ship of fools meaning grateful dead

Otherwise, any march would be turned into a ‘we love Nicola rally’, like that one in George Square not organised by AUOB, but by her more-reliable friends at The National. *(No, I wouldn’t trust the Greens constituency candidates as far as I could throw them., John Digsby says: QUESTION where is it again they will be building the new gulags or is this one of the secrets not to be divulged, vlad (not that one) says: By March last year, before the pandemic arrived, there was still no sign that the SNP spring election had been organised. It is not our DNA that makes us Scots – it is our strong commitment to egalitarian values especially in education and health, our distinctive languages, our sense of humour etc etc… make us Scots. We “the Yes movement ” are no looking for new laws/ acts were looking for Treaty change and that’s the one thing that never comes out of the mouths of federalist advocates. As an exercise, insert any name you like into that blogpost in place of Sturgeon and the utter absurdity of the logic should become plainly apparent (eg Tony Blair, Donald Trump, Kevin Keegan etc). Especially not with all their woke nonsense & totalitarian leanings. This is your friendly reminder that we’re 4 days away and counting from the case calling before the court of session. The Treaty is the fundamental international agreement that the Acts ratified (and expanded to an extent). The National will subtly undermine independence as best it can and then outright betray independence when it matters most, as her ‘sister paper’ the Herald did. You cannot bind a country like that forever. Long live democracy and freedom, down with big government and give the power back to us, The People ! In June 1993, Kim Campbell was the most popular Prime Minister in Canada history, leading a majority government. They are poison and a poison that must be removed. It needs constant discussion, and I bow down to your own and breeks knowledge. 18 January, 2021 at 10:38 am Years later I found out that the Jacobite swords were removed from display because they had writing on them which referred to a free and independent Scotland. Basically says we need the soft No’s to win and soft No’s will only vote Yes if Sturgeon is leader. Only a plebiscitary election with the Manifesto main policy being, in the event of a win (seats, not votes, which is the essence of our electoral-based democracy) that we open negotiations with Westminster immediately thereafter. Scotland is the oil, England is the water, and UK Treaty of Union is the glass beaker holding both together, but by their very nature, the oil and water are constitutionally incapable of becoming joined. Rather than one anonymous leader for campaign number 10, So, your qualifier for being anti vax is you have the virus, so good for you but that is not a position most of us are in thankfully. People should read and understand ‘The Master of Ballantrae’, Stevenson and Baxter (his best pal in Edinburgh) were both lawyers. That’s a fair point. I do wish people would not confuse the Acts with the Treaty. And we ask ourselves how we could have been fooled by Labour for so long. the parties to the Treaty no longer exist – there is no English Parliament, which was replaced by the Union Parliament, and Holyrood is a creation of the Union Parliament, and is not the same as the one that signed itself into extinction. Hiding behind a mask of incompetence is the cleanest solution and one designed not only to remove support but also any real scrutiny. Her name will go down in Scottish history, as the woman who sold Scotland out. Also agree about NS , her maximising the fear quotient is completely unnecessary and damaging-though she’s hardly alone in this- and consistent with her unimaginative collusion with every ” accepted “- ie politically expedient , perception of reality, Post on BarrheadBoy sums up how completely useless NS has been. Stuart Campbell says: “birth of a nation”? Also read a good news story that Scot gov is distributing money to councils that And Nicola tries to wash the blood from her hands [and those of covid Jayne],, Hugh Jarse says: The grand old of Duke of York and his 10000 men springs to mind. We can only guess how many thousands they have already saved. There can be no move forward with people like Sturgeon and her ilk in place. First we must reach a position where that will can be expressed (and no, this doesn’t mean section 30) – after than, the technicalities of untying the treaty can be considered. It is beginning to dawn on many people now , highlighted by the posts on wings, that sturgeon is working for, or at the least, being worked by, the British state! Plenty. If they lose 20% percent of the nationalist vote through abstentions, alternatives, plus the fact that 40% will never vote SNP anyway, there is no way they can pick the rest of the votes needed for a majority in a three way fight with Lib Lab for soft unionists. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties entered into force in 1980. Make your mind up to keep The old ones whom would gladly exchange your freedom for some silver and fame compared to your new compatriots. they seemed to have buried national identify 6 foot under!! Following the cessation of excessive carrot ingestion, his liver enzymes normalized within 1 month. Of course, they too, would require to be repealed come independence, but they are not the primary source of the UK of GB’s political authority. 