acetaminophen solubility in propylene glycol

From 10% up to 20% of PG and from 70% up to 100% of PG, entropy driving was found, while from pure water up to 10% of PG and from 20% up to 70% of PG, enthalpy driving was found. In addition to the hypothetic fusion-mixing stages previously exposed, the solution process may also be represented by the following hypothetic stages:24, Solute(Solid) ® Solute(Vapor) ® Solute(Solution). cosolvent proportions, this interaction may be saturated. Etman, M. A.; Naggar, V. F.; Int. With respect to the obtained %ARDs, Jouyban-Acree is superior to Jouyban-Acree-van’t Hoff and the order of %ARDs for non-linear models is NRTL < UNIQUAC < Wilson. effect of the cosolvent composition on solubility and solution thermodynamics of acetaminophen in propylene glycol + water cosolvent mixtures. before and after equilibration with saturated solutions in different solvents. Pour cela, un criblage complet est nécessaire. A.; Barbosa, H.; Martínez, F.; Phys. Saini MK, Murthy SSN (2016) Acetaminophen, Methocarbamol, Guaifenesin and Mephenesin in Propylene Glycol: Solubility and Phase Behaviour for Use in Medical Industry . Finally, preferential solvation analysis demonstrates that mesalazine is preferentially solvated by water in almost all the mixtures, except in the region 0.19 < x 1 < 0.29. The generated data extended the solubility database for further computational … Hollenbeck, R. G.; J. Pharm. Drug solubility studies in solvent mixtures have great importance in the pharmaceutical sciences especially in pharmaceutical technology. 1996, 44, 1061. The enthalpy of cavity formation is endothermic because energy must be supplied to overcome the cohesive forces of the solvent. QUÍMICA Resumen Jiménez, J. 1976, 80, 2341. In Table 5 the thermodynamic functions of mixing of ACP are summarized. Relationship of Solubility Curves to Specific and Nonspecific Interactions. Solubilidad y volúmenes de desplazamiento del acetaminofén en mezclas binarias formadas por agua, etanol y propilenoglicol a 25.0 °C, Temperature dependence of the solubility of some acetanilide derivatives in several organic and aqueous solvents, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. Sci. The structuring of water molecules around the, nonpolar groups of solutes (hydrophobic hydration), contributes to decrease the net heat of mixing to small or, lower as the proportion of PG increases because the polarity, interactions. ... As a consequence, this process decreases the solubility values. To date, DESs have been extensively explored as potential drug delivery systems on account of their unique properties such as tunability and chemical and thermal stability. Anal. The solubility of paracetamol in water-ethanol-propylene glycol binary and ternary mixtures at 25 and 30 degrees C was determined using flask shake method. 1980, 69, 1241. Colomb. Grant, D. J. W.; Mehdizadeh, M.; Chow, A. H. L.; Fairbrother, J. E.; Int. The analysis was based on van’t Hoff method, including the respective contributions by mixing and solvation of the drug on the solution processes. Cienc. drug in the different saturated solutions studied. Solubility prediction of paracetamol in water-ethanol-propylene glycol mixtures at 25 and 30 degrees C using practical approaches. 2005, 29, 429. In all cases, the coefficients of variation for solubility were smaller than 2.0%. Dearden, J. C.; J. Pharm. A. R.; D'Arecea, M. A.; The Merck Index, An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals, 13th ed. Some linear and nonlinear examples of functional dependencies between thermodynamic parameters are analyzed and discussed. It was observed that the solubility of ketoconazole was increased with the enhancement in temperature and concentration of carbitol. Solubility of ACP expressed in % (m/v), saturated solution and solvent densities, solute volumetric fraction, solute activity coefficient, and activity variation factor in PG + W cosolvent mixtures at 30.0 °C, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Fleming Martínez, Printed in Brazil - ©2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Química, entalpia e entropia de solução, mistura e solvatação de acetaminofen em misturas dos solventes, propileno glicol + água (PG + W), foram a, A solvatação dessa droga nas misturas aumenta com o aumento da proporção de PG, atingindo, um máximo em 70% de PG. This drug is specially, and by other care practitioners. The solvation of this drug in the mixtures increases as the PG proportion is also increased founding a maximum at 70% of PG. Furthermore, the experimental data were predicted with five predictive models, i.e. Furthermore, the crystal habits of stevioside in selected solvents were studied. For this reason, expression more widely used can be written as follo, Linear models with good correlation coeff, obtained