small brown bird with white stripe above eye

Feeds on insects, ticks, spiders, lizards, fruits, berries and seeds. Black breast, white belly, rufous sides. Clark's Nutcracker: Medium, noisy and inquisitive jay with pale gray head and body. Forages on ground, low in trees and bushes. McCown's Longspur: Medium-sized sparrow with streaked gray upperparts, plain gray underparts, and darker breast. There is a red patch on... Click to continue> ... with black barring above, and a small patch of blue on the cheek. Feeds on insects. Wings are dark with thin,white bars. The American goldfinch has a small head and bill and a short tail, though the wings are long., carrot beak, cinnamon chest, wings have a white stripe and are edged in black, white goose with a shorter neck than trumpeter swan, grin patch on beak; blue morph has a black-gray body with white head and belly, brown body, white belly, black head and neck, white chinstrap, white swan with longer neck than snow goose, juveniles have orange on the beak and look ashy, breeding individuals have rusty head, male has splendid plumage and a slicked-back crest, female has a white ring and teardrop around the eye, male in eclipse plumage is dull, lacks the crest, and has a white stripe on the cheek, your typical duck, male has green head, yellow bill, and brown chest, females are streakier than green-winged teals, both sexes have powder-blue speculums on the wing (note: any bird's speculum may not be visible unless in flight), distinctive wide flat bill used to feed from the top of the water, males have green head like mallard but white chest (not brown), females have wide orange bills unlike green-winged and mallard (who have normally-shaped black ones), both sexes have powder-blue speculums, males have green crescent running from the eye toward the back of the head, females have softer, more rounded patterns than streaky mallards, both sexes have bright green speculums, distinctively long sloping forehead on both sexes, males have cinnamon head, black chest, white body, females have brown instead of cinnamon and black, males have big puffy crest that may be flattened or raised, head is black with white sections on both sides of the crest, females/juveniles have brown heads and cinnamon crests, both sexes have slender bills, males look like fancy chickens with green head, red wattle, white collar, and streaming tail, females are dull brown with much longer necks and tails than northern bobwhite or ruffed grouse, chunky, short, both sexes have small scruffy crest and mottled barring on the belly, male displays by fanning tail, exposing black ruff, and drumming with its wings, bald head, brown iridescent feathers, female looks like a short, tiny emu with a bald blue head, male has red wattles, small, has more black in its plumage than both ring-necked pheasant and ruffed grouse, has stripes on its head from eyes to neck (black and white on males, buffy and brown on females), breeding adult has red throat and gray back, nonbreeding is black/gray/white, red eyes, thinner beak than common loon, and tilts its head up slightly, breeding adult has all-black head and green collar, nonbreeding tends to have pale collar or spur of white on neck, heftier beak than red-throated loon, very spherical head and short bill, gray-brown, note that the ring on the bill is only present in breeding season, breeding adult has cinnamon neck, brown cap, white chin, and brown body, lacks the neck stripes of red-throated loon, nonbreeding has yellow bill, triangular head, and long neck, unlike loons, distinctive black "eyeliner," white body and black back, chick looks like a fuzzy kiwi, distinctive nostril tubules, note that it has many color morphs on a spectrum of white to dark gray, white body, yellow beak with big flappy pouch, black primaries, wide bands of white and brown streaking on neck, often has neck extended and beak pointing up, tall, powder-blue or gray, whitish head with black stripe, white morph is all white but has yellow bill (unlike snowy egrets' black bill), pure white, black legs and golden feet, lores turn red and plumes show in breeding season, black bill, small for a heron, dark green/blue cap and wings, cinnamon throat, it's pink! Flies in a swift, direct flight with rapid wing beats. The wings have pale rust-brown patches and black flight feathers. Wings are dark with two white bars. Virginia's Warbler: Small warbler, gray upperparts, yellow rump. Wings are brown with two white bars. Fish Crow: Medium-sized crow with black body and dark, heavy bill. Bill is huge, with arched ridge