displayport keep alive

Sell, sell sell more and more - whether the thing they're selling works [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\VIDEO] which is apparently rebuilt on boot, and seems to have pointers to the graphic drivers in use. Notes: The initial hardware was an LG W2453 1920x1080 LCD hooked to an nVidia 9400GT card via HDMI. I'm using it in conjunction with Gary Chanson's QMenu which means if I have the key in the clipboard buffer, two keystrokes and I'm in Nowadays, the old Mac monitor auto-detection is something that all the cards seem to do. My setup is HDTV (Samsung) and VGA monitor. Not turning off the monitor and using 'blank' screen saver avoids issue. You were told repeatedly to stop advising people to update Drivers or whatever. Who knows. I have been searching for a resolution to a similar problem / bug. Confused, I turn on the TV to see if I left the TV as the primary monitor, and boom, suddenly the monitor in my office becomes my primary display again. Use brains when reading bug reports, dear MS idiot. if you physically plug the cable in and out, this will interrupt the hotplug, but a monitor can leave the 2) that there's a registry section at .. the issue is that annoying. Monitor: NEC1940CX connected with VGA through KVM as second monitor. Its always the "new and improved crap"... HDMI :(. I want to play movies on my TV, but whenever the TV turns off, my movie player application is pushed back to my touchscreen where it gets lost behind my automation screen. Then I found this thread & went to Device Manager to see the monitor driver. I have a multi-monitor (8 monitors) system and I like to turn off the power to my monitors at night. for a couple of months now. I tried disabling TMM as suggested here and elsewhere but it didn't help. and would instead be coming out the laptop's speakers. Now this morning it doesn't. If you do this, teamviewer options and the driver (right button on the desktop) will only allow me BTW: I used another HP-monitor (L1910 - 19") before without any problems. windows. Please, Microsoft hear our plea. I have another system at home, running Windows 7 Pro with an nVidia 265, two monitors, 24" and a 23", both connected DVI, and I never have this problem. This is not one of those changes that I can live with. SOLUTION: I had the same issue and solved it by cutting the "Hot Plug Detect" pin in my HDMI cable. When a DisplayPort monitor falls asleep, windows doesn't disable the desktop associated with it because technically the powers still on (so windows still see's your device). Based on others suggestions in this thread, I'm trying a dual HDMI cable setup in clone mode: PC DVI out > DVI > HDMI > HDMI TV. Once the DMM has a "good" (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff565475(v=VS.85).aspx) VidPn source to target link, the CDD/DWM can use the display. I guess, this could come in handy, but not in my case! I got a Displayport monitor and a Displayport cable, yet I am not using it because of this bug. Add another software layer before the auto-detect feature to trick the pc into thinking everything is connected and let the user decide when/for what devices to send the fake signal to the hardware layer? You can see a window where you can set up the monitor autiomatic turn on and off. Why do i still need 3rd party applications like UltraMon just to have half way decent multi-monitor support? But, with this simple hack I am able to switch my TV from HDMI to cable, turn it off, back on etc and still keep XBMC of the issues, then when I use the projector I Fn-7 to bring up the monitors and change from "Expanded" to "Duplicate" which gives me the same picture (movie) on both of the monitors and the projector. Once you have a setup like that, go ahead and setup your desktop the way you like it then turn off the DisplayPort connected Monitor. Then I encountered the feature/bug that is so lamented here. Unplugging the VGA cable has the same effect. I've been using this for a few months now since I It allows you to set individual window settings and at any time press to restore those settings. Naturally, you would have a monitor connected to the vga output of these cards, but you might not... it doesnt I would try disabling the detection pin if I knew which one it was but the displayport one was not mentioned in the other Windows 7 treats DisplayPort much like it is a USB device: Once the USB device (or DisplayPort monitor in this case) loses power, the system 'disconnects' it AND disables the 'desktop' which was I don't like to fuss around with this cables, so I came to this conclusion: Windows wasn't readjusting the monitor settings while the tv had a direct connection to the pc. How I got around the problem, which may or may not be available to those of you with a receiver, was to enable the "pass through HDMI" option, which leaves an HDMI port of your choosing powered up (PC) and passed to the In the interest of saving time / avoiding you giving a non-answer / run around answer, I'll post my question in a slightly different ways so that you understand EXACTLY what I am asking with the hopes that I can get a straight answer out of you. Do not agree we should be hacking up our own cables, or purchasing cables to hack up just to remedy this. I upgraded to a new receiver with HDMI support. tabs on a webpage or a picture book, its that fast. I just want windows to not react on turning a TV on or off. Each video adapter (when connected) declares the number of VidPn targets. (I did mess up with power settings, but that should not affect the result, to tired to put everything back right now). So what It's no wonder that problems are abundant. I am only using one monitor. rather during the power on sequence of the projector. Disconnecting the hot plug pin was not a solution as my integrated graphics cannot force detect source, so I knew I had to try the way GeorgiKr described. Works with 21:9 Ultrawide and 32:9 Super Ultrawide Monitors. Then, it realizes the amp is there, and turns it on again. Would you please describe the symptom in detail? I just have a small home theater setup. The solution for me was to swap out the DVI-to-SVGA adapter dongle. I'm using my Windows 7 system as a media server, connected to a standard LCD monitor (via DVI) in my media room as well as an LCD flat screen display in my theater room (different room) through my home theater receiver via HDMI. This is 2 laptops i have done this with now.

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