18 January, 2021 at 2:27 pm It refers to the Charter of the United Nations, self-determination of peoples, prohibition of the threat or use of force and affirms that the rules of customary international law will continue to govern questions not regulated by the provisions of the present Convention. Because from here, readers, they’re starting to smell pretty rotten. If it became clear the SNP cannot achieve independence, again it’s support and so it’s grip on power might evaporate. A Treaty is an international contract between states. Action is what we need, not blethering to each other about the same old stuff, time will fix the crooks for good, but time is against us, they will get back into power if we allow them to run the SNP as their own private political party In 1960 the UN ratified the Decolonisation Resolution. My wife’s sister had polio as a child and the effects are still there 40 years later. Sad times. A lot of people used to think that was a pro independence paper as well, pre 2014. He then goes on to argue that the “thrice woe faction” (which seems to mean people with critical faculties) “will just keep asking what use is it voting SNP if Johnson keeps saying no”. Here the word refers to a hidden rock or reef under the sea that could rip the bottom out of a ship. So, trying to be positive, I see the Martin Keatings / Forward As One case as making the best of a very bad situation. Archived copy so all can read… FFS, I’m beginning to get really pissed off with this party. @ Bob Mack Read whatever you like but just don’t inflict your moans on the rest of us. twathater says: Jeezo. You’re a good caring person because you are going to get the jag to protect yourself and stop the virus spreading. But yeah I’m sure their “Taskforce” and “Tsar” will change all that. The Sunday Post is getting nippy! In the Forward As One case, if the Court of Session ruled the subservient colonial parliament required a s30 order, the pressure for a Holyrood plebiscite election would increase. You can blame her for the failure to deliver Indy but not for the care home deaths. The Treaty is still extant and it is still challengeable. He has joined a right wing Mississippi think tank. I believe in science and data led decision making. The treaty of the union does not specify/ give specific instructions by way of agreement on the side of England or Scotland on the ending of the treaty, Now I am concerned.”, . The only way that will change is with the ouster of Sturgeon and her crypto-Unionist cabal. The question to ask is ‘where does the narrator (McKellar) end up and how has he reached that place.. 2: Article 18 – by removing Scotland from the EU against our wishes they have disrupted the daily life for everyday Scots which again breeches the Treaty as the Parliament of Great Britain is able to legislate for certain aspects of trade across the UK but expressly NOT when it affects the private rights of people in Scotland. Getting rid of a political rival can take time. I’d rather they didn’t, and I don’t care how old they are. The thought of this lockdown crap continuing for 5 years isn’t pleasant to me either. will help self employed taxi drivers who have have no support up to this point. He basically says if you disagree with me or want to be negative, then go away, which is an incredible position. Doug Bryce says: “The choice is simple. Replace Nicola Sturgeon with Alex Salmond for instance and we are right back on track. (More), Stats: I have always felt that the treaty of the union was one of the biggest scams ever presented on the Scottish people, leading them to believe it was real, and that it was [they] that had entered the contract, not the signatories on the treaty. We should be shouting and screaming for the vaccine and asking Sturgeon why we are behind the rest of the UK… instead we have this madness. I think sadly that is the way we are going to have to do it, we move on from waiting for the snp. That is just outrageous – where is your source? Handy if they’ve just put in one of those flame effect fires. Just a few weeks ago they were posting links to a guy called Yeadon who said London and other places hit hard in the first wave had achieved herd immunity and that the pandemic was basically over for them. The question then is how does one define ” Native ” ? Enough of the acquiescence. Here it is just in case you missed it…, haven’t been able to phone you for over 24 hours – straight to out of service message. I have heard the politically correct woke faction of the SNP is asking for the reference to ‘slaves’ to be removed from Rule Brittania. The predictive abilities of that character wilson are something else. Please show us how you got 600 deaths per week from this. It was a ship, a big ship, and it was going to hit the facility. If they could have, they would have, but they CAN’T. A wee bird tells me this may already be part of the plan. Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson was published by Mrs. Wilson on 2020-03-23. Pricktease The plan is to reduce that even further. “Don’t let Wisharts bravado confuse you. I think you’re being a little unfair. Baaaaaahhhh. Kilgour and his ilk should be in jails but that wont happen., Rev. And the current Scottish Parliament is no such thing (if Westminster went mad and repealed the Scotland Act,it would cease to exist). The UK of GB still exists as it was formed according to the Treaty. Any of you still in the SNP know if members get to vote who goes on the list as that is what it looked like before Rhiannon took down her twitter account as if she was asking for a vote. I’d be surprised if the majority (any) were paying subscribers. I am waiting on just one of them coming over here and telling us she really really means it this time. When yet another SNP landslide arrived, the opposition was ordered to “unite” behind indyref2. British nationalists in Scotland aren’t going to disappear after indy I imagine. He then says this is “the wrong question to ask”. Tony Kaye Cameron had two eminent Professors, Crawford and Boyle, report on the Treaty in 2013. She lies about everything else. Looks like the new NEC is as bad as the old NEC, My 2 year old daughter has had 4 lots of jags. It might just sharpen up some others! I recall years ago visiting the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow and walking through the section displaying armour from all periods including Jacobite swords. The Yoons aren’t nearly as generous as the board have been on getting people to ‘correct’ the things they’ve got wrong. I think they did their best in difficult circumstances but were defeated by the absolute determination of the English MPs to see the Union as an English conquest. And explains everything. The skill set is there. The numerous AUOB marches managed to get turnouts that reached a significant tipping point in terms of proportion of societal engagement. Surely we can avoid this one now being swamped with vaccine denier agitprop instead of Spameron Brodie’s Google mining? “ Once again, the hon. wee monkey says: I do wonder how many more calls to arms the Scottish people need, or if they don’t actually need them or have any intention of using them.. People are drowning, as I said before, they’re drowning right now. As mentioned he is now telling everyone to be quiet as we are nearly there, wherever that is. People don’t buy papers solely by political persuasion but even if they did you want quality, not sycophancy. It hasn’t been lodged at an international body, so it is essentially a piece if domestic legislation. Is it any wonder the movement is unable to make substantive progress with pieces of work like this supposedly on our side? I have had to recalibrate my incredulity scale. I wonder if this new task force will begin to deplete the £500,000 ring-fenced indy fund. I’m seeing and hearing nothing of any substance from any of them! If you view the SNP as colonial administrators with self-interest for various reasons such as personal ambition and other agendas separate from independence such as transgender rights, then the actions of the SNP do make sense. I believe he gave £90K to the Tories So until they fail at the ballot box they will keeping do it. All the while, with the pandemic over and brexit problems fading, polls begin to shift back to people’s comfort zone. Last time we spoke we joked about speaking again unless the police came and confiscated your phone. debts added by Covid and the vast sums given to Tory supporters for unknown PPE supplies The treaty of Westminster-ardtornish, 1462. – not if you prefer the ‘rong-un, the SNP leadership is a repository for the sterile, the pointless, the masturbatory. ), “Pretty soon, waiting becomes the only thing you’re capable of.”. Whereas the book is, in fact, a masterclass on ‘tone’ and how it fools people into ‘not listening or reading carefully’ . but even donkeys can be stubborn. We are being trolled. At the time of deciding to get Salmond probably. I thought that carrots were supposed to help you see in the dark? “Actually, it is the UK that is the child of a mother country, in fact two mother countries, Scotland and England”. But mostly it’s that we’ve heard all this before. Thay talk about it, but do nothing. The Greeks believed that the Odyssey, was composed by Homer. Deep down I think we all knew what the National was. the Scots. It is still extant. There was never any meaningful departure from Westminster’s line. These are two fabulous articles on Iain’s very informative blog, they give me hope for a future independent Scotland. Independence Taskforce? And to all those that say voting anything other than snp is just a vote for yoonionists , as Stu is forever pointing out where is the integrity and honesty within the snp when they continually reheat this same old pish to CON the electorate and it is a CON , they have had at least 6 years to convince and PROVE to the wider electorate (that includes no voters and DK) that Scotland NEEDS independence to survive , yet what have they done to EDUCATE people ( NOTHING ), As a corrupt meaningless party who have LIED consistently to their supporters they DON’T DESERVE my vote and they won’t be getting it , and anyone who accuses me of letting the yoonionists into power only has to look at Sturgeon’s antics and corruption and realise that we already have unionists in power under the guise of the snp badge. The year 2021 was identified in 2014 as the period where the Mon – Covid SNP or unionist party. Probably appalled, and a lot sound advice to never find yourself alone with The FM and her Chief of Perjury when they are in London. That they have appeared all around the same time, certainly makes me wonder how awesomely coincidental that is or did some companies cut corners to claim their kudos and stake in the market of the new Snake Oil bonanza. Here are some examples: 1. These NPCs are procedurally generated, though their armor and behavior will