and narrow grooves. Wings have two bars: upper bar is yellow, lower bar is white. Sprague's Pipit: Medium pipit with streaked, brown upperparts, buff breast with dark streaks, and white throat and belly. Baird's Sparrow: Small sparrow with pale-streaked, rich dark brown upperparts, white underparts, and dark streaks on upper breast and flanks. Upper mandible is black with pale base, while lower mandible is yellow with black tip. Wings are plain olive-brown. Mountain Bluebird: Small thrush with brilliant blue back, head, and wings. Western Wood-Pewee: Medium-sized flycatcher with dull olive-gray upperparts and pale olive-gray underparts. Feeds on insects, amphibians, reptiles, rodents, eggs and young of other birds, seeds, fruits and berries. Eye-ring is white. Black legs and feet. Sage Thrasher: Small thrasher, gray upperparts, dark-streaked white underparts with pale brown wash. Dusky Flycatcher: Small flycatcher with olive-gray upperparts and white or yellow tinged underparts. The official bird list published by the Costa Rican Rare Birds and Records Committee of the Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica (AOCR) contained 922 species as of August 2019. Often found in urban and suburban areas, it can become quite tame and may be fed by hand. Tail is gray with white spots near corners. The wings and tail are dark gray. Strong direct flight with rapid wing beats. Swift flight with shallow wing beats. Dark gray back and nape. Wings are brown with chestnut-brown patches. Short low flights, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. Gray eye-ring is indistinct. Head has distinct crest and short, thin, black bill. Female has gray-brown upperparts, white underparts with brown streaks, and a light to dark salmon colored belly and vent. Feeds on fish, crustaceans, carrion, eggs, insects, larvae,fruits and berries. Painted Redstart: Medium warbler with black head, upperparts, bright red breast and belly. Bill is black, legs and feet are pink. This page was last edited on 5 February 2021, at 06:44. The head is striped with black-and-white or tan-and-brown. Feeds primarily on mistlestoe berries and small insects. Forages on ground and high in trees, eats mostly conifer seeds and buds, some insects. Cassin's Vireo: Small vireo, olive-gray upperparts, white underparts, pale yellow flanks. They rarely breed in the US. Legs and feet are pink-brown. Ash-throated Flycatcher: Medium flycatcher with gray-brown upperparts, pale gray throat and breast, and gray-brown tail with rufous highlights. Strong direct flight with rapid wing beats. Swift bounding flight on rapid wing beats. Female has brown upperparts with buff underparts. Wings have large white patches visible in flight. Fork-tailed Flycatcher: Medium-sized flycatcher with pale gray upperparts, black head, inconspicuous yellow crown stripe, and white underparts. Tail is short with white edges. The Male (shown in background) has a dark gray back and head, and black-streaked shoulders. The legs and feet are black. Cassin's Kingbird: Large flycatcher, dark olive-gray upperparts, dull yellow underparts. This product and/or its method of use is covered by one or more of the following patent(s): US patent number 7,363,309 and foreign equivalents. Wings are dark with two pale bars. The female (shown in foreground) has green upperparts, yellow-green underparts and dark wings. Face is buff with black stripe behind eye. Loggerhead Shrike: Medium shrike with gray upperparts and paler gray underparts. Tail is long. Legs and feet are black. Tail is long, rounded, white-tipped. Varied Thrush: Large thrush, dark gray upperparts, rust-brown throat, breast, sides, eyebrows, black breast band, and white belly and undertail. The wings are black with yellow shoulder patches and two white bars. Legs and feet are gray-pink. See more info on cowbirds. neath. Weak fluttering flight on shallow wing beats. The female house finch is a plain brown, streaky bird, more apt to be mistaken for a sparrow, or a female indigo or lazuli bunting, than anything else. The black bill turns yellow with a dark tip in the winter. This is a list of the bird species recorded in Africa.The area covered by this list is the Africa region defined by the American Birding Association's listing rules. Brown-throated Wrens have a bolder eyebrow and a darker throat. Hovers more than other bluebirds and drops on prey from above, also catches insects in flight. Brown-headed cowbird (female): larger, legs are gray-black (not pinkish like a House Sparrow), with fine streaks on breast.Photo on left by Dave