in all mixtures studied. This analysis, was used in order to identify the mechanism of the, permits to observe similar mechanisms for the solution. These parameters can help to predict the solvent performance during the manufacturing processes and will be useful in guessing solvent behavior in many other fields of effort. [ Links ], 18. A solvatação dessa droga nas misturas aumenta com o aumento da proporção de PG, atingindo um máximo em 70% de PG. De plus, la nucléation étant un phénomène stochastique, un grand nombre d’expériences doivent être réalisées pour obtenir des données fiables, ce qui entraine une consommation importante de matière première. Advancements in thermodynamic modeling enable a better mechanistic understanding and can provide guidance in the development of promising solvent mixtures for a given drug. Ethanol and propylene glycol are probably the more widely used cosolvents in parenteral medications. paracetamol, mefenamic acid and flufenamic acid were in their respective Form I. Acad. Propylene glycol or 1,2-dihydroxypropane or 1,2-propanediol, is a clear, colourless, viscous, practically odourless liquid with a density of 1.038 g/cm³ at 20°C and a molecular weight of 76.095. The solubility was greater at 50% m/m of PG at 20.0^C, while it was greater at 80% of In order to verify the effect of cosolvent composition on the thermodynamic function driving the solution process Table 6 summarizes the thermodynamic functions of transfer of ACP from more polar solvents to those less polar solvents. 13.; accessed in October 2004. For problems concerning enthalpy-entropy compensations, an appropriate regression procedure is presented for the estimation of functional dependencies between thermodynamic parameters. cosolvent compositions, including the pure solv, Their data were adjusted to a parabolic re, obtaining a maximum for 20% v/v of EtOH. This "chameleonic effect" can be quantitatively described in terms of cavity formation, nonspecific and specific interactions, represented by the Hildebrand solubility parameter and the acidic and basic solubility parameters of the solvent mixtures. The results showed that the solubility of IMC in TBAB/ethylene glycol system was obtained approximately 17,000-fold more than its solubility in water. The temperature and solvent composition dependency models of Jouyban-Acree, Jouyban-Acree-van't Hoff, NRTL, UNIQUAC and Wilson as well as solvent composition dependency models of combined nearly ideal binary solvent/Redlich-Kister (CNIBS/R-K) and modified Wilson were utilized for modeling the experimental solubility data. The solvation of this drug in the mixtures increases as the ethanol proportion is also increased. [ Links ], 27. The mole fraction solubilities of acetaminophen (ACP) were measured in the binary solvent mixtures of {1-propanol + water} at T = 293.2–313.2 K. The Jouyban–Acree, Jouyban–Acree–van’t Hoff, combined nearly ideal binary solvent/Redlich–Kister (CNIBS/R-K) and modified Wilson models as well as a non-linear model presented by Machatha et al. This temperature is the nearest to 303 K. In order to calculate the g2 and (¶ln a2/¶ln X2)T,p values some methods for estimating propagation of errors were used.20. The overall dissolution operation of a solute may be demonstrated by the two suppositious steps including melting of solid solute and its solvation with solvent [30]. [ Links ]. In addition to the application of DESs in drug delivery systems, they show greatly promising pharmaceutical activities, including anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-cancer activities. In equation, property is calculated from the apparent specific v, indication of the deviation presented by this one in front, (m/v) solubilities, saturated solution densities, cosolvent, mixtures densities, solute volume fractions, solute acti, temperature is the nearest to 303 K. In order to calculate. In order to make the equivalence between molarity and mole fraction concentration scales, the density of the saturated solutions was determined with a digital density meter. Consideration is first given to the manner in which the analysis should be performed, and to the significance of found compensation relationships. The entropy of solution is also positive in all cases, indicating entropy driving on overall the solution processes. It can be seen in equation (9) that the contribution of w22 represents the work necessary to move molecules from solid state to the vapor state, and therefore it is constant in all mixtures. The analysis was based on van't Hoff method, including the respective contributions by mixing and solvation of the drug on the solution processes. Finally, apparent standard Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy of dissolution and mixing, ΔGsoln∘, ΔHsoln∘, ΔSsoln∘, ΔGmix∘, ΔHmix∘, ΔSmix∘ of LTG in aqueous