adhere to their setting. I have argued this many times on this website and heartily agree with your explanation. Sat – New Poll 18 January, 2021 at 1:30 am, You’ve spelt that wrong SR it is immaculate CORRUPTION. Because while you’ve been waiting your ability to act has atrophied. Andy Ellis, I like the fact she’s a National columnist. Lorna campbell, you have a good grasp of the treaty of the union then and now, You present it here in a simplistic, “this is obvious” fashion, but there isn’t a definitive view on it that is actionable in law today. “I don’t know. @ Doug Bruce With proper leadership a way forward would have been agreed a long time ago. have you used up the last mandate we gave you, if not use it, then your numbers will go up in next election. solarflare says: I like youself and others have this faith, that Scotland will become independent again, but god help us if the Scottish government do the negotiations on or behalf, it would be worse than the Brexit mess. Article 33 covers the settlement of disputes. They dress this up as a moral argument, but it’s the opposite – immoral and a measure of nothing more than their disregard for human life and stupidity. The choice is simple. in the interest of Scotland’s privileged meritocratic elite, those of the same culture who made money out of slavery and who sold out the Scottish nation in 1707 (Ross 2008). There are no studies on the effect of the vaccines over a period of six months, one year, 2 years etc. 5,727 Posts, Some even give you back story and lore. the SNP’s enthusiasm for independence matches that of Elton John on his wedding night, i.e. “We’ve heard it a’ before”, “Why have you no done this four or five years ago” etc. They’re like little dogs that get all excited at whatever but after that it’s time for a nap. a weekend away ? To that extent it is Scotland’s “Pravda”. Not the well-paid people who squat in the SNP and have done absolutely nothing thus far. If you go on the Dug site you know exactly what you are going to get so don’t complain afterwards. 2. how the british establishment appears to be “oblivious” at the potential crimes committed in that quest to get Mr Salmond and how they are looking the other way while Sturgeon’s gov desperately stops the evidence for the conspiracy reaching the public eye. This is an example of the sort of science that underpins their propaganda. (Shhhhh do not tell Mr Rutherford. Nothing else will hold water now. Suddenly your sovereignty isn’t ‘yours’ anymore. Do we want to be part of an independent nation run by corrupt politicians supported by an uncritical and often fawning press? So in all events you come back to the ‘simpler options’ of a plebicitary election etc. LIES. Now I am concerned. Only kidding. I saw a clip the other day of Jacob Rhys Mogg taunting Tommy Sheppard about it in Westminster. Thanks! There’s feck all actual properly investigated news in the National, just endless opinion pieces. It’s EXACTLY the same principle as Spameron Brodies diversion and wrecking tactics. Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. But we know that no Section 30 order is going to be forthcoming regardless, therefore it does not matter one jot whether there is an SNP majority or merely a pro-indy majority at Holyrood to therefore consider next steps. And quietly the promises underneath the big shouty rabble-rousing headlines were being downgraded to “well, we’ll have some sort of a plan within six months, honest”. The field behind ma hoose still has aboot 20 acres o’ the orange fookers in it. I suspect because the common enemy of both Blackford (personal animosity at being suspended by AS in 2000) and Garvelli is A Salmond (and Independence) @ X_Sticks says at 5:02 pm. So I am very cautious about relying on it. Kapelmeister – Can we then refer to the Sunday edition of that journal as The Fictional ? “I hope we can at least agree that scaremongering really isn’t required – folk are scared enough as it is. Baaaaaahhhh. I can see the sot Yessers sinking back into DK very easily. Democracy gets the better the billing, but democracy which isn’t underpinned by sovereignty quickly runs into problems, such as when a colonial usurper of sovereignty strives to introduce conditions, obstructions and vetos upon that sovereignty, such as we see in the Section 30 of the Colonial Scotland Act. If you carry on creating these accounts just to harass one poster in particular, I’ll pass all your email and IP addresses to the police to see what they think of it. Their house and jobs and very lifestyles depend on the status quo remaining in place in Scotland. Just an aside but the National is owned by the same group that owns the Herald. 17 January, 2021 at 5:02 pm As you rightly say, a treaty can never be cast in stone for eternity for the simple reason that its relevance and import is inevitably bound by time and circumstance. But even as COVID-19 took hold, on the day Scotland played its last international sports fixture in front of a crowd, we were assured, absurdly, that the vote would be happening that year: By the time the country had already endured several months of social distancing and self-isolation, the timetable had been grudgingly pushed back to “autumn 2021”, even though there couldn’t possibly be a referendum by this autumn even if Boris Johnson handed us one on a plate the day after the election in May – assuming that there IS an election in May.

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