Kinneer.Photo below by Zimmerman. Wings and tail are olive-brown. Underparts are bright yellow. The upper breast has a pale olive wash. Weak fluttering flight with shallow rapid wing beats. Head has black hood and throat, sharply contrasting white eyebrow and cheek stripe, and yellow spot in front of eye. Wings are dark gray with two white bars. Thick yellow bill. Forages in trees and bushes. The male body is bright yellow in spring and summer, while the female is duller yellow underneath and an olive color above. The centre of the chest and throat are white, with a broad black median streak. White-throated Sparrows like millet and mixed seeds from a platform feeder or the ground. Some red morph females have a red wash, red splotches, or are entirely red. Blue Grosbeak: Large finch, bright purple-blue body, black face, and two wide, brown wingbars. Weak fluttering flight on shallow wing beats. Eats snails, insects, frogs, shrimp, small fish and birds, eggs and young of other birds, fruits, berries, seeds and grains. Long, keeled tail. Tail is black. The average weight of the male white-eared is 3.6 g, while that of the female is 3.2 g. The adult male white-eared hummingbird has an emerald green back and breast, a purplish crown, blue-green chin, whitish ear stripe, and a red bill with a black tip. Legs are yellow to pale brown. Hovers to take insects, berries, fruit. Bounding flight. Weak fluttering flight with shallow wing beats. Face is gray with brown crown and a thin, dark line extending back from eye. Fast flight on shallow wing beats. In winter, the bird is brown with black wings. Legs and feet are pink-gray. Feeds on insects, caterpillars, fruits and berries. Spotted Towhee: Large sparrow, white-spotted black back, black rump. Hawks from perch, hovers. Townsend's Warbler: Olive-green upperparts, black throat and upper breast. Eats insects, larvae, seeds, fruits and berries. Blue-gray legs and feet. Variegated Flycatcher: Medium flycatcher, dark brown-and-black scaled upperparts, brown eye-line on pale face, thin brown moustache stripe, dark-streaked, pale yellow underparts. Head and nape are blue. Strong and fast flight on rapidly beating wings. It also catches them in flight. The male (shown in background) has a bronze-green back, bright red eyering, rump and underparts. Tail is long and white-edged with dark bars. Black legs, feet. Tail is long and black with white edges. Pyrrhuloxia: Large cardinal-like finch with conspicuous red-tipped gray crest, gray head, back, upperparts, red-washed face, breast, and pale gray underparts. Bill is slightly decurved. Face has thick, black eye-line. Bulky stick nests, placed in conifers or hardwoods, occasionally in suburban areas, but more often found in more extensive forests. Short, bounding flights, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. Throat and breast are paler blue, and belly and undertail coverts are white. Dark tail feathers with thick rufous edges. Gray wings, tail. Head Markings: An osprey's brown and white head markings, including its wide brown eye stripe, are always readily visible, even when the bird is feeding. Short flights with rapidly beating wing strokes alternating with wings pulled briefly to sides. Dark gray wings with red edges on primaries. They come to the suet feeders frequently but also eat jelly, oranges, peanuts and other bird seed. Brewer's Sparrow: Medium sparrow with finely streaked gray-brown upperparts, pale eye-ring, dark moustache stripe, and plain, pale gray underparts. The pale yellow belly distinguishes this species from other Myiarchus flycatchers. It is a ground nester, prefers Jack Pine stands over 80 acres in size. Wings are rufous. Swift direct flight on rapidly beating wings. V-shaped bib is black. Tail is short and wings have two bars. At first it was the red-bellied woodpecker, a somewhat common bird, that intrigued us with its brilliant red-head (and just a little red on the belly). Female is gray overall with blue wings, rump, and tail. Northern birds are grayer overall with baring on the flanks. Nape is chestnut-brown, crown is black, and throat is white. It forages for insects on or close to the ground. Before learning ID, it is highly recommended to have basic understanding of topographic terms to better utilize the ID tips. Wings are black with large white patches. It only eats insects, and forages for them on the ground and in trees. Head is gray with white eye-ring that extends to brow. Sharp-Shinned Hawk & Cooper's Hawk. Orange-brown crown is marked with fine dark lines. Slow fluttering flight with shallow wing beats. Feeds on insects, frogs, fruits and berries. Mitch Waite Group. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch: Medium finch with brown body and pink on shoulders, flanks, and belly. Female is olive-green above, with gray back and yellow underparts. Nape is chestnut-brown, crown is black, and throat is white. The top of the head is red, with red eye stripe. Head has black mask and sideburns and thick yellow eyebrows. Perches upright and remains still for long periods of time and is easily overlooked. Bill is heavy and slightly hooked. It hops or runs on the ground and often perches on top of low bushes. Swift flight, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. Southern birds have light brown upperparts and buff underparts. Lazuli Bunting: Small finch, bright blue upperparts, cinnamon-brown breast and sides, white belly. Crown, nape, and face are gray; eye-rings appear as large, white spectacles. Kentucky Warbler: Medium, ground-dwelling warbler with bright olive-green upperparts and yellow underparts. Tail is dark gray with white corners. Phainopepla: Small, flycatcher-like bird with glossy black body. Tropical Kingbird: Large flycatcher with olive-gray upperparts, gray head, inconspicuous orange crown patch, pale throat, dark eye patch, and dark upper breast. Back of head and belly have gray patches. Hermit Warbler: Small warbler, gray upperparts, white underparts, black-streaked flanks. Secretive, heard rather than seen. Flies on stiff wing beats, alternates several rapid wing strokes with long glides. The bill is yellow with a dark tip. Upper mandible is dark. The breast is a medium gray. Upper mandible is dark gray, while lower mandible is pale pink with black tip. Outer tail feathers are white. Note that this page is mainly for learning ID and taxonomy. Carolina Chickadee: Small chickadee with gray upperparts, distinct black cap and bib, dull white cheeks, and white underparts with rust-brown flanks. Eats insects, berries, fruits. Face is buff with black stripe behind eye. Nape and ear patches are gray, eyes are pale gray, and bill is short and pointed. Tail is black with strongly contrasting white … Great-tailed Grackle: Large blackbird, iridescent black body and purple sheen. Tail has white edges, dark center and tip. Tail is red. For ID tips and audio files of list birdsongs, see Bird Calls. It is streaky brown above and warm orange-buff on the breast. Wings and tail are purple-blue. Bobs tail and often makes short flights to hawk insects. Eats mostly insects in the summer. Eats seeds, insects, caterpillars. Thin, pale bill. Iris is red-brown to red. Bill is thin and slightly decurved. Bill is black. Lower breast and sides are yellow with black streaks and belly is white.Face is yellow with black crown and cheek patch and yellow crescent below eye. It has a prominent white stripe above the eye. Kirtland's Warbler: Rare, medium-sized warbler with black-streaked gray upperparts and yellow underparts with black streaks on sides. Townsend's Solitaire: Small thrush, gray overall and slightly darker above. Mask is black and throat is white. Short, black bill. Undergo a cycli-cal migration tied to prey availability. The outer part of the wing feathers is blue. These two hawks regularly hunt birds visiting feeders in winter. As it hops, it often flicks its tail from side to side. The kookaburra’s white head has a brown eye stripe, the back and wings are dark brown, and the underparts are white. MacGillivray's Warbler: Medium-sized warbler with olive-green upperparts and yellow underparts. Tail is long and black with white corners. Very active bird, nervous and restless while foraging. It has been listed as an endangered species since 1987. Alternates several quick, shallow strokes with wings pulled to sides. The head has a black crown, white face and throat, and a stout, heavy bill. Scott's Oriole: Medium-sized oriole with black hood extending onto breast and back. The adult bird is bright green with paler yellowish green underside. Steady deep wing beats. Head is black and eyes are red. Photo by Zimmerman. Crown is rufous, throat is white with black stripes, and bill is gray. Forages on ground for various insects and berries. The female, whose breast and head are dull brown, also has the distinctive white wing bars. Lark Sparrow: Medium sparrow with streaked, gray-brown upperparts and buff underparts with black breast spot. Iris is red. Until the 1990s was classified as the Solitary Vireo, along with the Blue-headed and Plumbeous Vireos.

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