mixtures of acetonitrile were computed at mean harmonic temperature Thm = 303.0 K. The positive variable of ΔGsoln∘ suggesting the favourability of dissolution in acetonitrile-rich mixtures and ‘entropy-driven’ nature of it in only four cases. No changes in the solid phase were observed in water and aqueous mixtures below 50% water. Martínez, F.; Rev. Soluble in acetone, in alcohol, in isopropyl alcohol, in ethyl acetate, in isopropyl myristate, in isopropyl palmitate, in lanolin, in mineral oil, in vegetable oils, and in volatile silicones; insoluble in water, in glycerin, and in propylene glycol. Further, the computed thermodynamic properties of dissolution for ketoconazole in aqueous carbitol solutions suggest that except in neat water, enthalpy has the main contribution to standard Gibbs free energies of dissolution. Acetaminophen (paracetamol), also commonly known as Tylenol, is the most commonly taken analgesic worldwide and is recommended as first-line therapy in pain conditions by the World Health Organization (WHO).It is also used for its antipyretic effects, helping to reduce fever. According to these authors, this fact implies a change from entropy driving to enthalpy driving toward the solution process. The respective entropy of sublimation was calculated as = ( - )/T at 303 K, where = - RT ln(p / p0) with p = 1.05´10–6 Pa at 303 K (calculated from some values presented by Williams et al.9) and p0 = 101325 Pa; then = 63.71 kJ mol–1, and therefore = 577.7 J mol–1 K–1 at the same temperature. The solubility was greater at 100% of PG at all temperatures studied. Propylene glycol (IUPAC name: propane-1,2-diol) is a viscous, colorless liquid, which is nearly odorless but possesses a faintly sweet taste.Its chemical formula is CH 3 CH(OH)CH 2 OH. Romero, S.; Reillo, A.; Escalera, B.; Bustamante, P.; Chem. 2004, 77, 541. Characterization of the solid phases of paracetamol and fenamates at equilibrium in saturated solutions, Data Reduction and Error Analysis in Physical Sciences, Enthalpy-entropy compensation analysis of pharmaceutical, biochemical and biological systems, Solubility and Solubilization in Aqueous Media, Physical Pharmacy, Physical Chemical Principles in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, Enthalpy-entropy compensation. From this value and the solubility at 303 K, the value obtained for (¶ln a2/¶ln X2)T,P using equation (8) was 0.9994. It was found that the Apelblat model has the better quality in fitting the solubility data. A nonlinear enthalpy–entropy relationship was observed from a plot of enthalpy vs. Gibbs energy of solution. The same change in the solid phase was also found in ethanol-ethyl acetate mixtures; it was independent of the nature and cosolvent ratio and had little effect on the relative variation of solubility with solvent composition. were used to correlate the measured equilibrium solubilities. Sin embargo, en las mezclas ricas en EtOH los mecanismos intermoleculares involucrados en el proceso de solución deben ser más complejos involucrando a otras propiedades fisicoquímicas. Bull. The Extended Hildebrand Solubility Ap- proach (EHSA) was applied in the pre- Key words: acetaminophen, binary sent work to evaluate the solubility of the mixtures, extended Hildebrand solubility analgesic drug acetaminophen (paraceta- approach, solubility parameter. All rights reserved. Paracetamol, niflumic and mefenamic acids did not show any change after equilibration with the various solvents Also, thermodynamic functions of dissolution, mixing and transfer process were calculated by the van’t Hoff equation. [ Links ], 8. From Table 4 it follows that in all cases the main contributor to standard free energy of solution process of ACP is the enthalpy (greater than 62% in all cases). treatments used in compensation plots. The experimental and the Hansen solubility parameters results are very well matched. The solid phase contributes as a constant to the total solubility. ; Marcel Dekker: New York, 1988, vol. represented by the following hypothetic stages: in PG + W cosolvent mixtures at 303 K; (squares: process, are in this case, sublimation and solvation. treatment permits calculate the partial thermodynamic, contributions to solution process by means of equations. Enthalpy-entropy compensation of solution, Bustamante et al.8 have demonstrated some chemical compensation effects for the solubility of several drug compounds in aqueous cosolvent mixtures. That is, the cosolvent disrupts the ordered structure of water (like "icebergs", water-water hydrogen bonds) around de nonpolar groups of the drug, increasing the enthalpy and entropy of the system. Leffler, J. E.; Grunwald, E.; Rates and Equilibria of Organic Reactions; Wiley: New York, 1963; Tomlinson, E.; Int. solvation is calculate by means of equation (19): thermodynamic functions of