moment of weakness, given my word to Edward that I would protect him. Esme was in front of him, touching his hair, leaning forward to kiss the top of his head. I would not be fighting for the kill, only on the defensive and this would be to his advantage. I whispered evenly. I had no strong feelings against this; Jasper was more than a worthy Beta to my Alpha. Now that Edward had a mate and was sexually active, it would be unlikely that they could co-exist as equals any more. It's like hunting. My head drooped; I withered under his powerful gaze, a whine escaping my lips. She made a promise to herself that she would never date or fall for a Marine like her father. I've tried to push the thought away myself, but denial will not solve the problem. He has been a volcano ready to erupt for decades and it has finally happened.". This was to be expected; the event that loomed before me required that I pull from my more feral self, something that I had beat back, held at bay for centuries. I hope someone can help me find this fic. If a male takes over a coven, the females will just leave and form another, which defeats the whole purpose. Why do you think I didn't explain all of this too you before we hunted tonight? ... Esme and Carlisle turns as they walked up to me as Esme gave me a hug making me let go of the boys' arms and hug her back. "Never," he screamed, wildly flailing against me. Using my thoughts against Edward was my one significant advantage. He was at my shoulder, running stride for stride with me, his confusion becoming evident. Another deer, maybe two were in front of me, and as Carlisle always did, I took down the closest one, not concerning myself with its size or strength and as with the others, just as I pulled the animal to me, he was there. Carlisle had picked up the scent of a large group of deer and we were upon them in minutes Over the years, my family was resigned to letting me lead, I was the fastest which also meant I would reach our prey first and take the choicest kill. Check out the list of Pulled Fics Maybe it’s been pulled and published? I can't bear the thought of either one of you being hurt." Because of the size of the coven they will not tolerate, unruly disobedient, defiant behavior and will quickly dispose of any troublemakers. I sighed. Edward's mood was foul; his time with Bella had not improved it. She tells the story so well put together. As a human, she was more than his equal, as a vampire, she would dominate him. Eventually I realized we were at a deadlock. We reached the river and I prepared to jump. Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete) Fanfiction. He's an asset to the community…" ―Charlie to Bella on Carlisle.Carlisle Cullen (pronounced Car-lyle) was born in 1640 in London, England and is the founder and leader of the Olympic coven. A Twilight AU that follows the canon storyline but with both major and minor changes to the original story, the biggest of which is that this isn't the Bella Swan we've all read about before. Browse through and read twilight carlisle fanfiction stories and books The effect on Edward's psyche was taking its toll. Alice was behind him pulling him too her. I fell to my knees in front of him, the small doe under me, my lips seeking out the hot spot on its neck, feeling the flow of the sweet blood rolling across my tongue, a weak sigh of relief escaping my bloodied lips. Twilight Stories Refine by tag: twilight edwardcullen bellaswan jacobblack vampire emmettcullen alicecullen jasperhale cullen newmoon rosaliehale carlislecullen eclipse esmecullen paullahote werewolf breakingdawn volturi edward jaspercullen We moved across the dense vegetation, uprooting small trees, scattering the wildlife, creating a crater in the soft soil with our frenzied battle. He remained frozen; his compliance was the only thing that kept Jasper and Emmett from moving in to protect their mates from an impending attack. I said furiously, like a petulant child. "Did you not notice, I was nude too." He would finally grasp the nature of his displaced anger and aggression towards me and I would only be viewed as a lethal threat to him and his mate. A hiss escaped my lips, as I hovered protectively over the struggling deer, my hand locked around its throat, a knee against its ribcage keeping it from fleeing.

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