solvation are presented, while, on the other hand, with the aim to compare the relativ, Because that not only the main driving force of, solvation process of drug compounds is important, b, also the balance between specific and non-specif, solvent interactions as well, therefore, parameters which, solute-solvent interaction in terms of enthalpies (%, Cyclohexane was chosen as an “inert” solvent, which, interacts with drug molecules solely by nonspecific, interactions (dispersion forces), while the cosolvent mixtures, solvents in the study of naproxen although important. Perlovich, G. L.; Kurkov, S. V.; Bauer-Brandl, A.; Eur. Therefore, the entropies of mixing are in general unfavorable (negative values: Table 5). or solvent mixtures, regardless of their different chemical nature. This value is coincident with the enthalpic change for ideal solution. The Extended Hildebrand Solubility Ap- proach (EHSA) was applied in the pre- sent work to evaluate the solubility of the analgesic drug acetaminophen (paraceta- mol) in polyethylene glycol 400 + wa- ter mixtures at 298.15 K. However, considering the overall solution process (that is, data from Table 4), entropy change is the driven force (positive values: Table 4) because the solution process includes the favorable entropy of melting (positive value: Table 4). ... 17 On the other hand, the enthalpy of solute-solvent interaction is exothermic and results mainly from van der Waals and Lewis acid-base interactions, making this process favorable to solubility. Solid-state analysis performed on the original samples (commercial products) made it possible to establish that Sci. This fact at its time is explained as entropy or enthalpy driving for solution process according to the cosolvent mixture composition. 201, No. Solid-liquid, mixtures were stirred in a mechanical shaker for 1 hour. In the aqueous media, the solubility was determined at pH 7.4 and ionic strength 0.15 mol L. The excess free energy and the activity coefficients of the solutes were also determined. Nevertheless, this is not observed in the case of ACP in water (Table 5). It is evident that ΔH ο mix values for mixing behavior of IMC in all mixtures are positive and by increasing the amount of DES, it becomes small, indicating the mixing process of IMC is an endothermic and favorable process. A partir de valores de solubilidad a diferentes temperaturas mediante las ecuaciones de Gibbs y van't Hoff se calcularon las funciones termodinámicas, energía libre, entalpía y entropía, The thermodynamic functions Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy of solution, mixing and solvation of acetaminophen in propylene [ Links ], 17. The %eH and %eS values for ACP solvation are also presented in Table 7. From 0 up, According to these authors, this fact implies a change, On the other hand, Figure 4 shows the corrected, mixtures obtaining a trend slightly more complex, compared with that presented by Bustamante and, Figure 4 shows fully that this solute-cosolv, 20% up to 80% of PG is considered an apparent linear, pure water up to 10% of PG and from 20% up to 70% of, PG the dominant mechanism for solubility is the enthalpy, while from 10% up to 20% of PG and from 70% up to, 100% of PG the dominant mechanism is the entropy, From all aspects discussed previously it can be, mixtures is very complex and highly dependent on cosolv, rich mixtures especially at 70% of PG. Biopharm. According to Romero et al.14 in the initial portion of the solubility curve, the hydrogen bonding of ACP will increases with cosolvent concentration. Experimental solubilities of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in binary and ternary mixtures of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) 200 and 400 with ethanol and water, along with the densities of the saturated and solute-free solvent mixtures at T = 298.2 K, are reported. On the other hand, the contribution of the thermodynamic functions relative to mixing process toward the solution process is variable, that is, is positive in those mixtures with PG content equal or lower than 40% and negative for all other mixtures, while the entropy of mixing () is positive in the mixture containing 20% of PG, but negative in all other mixtures. Rev. [ Links ], 12. Containing two alcohol groups, it is classed as a diol.It is miscible with a broad range of solvents, including water, acetone, and chloroform.In general, glycols are non-irritating and have very low … The experimental data for the solubility of stevioside were correlated with Apelblat and non-random two-liquid (NRTL) models. following assumptions has to be made: (a), negligible and can be considered zero or (b), ideal solubilities calculated by means of equation (1) from, 2.0%. Effects on taste and price were calculated based ed. therefore the process is always endothermic. Ethanol and propylene glycol are, probably the more widely used cosolvents in parenteral, ethanol + propylene glycol mixtures at 25.0 °C, by Grant. An increase in the temperature of fusion of the solid phase by about eight degrees was observed after equilibration of the powder with ethanol, ethyl acetate and dioxane. [ Links ], 25. Also disclosed are a method of preparing the above … Linear models with good correlation coefficients were obtained in all mixtures studied. Although, an increase of 8 °C in the melting point has been reported for ACP solid phase at equilibrium with saturated solutions having cosolvent proportions greater than 50 % (v/v),8 according to these authors, for practical purposes it may be considered that the contribution of solid phase toward the overall solution process is constant for this drug in the different saturated solutions studied. Traditionally, negative slope in water-rich mixtures has been interpreted as consequence of loosing water-structure involving a decreasing of hydrophobic interactions around non-polar moieties of the drug. 27. the pure solvents. One of the co-solvents frequently applied, is propylene glycol (PG). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the cosolvent composition on solubility and solution thermodynamics of acetaminophen in propylene glycol + water cosolvent mixtures. [ Links ], 10. ; Lea & Febiger: Philadelphia, 1993. [ Links ], 4. To predict the solubility data, Yalkowsky and extended Yalkowsky models were utilized. From 10% up to 20% of PG and from 70% up to 100% of PG, entropy driving, was found, while from pure water up to 10% of PG and from 20% up to 70% of PG, enthalpy, in the energy required for cavity formation in the solv, Acetaminophen is an analgesic and antipyretic drug, widely used in modern therapeutics. Although linear free-energy relationships are familiar research tools in pharmaceutical and biochemical science, the analysis of data in terms of a further extrathermodynamic analysis, namely enthalpy-entropy compensation, is little used. The Hildebrand solubility parameter (d) obtained for this drug in EtOH + W mixtures was 28.3 MPa1/2 (13.8 cal1/2 cm–3/2) at 25.0 °C.8 This value is outside of d values obtained with PG + W mixtures, i.e., from 30.3 MPa1/2 (14.8 cal1/2 cm–3/2) up to 47.9 MPa1/2 (23.0 cal1/2 cm–3/2). Abstract Based on van't Hoff and Gibbs equations the thermodynamic functions free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of solution, mixing and solvation of acetaminophen in ethanol + water cosolvent mixtures, were evaluated from solubility data determined at several temperatures. 1990, 58, 177. Propylene Glycol is a propanediol that exists as a clear, colorless and hygroscopic liquid and consists of propane where the hydrogens at positions 1 and 2 are substituted by hydroxyl groups. This property is calculated from the apparent specific volume of solute (ASV2) at saturation, and the mixture composition. Temperature Dependence of the Solubility of Acetaminophen in Propylene Glycol + Ethanol Mixtures, Solubility of sulfamethizole in some propylene glycol + water mixtures at several temperatures, Thermodynamic study of the solubility of triclocarban in ethanol + propylene glycol mixtures. The solubility data were accurately correlated by the famous local composition activity coefficient models including e-NRTL and UNIQUAC. On the other hand, in PG-rich mixtures (with g2 values close to 1.0), the w11 values are relatively low, whereas the w12 values are higher. This fact is partially observ, initial portion of the solubility curve, the hydrogen bonding. between molarity and mole fraction concentration scales, the density of the saturated solutions was determined, of their physicochemical properties are summa-, solution mainly as a Lewis acid in order to establish, hydrogen bonds with proton-acceptor groups in the, trated that both functional groups of this drug (-NH, proton-acceptor compound by means of its carbonyl, The ideal solubility of a crystalline solute in a liquid. Although in a more refined treatment, the partial specific volume of solute instead of ASV2 should be used, the procedure proposed here is also adequate. [ Links ], 7. The solubility was greater at 50% m/m of PG at 20.0^C, … In addition, the apparent thermodynamic properties of dissolution and mixing were studied in these solutions based on Van’t Hoff and Gibbs equations. Results indicate that enthalpy-entropy compensation analysis, when performed using the statistically correct coordinate plane of enthalpy versus free-energy, can be a most valuable tool for examining the effect of physicochemical structure on various phenomena, for verification of similarity in behaviour, and for indicating outliers from general relationships. para los procesos de solución, mezcla y solvatación de acetaminofén (ACF) en mezclas cosolventes etanol + agua (EtOH + W). [ Links ], 20. water content less than 50%. Finally, said that all values presented amply the physicochemical, information useful in the design of homogeneous liquid, Department of Pharmacy of UNC for facilitating the, Swarbrick, J.; Boylan, J. C., eds. They were composed of polyethylene glycol 4000, propylene glycol, sorbitol solution, and glycerin. Soltanpour, A. Jouyban, SOLUBILITY OF ACETAMINOPHEN AND IBUPROFEN IN BINARY AND TERNARY MIXTURES OF POLYETHYLENE GLYCOLS 200 AND 400, PROPYLENE GLYCOL, AND WATER AT 25°C, Chemical Engineering Communications, 10.1080/00986445.2013.821609, 201, 12, (1606-1619), (2014). Mettler AE 160 digital analytical balance, sensitivity ± 0.1 mg; Wrist Action, Burrel, model 75 mechanical shaker; Magni Whirl Blue M. Electric Company water baths, temperature control ± 0.05 °C; WTB Binder E28 sterilizer/drying oven; DMA 45 Anton Paar digital density meter, precision ± 0.0001 g cm–3; Abbe Carlzeiss Jena refractive meter, precision ± 0.0002; micro pipettes Nichiryo®. Based on van't Hoff and Gibbs equations the thermodynamic functions Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy of solution, mixing and solvation of acetaminophen in propylene glycol + water (PG + W) cosolvent mixtures, were evaluated from solubility data determined at several temperatures. De 0% até 20% de PG e de solução 70% até 100% de PG, foi encontrado um domínio da entropia sobre o processo, enquanto de água pura até 10% de PG e de 20% até 70% de PG, foi encontrado domínio da entropia. It was also our aim to evaluate Hansen solubility parameters in IMC solubility prediction. Liq. The solubility of stevioside (a natural sweetener) in 12 pure solvents (methanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-buthanol, 2-buthanol, 1-pentanol, 2-pentanol, 2-ethoxyethanol, 2-propoxyethanol, 2-buthoxyethanol, water, and acetone) and in binary mixed solvents (2-ethoxyethanol + water) have been determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method at temperatures ranging from 288.15 to 328.15 K and atmospheric pressure. Col. Cienc. These facts can be explained in terms of water-structure loss, and a diminishing in the energy required for cavity formation in the solvent, for mixtures from 30% up to 70% of PG. The solution process may be represented by the following hypothetic stages:21. where, fusion and mixing are the respective partial processes toward the solution process at 303 K. This approximation permits to calculate the partial thermodynamic contributions to solution process by means of equations (15) and (16). 0 up to 20% of PG and from 60 up to 100% of PG the solution process is enthalpy driven, whereas from 20 up to 60% of PG it The solubility data of each drug in the ternary and sub-binary solvent mixtures were correlated with the Jouyban−Acree … The solubilisation behaviour of ketoconazole in the binary mixtures of acetonitrile and water was studied at T = (293.2–313.2) K. The solubility data were represented with seven co-solvency models including Jouyban-Acree, Jouyban-Acree-van’t Hoff, NRTL, Wilson, UNIQUAC, combined nearly ideal binary solvent/Redlich-Kister and modified Wilson models. [ Links ], 2. where, and represent the thermodynamic functions of fusion process at harmonic temperature (303 K). It is miscible with water, acetone and chloroform. This behavior is similar to the one exhibited by sulfanilamide and other drugs in the same co-solvent mixtures. [ Links ], 26. The making of weighted graphs based on the logarithm of solubility as a function of reciprocal absolute temperature permits to obtain the apparent enthalpic change of solution by means of van't Hoff equation (equation 2): In more recent treatments, some corrections have been introduced to equation (2) in order to reduce the propagation of errors, and therefore, to separate the chemical effects from those due only to statistical treatments used in compensation plots. (2014). For ACP solubility in EtOH + W mixtures near to this composition the solution process was driven by entropy.8 At 20% of PG the solubility process is driven by the increment of entropy (>0). Pharm. This process decreases solubility. Abstract The solubilities of acetaminophen and ibuprofen in the mixtures of propylene glycol–water, of polyethylene glycol 600–propylene glycol, and of polyethylene glycol 600–propylene glycol–water at 25 °C are determined and mathematically represented by the Jouyban–Acree model. For solubility of ACP in EtOH + W, Bustamante and coworkers8 obtained a nonlinear trend using seven cosolvent compositions, including the pure solvents. It is demonstrated that nonlinear as well as linear functional dependencies are readily detectable when enthalpy estimates are plotted vs. free energy estimates.

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